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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Looks tight enough to me.Tightening the LE bungees actually creates that billow you want. A straight LE leaves the sail flat and tends to "slide" thru the air, not trapping any air. Almost every factory kite needs this slight adjustment to the LE. Just don't introduce any vertical wrinkles, good sign of overtightening...
    1 point
  2. I have a Hypno Twister (https://www.premierkites.com/collections/hypno-twisters) I put up, after a while you can learn to gauge which kite to put up by how fast is is spinning. Also see attached...
    1 point
  3. Portland Area Kite Flyers group link... https://www.facebook.com/groups/400676919957980/
    1 point
  4. Delta was a great place before everything grew up around there! Trees are now 3 times bigger, commercial growth has put up buildings, etc. And like John said - lots of people use the parking area we use for flying, as an off leash dog run. Just not what it used to be. Broughton Beach isn't far away from there and is closer to the river. There are little pockets of good flying - but - now that school has started, you can't use their fields during school hours. Maybe nights and/or weekends depending on whether they are promised out to football, soccer, lacrosse teams. If it comes down to us or them - guess who moves or leaves! But there are little parks around that can be used. Make up a set of short lines that help you fit in just about any space! I have 30' and 50' that fit almost anywhere! Or if you want to try something different, with the weather changing, I fly indoors over here in Clackamas! Just north of Oregon City/Gladstone, I use an indoor soccer center all year round during the day, except nights or weekends.Games and practices are scheduled every night and all weekend, but all day is pretty much open, Use it infrequently during summers, weather is too good, and it's hot in there, but I use it all winter! Are you also on FB? Have a page over there, Portland Area Kite Flyers, setup to let each other know things like schedules, events, etc. Welcome to join in the fun!
    1 point
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