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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. That was a copy/paste, already been home for 2 days, but I thought about you during the clinic.
  2. More photos and direct video viewing here, you definitely don't need a Facebook account to look around. https://www.facebook.com/events/1676845649205935/
  3. 8b5d6c1474666d2eacdc3c26ee307d22 ">Posted by John Barresi on Saturday, August 8, 2015
  4. 8b5d6c1474666d2eacdc3c26ee307d22 ">Posted by John Barresi on Saturday, August 8, 2015
  5. 8b5d6c1474666d2eacdc3c26ee307d22 ">Posted by John Barresi on Friday, August 7, 2015
  6. 8b5d6c1474666d2eacdc3c26ee307d22 "> Mark Heatley in his first team flying lesson Posted by Tina Chesser Heatley on Sunday, August 9, 2015
  7. "At RDU waiting for my flight home and reminiscing... What a truly amazing week, highly successful private lessons (Thu/Fri) and Rev Clinic (Sat/Sun), jam-packed with good times, lots of learning and a lot of zen. Deeply, madly, love to all who participated / attended... Marshall, Chip and Caroline Earp, Ed Rexrode, Scott Parrish, Juan Leon and Patricia Jean Salem, Mark and Tina Chesser Heatley, Tom and Ruth Lawson, Aaron and Shelly Turnage, Tim Plyler and Barry Beach... Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE made significant advances in their flying, each bringing their own unique flavor and personality to the event (as it should be). Special thanks to Marshall Henderson for his wonderful friendship and hosting while I was in North Carolina. Another big tip of the hat as well to Don and Geri Dixon of Kites Unlimited for their long history of making happy kitefliers on the Crystal Coast." Video links... https://www.facebook.com/bbeach4now/videos/o.1676845649205935/10153542255474458/ https://www.facebook.com/patricia.j.salem/videos/o.1676845649205935/10153224210758401/ https://www.facebook.com/patricia.j.salem/videos/o.1676845649205935/10153224155893401/
  8. Welcome to the forums hallah60, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  9. Our pleasure Marcus, glad to see a prize headed to Europe again too.
  10. If you find anywhere good to fly, be sure and add it to the KiteMap database. http://www.kitemap.org
  11. This workshop is sold out, student list updated. Thanks to all, dress warm and lets have some November fun!
  12. Aye, all personal preference - I find 15" gives me too much length, and requires a bit more leverage focus to operate accurately. 13" is all I use on any Rev type, be it Rev II, 1.5 or Zen.
  13. Sorry to say, the only active PA group that I'm familiar with is the Susquehanna Tethered Areodyne Pilots (S.T.A.P.). https://www.facebook.com/groups/349416071821449/ They're an awesome crew, but I believe their home field is near York.
  14. We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way. This is a brand new Power Foil 2.6 quad line power kite from Skydog Kites, roughly a $240 value! PowerFoil 2.6 Stock Number: 22526 Dimensions: 104" x 38" Materials: Ripstop Nylon Sail Skill Level: Intermediate - Advanced Wind Range: 8-25mph Line Set: Line Set: 300lb & 150lb x 80ft, 135kg & 70kg x 25m Dyneema with quad line handle Video online - https://youtu.be/ryk0Co_lcp4?t=33s Info on the Skydog website - http://skydogkites.com/traction/PowerFoil_2.6.shtml If you haven't done so already, You can sign up here. Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/330, and will be drawn on September 25th, 2015! Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin.
  15. Me and TK arrive sometime this Friday.
  16. Just wait 'til I get there Nick... One of my focuses this year will be getting all the newbies their first taste of team flying. Quell that fear, it's not what you imagine... I've got it down to a science, if you can go all the way up to the top of the window and back down, you can do what I'll be laying down! Come see me, we've got a date.
  17. Welcome to the forum Deadheadkeg! This thread embodies everything I love about this particular community. It didn't "get there" right away, but open discourse certainly paved the road - a pleasure to read through, all. As has been expressed before, you took the first solid step which is to obtain a reputable kite design (at any price). Indeed, check out Dodd's videos and others (multiple links below), the other thing I'd like to offer is regarding the quality of the included line/string. https://www.youtube.com/user/Doddtunes/videos https://www.youtube.com/user/michaelhart/videos It might be fairly low end and may be a little stretchy, but at very least, make sure both lines are of equal length, verify this by tethering one end of both lines to something solid, pull them tight, and fix any offset in the line lengths - this is paramount to making sure the wheels on your car are all the same size. Let us know how it goes, I'm sure we'd all benefit from hearing how the Freeboard works out for you. Again, welcome!
  18. Woohoo, got a winner! Our lucky subscriber is month is #1233, this brand new Dream On is going home with Marcus Farthing (aka Badger6lr)! Heartfelt congratulations to Marcus, ad deepest thanks to all for your ongoing support. Look for a new prize to go up shortly!
  19. Alrighty, I'm reconciling our subscriber list as we speak - stand by for a winner!
  20. Newest additions... 1287 - @srljlee 1288 - @Roger_Lingelem 1289 - @Mitro 330 active subscribers as of 8/11/15.
  21. Welcome to the forums Saltlakeflyer, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  22. Gotcha. I'm a bit under slept, I probably could have worded that more elegantly.
  23. Lovingly I say, you don't know what you don't know... Don't undervalue the suggested changes, it may feel good, but it can feel even better with a 75 cent fix.
  24. On most Revs, this sound comes from wind spilling off the back edge of the kite (as you described)... Try lengthening your top lines (using the adjustable leaders) by another 1/2" at a time, until the sound only happens occasionally.
  25. Welcome to the forums Mattias, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

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