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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Air dry on the winder, on a counter in the house.
  2. Welcome to the forums Christian Lefroit, please send me a PM if you have any questions and please consider supporting our website as an official subscriber by signing up at http://join.kitelife.com - thanks! :)

  3. In no particular order, all these YouTube uploads have the same CC available. Revolution Tutorial - Larks Head Knot (quad line stunt kite) Revolution Tutorial - Line Equalizing (quad line stunt kite) Revolution Tutorial - Flat Relaunch (quad line stunt kite) Revolution Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly (quad line stunt kite) Rev Tutorial - Line Management (quad kite) Revolution Tutorial - Basic Hovers ( quad line stunt kite )
  4. Not sure if it's sufficient, but quite a few (16) of our tutorial downloads have true word for word CC available, they're listed on this page... http://kitelife.com/forum/files/category/116-subtitles/
  5. Our latest prize, going out to one lucky winner's Christmas tree on December 25th, 2015! This is the exact same kite that I fly - literally, when I take a new one out of the bag I just add the weights and adjust the bridle to the "nose back" position at the top spreader fittings... Stock, and ready to rock. Kymera, $225 value! This package includes kite, removable weights and kite sleeve! NOTE: Primary color of the kite in this drawing is BLUE, with WHITE and GREY. -- Click here to sign up -- Odds of winning are currently 1/334, drawing will be on December 25th, 2015! Our thanks, and the very best of luck to all of you...
  6. I was kind of thinking the same thing. lol
  7. And here we go... Lucky #482, this beautiful sky cruiser is going home with Barry Tislow! Thanks everyone, great [kind hearted] trash talking on this one... I had a good chat with the RNG, and although s/he is incapable of rewarding any one individual effort, but s/he respects the collective effort very much and will continue trying to bring better and better opportunities for everyone. Regards, stay tuned for the next prize coming up very soon!
  8. New family additions... 1312 - @chocokiter 1313 - @plackettsj1 1314 - @killian4u
  9. I'm up, I'm up... All day travel from Montreal yesterday, been playing catch up - stand by, winner coming soon.
  10. Welcome to the forums JarrydPerry, please send me a PM if you have any questions and please consider supporting our website as an official subscriber by signing up at http://join.kitelife.com - thanks! :)

  11. Welcome to the forums killian4u, please send me a PM if you have any questions and please consider supporting our website as an official subscriber by signing up at http://join.kitelife.com - thanks! :)

  12. Welcome to the forums Sjakie, please send me a PM if you have any questions and please consider supporting our website as an official subscriber by signing up at http://join.kitelife.com - thanks! :)

  13. Welcome to the forums plackettsj1, please send me a PM if you have any questions and please consider supporting our website as an official subscriber by signing up at http://join.kitelife.com - thanks! :)

  14. Welcome to the forums QcRail, please send me a PM if you have any questions and please consider supporting our website as an official subscriber by signing up at http://join.kitelife.com - thanks! :)

  15. As it arrives at a store, the Kymera has a weight permanently attached near the t-piece and a weight on the bottom tip of the spine... In a small ziplock inside the sleeve, are two additional weights that can be added to the bottom of the spine. My own Kymera is set up with all the weights and the bridle setting "nose back" (adjusted at the top spreader fittings).
  16. I'm a big fan of Black Race myself, but especially a big fan of the Diamond rods for anything under 4mph.
  17. Quote of the week.
  18. No reply, posted in April, closing and marking as SOLD.
  19. As with many other forums, the members here have started their own Karma drawing... Check out how folks are paying it forward - Karma Drawings No cost to enter, only reciprocity if you win!
  20. Here's the best reference I have at the moment... http://kitelife.com/kl-archive/issue-44-weight-basics-and-control/
  21. Theresa *might* have some at http://www.thekiteshoppe.com, plus she supports KiteLife. If not, I was in Kites Unlimited just a couple months ago and they had several Rev bags on the shelf. They don't do online sales, but a quick phone call to Don, Geri, Brett, Frankie or any of their folks can help. http://kitesandbirds.com/ku.html
  22. Hi CACO, welcome to KiteLife! I think you might find a lot of the answers you're looking for among the pinned topics here... Quad Heads
  23. Adding... KiteBase is still known as one of the deepest archives of plans. http://www.kiteplans.org
  24. Just refreshing this topic... Hoping to do the upgrade sometime in the next couple weeks. I've been waiting for someone to update our subscription module, but it looks like the particular addon we use might not be updated for compatibility with the newer versions of our forum software - if this is the case after all is said and done, we'll likely be migrating subscription functions to a new module that is native to the forum software. Anyway, sorry for the tech-babble... Short version? Forum will look different, subscription functions will look different, but we'll still be here chatting away.
  25. Welcome to the forums ruthl1, please send me a PM if you have any questions and please consider supporting our website as an official subscriber by signing up at http://join.kitelife.com - thanks! :)

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