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KiteLife Forum

John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. From the album: 2015 Shanghai Auto Show

    Indoor Rev and iTrix
  2. Aye, short and skinny of it... Gotta have a body of work, well distributed, that folks can find... Helps to have a lot of variety, good presentation, accolades, and some portfolio work is good too (like my work for Red Bull, Cavalia, etc). In this case, they found Tristan and I exactly this way - just Google and YouTube searching for kite performers.
  3. UPDATE: We'll initially meet just south of the Pacific Blvd beach approach (2nd down from Shilo)... Key is to get away from traffic, and to arrange vehicles / driftwood in such a way that it discourages people from driving through our kites. If you need to reach me for any reason, my cell is 503-890-0280 (call or text).
  4. Welcome to the forums Rabbit7, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  5. Welcome to the forums Gasmanwj, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  6. Rock on, that short video clip tells me you're on the road to success.
  7. Latest subscribers... 1264 @handymanrae 1265 @n9bav 1266 @rfcaddell 1267 @steve38844 1268 @122333 1269 @Johner 1270 @ncvany
  8. Undecided, but I'm guessing between the two first approaches somewhere around this marker.
  9. Welcome to the forums heylinb4nz, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  10. What a trip. Will update with photos and respond to questions here in the next week.
  11. I'm baaaack... In Seattle now, awaiting my flight home. Our server has China blocked entirely... Could view using a VPN, but it stripped out the actual text entry boxes for replies. Anyway, thanks Barton for minding the store while I was gone.
  12. Woohoo, back stateside, let me know if anyone has questions.
  13. And remember, the EXP does NOT come with the (ultimately necessary) extended adjustable top leaders... Did you already tap into this info?
  14. Welcome to the forums SHE535301, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

    1. SHE535301


      謝謝你的歡迎 喜歡你的B系列 來逛逛

  15. Welcome to the forums SHE535301, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  16. Welcome to the forums gpkoepfler, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

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