Went out on the Mind Trick vented with the heavy spreader on 100'x 90# lines. Measured 15 to 20 and was pumped.Winds picked up and was thinking I'd better get the 150#. Pop there goes the 90#. Made it 102' cause well things happen so not a big deal. Back up on the 150# and starting to get in the groove as I do love high wind flying. Once again not paying much attention to the rise in wind. Getting good at pulling off some tricks at the side and as I come back into the power zone exit at an upward angle and head for the top. Then I try moving them closer and closer to the center.Coming out a wind shear, straight line or whatever you want to call it hit.Dirt blowing and me in a hellfire panic. Not even fully in the power zone and I got pulled a good 20 yards trying to maintain control getting to the side.Line didn't break but man I gotta get a 200# set soon. Took what seemed like a good 2 minutes to get the kite belly down nose into the wind.Took every skill I had and was really scared for the kite. Without some high wind flying on the Delta Hawk don't know if I could of done it without crashing the kite.Maybe tumbling it to pieces.NOT FUN AT ALL!!!Had to wait for the wind to drop a bit before taking the kite down and finished in the shed.Wind hit at the right angle to lift the edge of my loafing shed and chicken coops roofing.Roofs have been on for 12 years and have been thru some winds.This is their 1st damage. This time some minor repairs are needed. House and barn are set a little different so I haven't seen any damage. After winds dropped some I got the lines rolled up and measured 40 to 45 mph. Winds have dropped but I've had enough excitement for the day.Sitting here I'm extremely pleased I got the kite thru that unscathed.Opened the kite back up in the shed. Don't know how there couldn't be some stretch to the sail but I couldn't see anything noticeable YET.Is a Lam kite worth $500.00? After that experience my Mind Trick vented is without a doubt!! Don't EVER want to go thru something like that again.