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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2019 in all areas

  1. I'm liking the "racing stripes" look. Black and White checkers on a red sail could be cool.
    1 point
  2. Is it a reflex? Probably 65 foot lines which are a bit harder to learn on, IE... handle input gets to kite faster...compared to longer lines. Slow, small, inputs.
    1 point
  3. Another tip - NEVER have someone else wind up your lines!! They are a mess? You are to blame! Not the wife, kids, or guy you just met on the field!! YOU!! Here's a bit of a chuckle for those reading and know the pain: I used to wind my lines on a single winder, but as separate pairs. I would larkshead the left pair together, then straight wind them on, Go back to the kite and larkshead the right pair and figure 8 those over the others. 2 trips. One day, I'm at a clinic of John's and it's time to pack up. So I start my routine of two lines and look over to see John. There's just the hint of a smile creeping into his face as he sees me doing my thing. I yell out - " I know this works!" to him. He looks at me and says - "But I know this works too!" Anyway we all pack up. So the next time I'm alone, I decide to test his method. I had some 50' lines and figured - if they get in a mess, it's only 50', not 120's, so let's try this. So I tried and it worked! Next time I tried it on 80' - it worked again! Finally I used it on 120's - yes!! Now I have some very minor differences that are my own, but all the basics are still in use! I prefer to use 2 stakes. After hooking up lines to handles, I separate the handles by a couple feet. Then I unwind to the kite end. If you have wound them before, there should be 2 pairs. Take a pair in each hand and spread your hands apart. All the wraps you saw unwinding, should fall out. If you are like me and my color code, you can trade hands around to end.up with the sets completely separated, using a little pressure on them. Hook up your kite and ready to go with just a twist in a pair or so - no biggie. Another way is to stick a finger between the pairs as you unwind. If they haven't passed through each other, you should be able to end up with pairs again. No matter what method you end up using - IF IT WORKS and you're comfortable with it - DO IT THE SAME WAY - EVERY TIME! Make it habit. The less you mess with the process, the better off!
    1 point
  4. Nope, kite in hand and shot with iPhone 6. That'd be more like this...
    1 point
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