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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2021 in all areas

  1. I flew a kite today. It had been some time since I had. The winds of Spring were calling & I had an old friend with me. The Zephyr knows me well. It was my first good kite. I am not a great flier but modesty is a good trait for someone always learning. Don't know why it had been so long, probably over a year. Maybe life seems tough at times or has too many distractions but there is really no reason not to indulge. I had missed the wind on the back of my neck. I did seem to still remember how to not crash. Pulled off a few tricks, made some blunders but did some successful ground recoveries. I enjoyed the concentration involved that allowed me to focus & zone out into the moment of flight. The winds were fickle as the usually are here in the mountains. Varied from dead calm to gusts that made me park at the top with the lines whining. Love the whine. Hope I don't have such a pause again. If I always carry some kites with me I will surely fly some more. Best wishes from SHBKF
    2 points
  2. Got this quad at the Kites For Cancer auction. Pd250 by Paul Dugard
    1 point
  3. Quite a few floating around Europe. Doubt any made it over the big pond.
    1 point
  4. some quads lend themselves to push-pull (Spirit and TC Ultras) as opposed to wrist rotation, (Revolution derivatives) Some are best at no wind vs. beach gusting no kite enjoys turbulent air some fliers like short string lengths and some go long "take the best, dump the rest"... = Everyone will offer advice, take their best stuff, make it your own, anything that doesn't fit you perfectly discard, repeat until you have your own unique style, visually recognizable, not by the kites you fly, NO by the way you fly kites! Enjoy the journey and your best investment is still a road trip (to meet up with others, you want to learn & they want to share) I have about 60 quads in all different styles and configurations, but the first one was a "Backtracker", followed by two Rev2s used from the Kiteloft, then a vented and a SUL 1.5 (it rained the day of delivery). My favorite kite is probably the Zen, I have owned four of them. Each was repaired repeatedly by Master surgeon before funeral rites were offered up. I am a big fan of Eliot Shook and Bazz Poulter as kite builders. They will do exactly what you've paid for, regardless if that means deviating from the approved standard or trying something kooky out. (SUL leading edge sleeve on high wind vented kites, covers over knots, extra reinforcing patches, custom materials) What I like, you very well may not, choices are good enough for everyone to share the sky and enjoy each others company. Welcome!
    1 point
  5. From the album: Riffclown's Homemades

    My 72" collection. I had 15 last week but the two lime and Black builds are in new hands.
    1 point
  6. It's a nice kite. Had more success doing a Wap-do-wap on the Veyron than anything before and since. Dod a straight swap for a Hugo, which i liked even better but not ideal for my flying site. Both have moved onto pastures new now.
    1 point
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