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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. You may have a really aggressive ad blocker, as the images are direct Amazon iframe banners. I've just added URLs below each one so the images are at least accessible.
  2. Found it... http://amzn.to/1VWmKjO
  3. Welcome to the forums JPhelps, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  4. Depends on the venue, either total blocked out urban (1 kite) or mixed conditions (2 sails). Most cases though, I just have the one kite, lines and handles all attached, in a kite sleeve.
  5. Full event info - http://www.kitesandbirds.com/ckf.html Was advised the info on that page is out of date, try this one instead... https://www.facebook.com/Kites-Unlimited-BirdStuff-etc-82661657778/
  6. As most of you know, I do some pretty heavy travel for kiting sometimes and deal with my kite bag(s) in two layers... Figured I'd lay it out somewhere for posterity. Quick list - http://johnbarresi.com/gear/ One, I have the main travel bag which contains everything including clothes and my normal kite bag: http://amzn.to/1VWmXn7 Inside that, I have one of these two "normal" kite bags... Breeze Fabrice Works bag Rev Multi-Kite Bag (official) Everything in the "field kite bag" is arranged so my weakest kites are down the center of the burrito roll and anything in the pockets are arranged to balance pressure and avoid poking fragile areas. Packed in the remaining space (around the field kite bag / inside the airline kite bag) are my clothes and such, using various kinds of modular bags like these... http://amzn.to/1Ghs4Hx All of that gets strapped with something like this... http://amzn.to/1LdsopA And the zippers get locked with this... http://amzn.to/1PlyBDM Then the whole shebang gets checked (airplane cargo). I'm very lucky - during my 23 years of airline travel for kiting (literally hundreds of flights), I've never lost a bag for more than a couple days, and the only [very rare] damage has been to the main outer bag (wear and tear), or to SUL dual line spars (this can be overcome with PVC tubing sheathes for delicate items). Packing this way, I only have to carry one big bag and a couple of small carry on bags.
  7. Aye, I only use mine as an "assassin's case" when I'm urban flying... Good for 2 kites on walkabout and little else.
  8. In just one instance, I came across a factory made B-Series full vent where the sail hadn't been laid flat enough when the venting was sewn on - this created ripples in the fabric around the vent panels and pulled things oddly so that no matter what we did... 1. Set good balance of brake / forward to minimize wind spillage. 2. Equalized bottom lines to ensure trailing edge control. 3. Flew in 10-14 mph, plenty to load up / inflate the sail. 4. Moderated flight speed (should silence any sail). After all that, the kite STILL fluttered and we traced it all back to the sail / vent sewing issue. The Rev platform is very forgiving to small construction errors at the end of the day, but unprovoked sail flutter is one thing I cannot abide by.
  9. Welcome to KL!
  10. Their official update... 3766df493acf3673b1467c8d1b796437 "> Dear Rev family, and Pro flyers, regarding the most recent Pro kites- we have addressed your concerns and have resolved... Posted by Revolution Kites on Friday, October 9, 2015
  11. Welcome to the forums gideon, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  12. Welcome to the forums slmarti, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  13. Welcome to the forums Hangar Pilot, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  14. If that doesn't cure it, please try to share some close up photos of the vented area and maybe video from right under the kite as it flies by (while making the noise).
  15. Welcome to the forums Dave362, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  16. I can probably find my way into one, you should direct it to more needing hands - thanks though.
  17. Hi Greg, welcome to KL! Your post totally tipped me over into making a new forum section for new member introductions, thanks for making it obvious enough (even for me). lol Have fun, you're in great hands with these folks!
  18. Welcome to the forums Mr.Lane, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

    1. Mr.Lane


      Thanks JB, will do!

  19. I need a Snapshot 1.9 for the bag, great teaching tool, very precise too.
  20. Just so happens we're giving one away to our subscribers next month. B-Series STD Package (11/10/15)
  21. Wow, 5 deep already - nice!
  22. Welcome to the forums Nige, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  23. Welcome to the forums FloridaRoadie, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  24. Welcome to the forums Mafketel, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  25. Welcome to the forums skyclimber, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

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