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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2020 in all areas

  1. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. The winner of this drawing will receive one brand new Kaiju indoor / urban kite by Kite Forge ($125 value). Actual prize kite is BLACK w/ RED TIPS (not shown in the video above). Lines are NOT included, recommendation is between 7'-12' of 50# line. == Info on the Kite Forge website: http://kiteforge.com/product/kaiju/ http://kiteforge.com/help-tutorials/ == If you haven't done so already, You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/408, and will be drawn on May 10th, 2020! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin.
    1 point
  2. Its finally happening! The extensive "Quad 101" orientation and roundtable discussion that I do at the start of every Quad Clinic is now going online, where pilots anywhere in the world can join in and participate - I've already had a 3 hour dry run on the webinar platform and it went GREAT with moderation, descriptions, demonstration and exploration. 12 spots open for this first one, gonna be fun and a fraction of what it usually costs to actually go to a clinic, do it from home! Registration link: https://us04web.zoom.us/webinar/register/4515858876563/WN_XhZ472DcQM6k5VgGm_gHkA
    1 point
  3. 5 spots filled for the first one already! Already scheduled it again for 1pm Sunday, in case folks can't make it for Saturday. https://us04web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_U_D2dEFZS2uTYpCZebwnEg
    1 point
  4. I think that the very process of announcing and sharing what one is doing (as you do here) puts some kind of pressure to finish whatever project that is ongoing. Good luck with your kite making!
    1 point
  5. Really, I’m quite eager to get this one, to close the circle. I started out years ago with the conviction: -”Naah, QLKs are for others - I’m a DLKer only”. OK, tried QLKs and “got stuck” there for soon three years now, but for a long time thought that zero wind was not for mortals. Then I got properly started with indoor/zero wind piloting about half a year ago, still sticking to QLKs. While keeping a zero/low wind focus (the available nearby parking makes this kind of a natural choice) a return to DLKs could be through the Kaiju (which will obviously arrive here in Northern Europe any time soon b.t.w. 🙂 ).
    1 point
  6. I think it's prudent to err on the side of caution. If the risk is avoidable . . .
    1 point
  7. I think they say 72 hours. We get groceries delivered, take out food, Amazon deliveries, all still happening - getting one package from a KL member shouldn't be handled any different. I say make it a PSA moment too, and if folks don't want to leave it in the garage for 3-4 days, they don't have to play. Whatevers clever, seriously - I'll leave it up to all of you, long as it's conscientious. 😘
    1 point
  8. Sorry, the reason you don't see my post is that I deleted it because I posted it without checking if coronavirus was transmittable by objects. I was assuming it was since they keep saying to clean frequently touched surfaces and not touch my face. I don't know for sure if it can be and am researching that.
    1 point
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