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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Welcome to the forums zombee, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  2. Welcome to the forums rskiba, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  3. Welcome to the forums rykerev, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  4. We get hot and cold days on the forum, most post in waves. That was my favorite video of yours so far. I'd still suggest checking out the longer top leaders on the handles. Stock 1.5 handles are basically stuck in drive and you have to reach WAY down to get the brakes, this also causes wind to spill too easily off the trailing edge. Lengthening the top lines is equivalent to trimming a sail on a boat, capturing more pressure, making the boat / kite go faster. Extend them TOO far, then of course, your get a stop or reverse in direction. All about tuning and balance.
  5. Six spots gone, six left.
  6. Yep, video needs to be opened to the public - your fans await!
  7. Five spots gone, seven left.
  8. Four spots gone, eight left.
  9. Found it, thanks - posting for others. https://www.youtube.com/user/uujjames/videos
  10. By the way, I just realized - the author of this topic (Elliott) passed away several months ago. Sorry to be the bearer of sad news, he was well liked and very passionate about indoor / glider kites.
  11. I think I've seen this first hand, I'm just curious to see everyone's favorite videos of it... Clearly an art, it's beautiful, very Tai Chi. Thanks for the props, love to do my thing!
  12. How has no one posted any video of this here yet?
  13. In addition to the free ones, you might also check out these premium tutorials as they're directly relevant to sail pressure and more or less brake. http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/684-rev-tutorial-tuning-theory-i/ http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/702-rev-tutorial-sail-loading/
  14. Two spots gone, ten left.
  15. That's the idea, you work on 1-2 specific things at a time, over and over until it becomes 2nd nature. Then that part is automatic, and you work on the next 1-2 things. I can only imagine the neurological challenge(s), but please understand no one is truly critiquing, just mutually discussing... I think everyone has said your flying is good and that there is improvement through the timeline of your videos, no debate there - but there's always more, in big or small steps.
  16. Or here... Pigtails (tuning your Rev with knotted leaders)
  17. Welcome to the forums swifty_canada, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  18. Welcome to the forums Mark Schultz, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  19. Welcome to the forums andykaplan, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  20. Join us for two full days of REV TEAM FLYING instruction in Long Beach WA on September 19-20, 2015... We'll be covering everything from absolute basics (FIRST TIME TEAM FLIERS) all the way up through advanced techniques and team flying, as well as providing short flight routines that are sure to help your skills along while having fun at the same time. Mark my words - if you can launch your Rev all the way to the top of the window and back down to the ground again, even if it still wiggles a lot, you already know enough to participate in this class... In true beginning team flying, we don't cross lines or try to follow other kites through the sky, it's initially based on things that we all learned in our first flights. Saturday morning will start with a full "101" presentation many key aspects of Rev Team flying and related theory... From there, I'll start with leading 5 pilots at a time through simple team exercises so we build familiarity with having other kites nearby - as the day goes on, we'll rotate all students through the line and increase the variety and complexity of the maneuvers as everyones skills improve. Again, the team exercises will be formatted to give everyone an excellent opportunity to succeed and difficulty will be raised as we improve... If any student runs into a severely difficult aspect, they will be supported and assisted to overcome - if its a real sticking point, remedial information will be provided so they can step off the line and polish the new skill(s) as needed. PLEASE NOTE: This is also a great event for budding team leaders (callers) to flex their wings on the front of the line as we eventually have 2-3 squads of 4-6 pilots going at any given time. Students will use their own kites, 120' length is absolutely mandatory. Your lines must be spectra or Skybond for team flying. Testimonials - http://tinyurl.com/jb-testimonials Registration is $150 per person and includes full access to the clinic on both days (10a-4p). Please note, there are only 12 spots available and we expect them to fill up very quickly. Currently registered to attend: 1. Mark F. 2. Kari F. 3. Terry R. 4. Sandy L. 5. Raemon B. 6. Eric M. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Follow this event on Facebook too! https://www.facebook.com/events/468833296620984/ Student Name Skill Level (0-10)
  21. Welcome to the forums Mark Schultz, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  22. Pros and cons, etc are probably best summarized here... http://kitelife.com/kl-archive/issue-81-around-the-bend/
  23. Welcome to the forums cippatto88, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  24. Welcome to the forums HenriD, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

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