Lest one thinks perhaps I am gifted. Alas NO!! Hours and hours at this with many,many more to come. I have quite the advantage over most. Winds here are some of the best inland flying to be had. Short week for me is 15 hours. Most are 20+. 50 yards to my kite shed, then 75 to my flying field.Got a variety of kites for 2 mph to 40 mph. It is awful close to kite heaven I think. Yesterday flew the Widow in 8 to 12 in pretty steady winds. 14 degrees but it did warm up to a balmy 18 when I quit. The new move has already helped on the Cynique. Caught the best one ever center window in about 8. Then right foot started getting cold. Blew the dang side out of my boot. Frost is about gone and temps are warming nicely.Cmon Comete, Cascade and Cynique. Hope nothing breaks 😰.