you can get anything you desire,... IF you're patient, financially motivated or important lives are truly in jeopardy!
You are building a line (set) from a single strand, placing the stopper knot into that strand BEFORE forming the attachment loop.
The pig-tail is that part that loop attaches to, if will never be anywhere except on that bridle or the leaders for handles.
The sleeving is another tangle point on the bridle when throwing acres or slack, heck I have even tangled the handle ends too. Slack where you can walk into it, not just catch a shirt button or wrist-watch, real slack where you are expected to step into it!
The knot the protects spectra from cutting itself is the "figure of eight", the center is four thicknesses of line. In more than two decades of flight with this technique applied, I have never had a knot fail
The stopper knot allows gloves or easy removal in the dark.
Winding up the lines onto the handles simplifies the next session (just unwind to a stake, separate the lines, then affix) and eases the pain of putting it away too.
It is pretty apparent reading my posts, that I don't do anything like others have been taught. It's a choice, not a flaw!