Neither is particularly novice friendly, both will experience damage and require repairs after hard crashes. Beginners crash hard and crash often. Both will require several repairs as you learn tricks. Plan on replacing multiple spars learning tip stabs and coin tosses.
For a true beginner friendly kite go for a small parafoil or a durable model like the FW Beetle. These can still be damaged but are likely to survive major crashes unharmed.
People often hand over kites to strangers knowing they are fun, willingly risking $20-$50 repairs, or hundreds in replacement costs, often because they have backup parts in their bag due to other repairs. I have had a few times when I reassure a beginner after swapping a broken spar, then handing the lines right back out. I don't harp on the money for the spar and shipping, their observation is that I pulled one spar out of a bag containing about 30 total carbon fiber spars so it must be somewhat normal. I may warn them it is the only replacement I have for that specific rod, but I encourage, tell them it happens sometimes, and teach them how to improve. And I hope they don't break another part.