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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Yep, what he said.
  2. Some examples of Indoor Rev flying...
  3. Some photos from our gathering there last year. Beautiful place to fly!
  4. Join us for two full days of quad instruction near Fort Macon on the beautiful shore of Atlantic Beach, North Carolina on August 8-9, 2015... We'll be covering everything from absolute basics (pure beginner) all the way up through advanced techniques and team flying, as well as providing short flight routines that are sure to help your skills along while having fun at the same time. Saturday morning is always a group presentation, full 101 on the ins and outs of Rev equipment and related theory, this covers a metric ton of stuff that even the "pros" think they know, but don't... From there, we usually go through the fundamentals of clean launching, landing and control methods... Students then break up onto their own kites to work on the "homework" (maneuver combinations) that I'll distribute beforehand, during which instructor(s) will make the rounds between each flier, offering supporting instruction, as well as addressing individual interests. Sunday is the same without a 101 presentation, followed by a couple hours of team skills introduction to close out the day. Students will use their own kites, any line length will work (80'-90' is very common) but 120' length will be required for team exercises. Must be spectra or Skybond lines for team flying. Testimonials - http://tinyurl.com/jb-testimonials Registration is $150 per person and includes full access to the clinic on both days (10a-4p)... Please note, there are only 12 spots available and we expect them to fill up very quickly. Follow this event on Facebook too! https://www.facebook.com/events/1676845649205935/ Signed up so far: 1. Marshall H 2. Scott P 3. Ed R 4. Chip E 5. J.L. 6. P.S. 7. Mark H 8. Barry B 9. Ruth L 10. Aaron T 11. Tim P 12. For anyone who needs equipment or parts while in town, you can get pretty much anything you need from the Dixon family and Kites Unlimited & BirdStuff, etc.​, just a few minutes away from the field. Student Name Skill Level
  5. Some other light wind references... http://kitelife.com/kl-archive/issue-39-milking-the-breeze/ http://kitelife.com/kl-archive/issue-40-milking-the-breeze-part-2/
  6. Welcome to the forums sgtpeper67, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  7. Aye, when you add a reply using "quick reply" at the bottom of a topic, it will only append your new post and doesn't update the whole page (saves loading times)... If you used the "More Reply Options" or any reply where it comes up on its own page, then the following page would be fully updated. All good, although I'm bittersweet about 4 events upcoming (in a row), especially without a team behind me... Seems I've lost some of my zest for the festival circuit, really going to focus on NW local, grassroots U.S. education and overseas events in 2016. Anyway, back to topic - thanks for letting me know about the oddity.
  8. Welcome to the forums Parallaxus, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  9. Or try some of the shops listed on the forum home page, they do help keep this resource going.
  10. Skyclad, sorry I didn't get in on this discussion earlier but (1) I knew you were in very good hands with these folks and (2) I think its often better to get this kind of information from people "in the trenches", closer to where your perspective is... Just having read through this whole topic, you're on track, really truly enjoyed your accounts of trial, challenge and success. A++++ I have nothing to add that hasn't already been covered, except to include the link below for the 3rd time... Far as I'm concerned, it's one of the most important things anyone with an EXP needs to know and add. http://www.revkites....-your-thoughts/ Rock on good sir.
  11. Aye aye, look for a full education schedule next year.
  12. Hi all, Just giving a tiny bit of advance notice, as we'll be upgrading the forum software sometime in the next month. We've done this periodically as small updates become available (v3.1, v3.2, etc) and is pretty unnoticeable, but the forum software we use has reached another full version (v4) and the general appearance will change pretty significantly. Core functions will be the same, just a matter of looking for buttons in slightly different places and getting used to the new layout... Plus, there will be some added functionality. The core of this upgrade comes down to stability and security, just like if you don't upgrade your computer operating system for too long, it bogs down and is more susceptible to malicious attack... Our last major upgrade like this was probably 3-4 years ago, so it's high time. For a few weeks after the upgrade, I'll be tracking down any plugins and functionality that may need to be upgraded as well - feel free to let me know if you see anything missing and I'll do what I can. Of course, you can ALWAYS reach out for support by replying to this topic (preferred) or sending a PM or email to me directly via info (at) kitelife (dot) com Thanks so much for your patience, ever onward!
  13. Welcome to the forums Mujician, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  14. Good question - the first and main challenge is avoiding NW festival weekends, and then working around my summer travel schedule... Gone every weekend in June, two weekends in July and three weekends out of August. As much as it pains me to say it, I think the only thing I can fit in-between all that and my home life is private sessions here in Portland, at least until September. I'd hoped to dedicate more of this year to projects and clinics but the calendar filled quickly, so my plan next year is to focus more on NW and international stuff... So much on the project list, looking forward to really digging in.
  15. Welcome to the forums cartert, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  16. Another side note... Notice the fluttering sound when you fly the kite forward in that video, and it "takes off" a bit? You'll know you've got really good tuning when you can fly forward and not generate a lot of sound doing it. Also, any inequality in R/L line lengths will become more pronounced - be SURE to equalize them after 4 hours of airtime or so, then check a couple of more times over the following few months before they finally settle in.
  17. Aye, so much so that you might be surprised at how good you actually are.
  18. Looking good, the only recommendation I have at the moment is to ADD a minimum of 3-4" to the top attachments ("leaders") of your handles, link below has more details. http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5530-pigtails-tuning-your-rev-with-knotted-leaders/page-3#entry37698 Sadly, the EXP does not come with this VERY necessary and cheap adjustment, will make a world of difference in control. My own top leaders are closer to a 10" offset, FYI... Running average offset for most fliers (even intermediate) is probably between 4" and 8".
  19. Right-o, new prize is up (another great one) so I'm locking this topic down. Are you in... ? http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/6473-karma-benson-gemini-51515/
  20. Great Karma prize, thank you Todd!
  21. Also, not sure if you're on Facebook or not but I posted a couple of links to this topic... https://www.facebook.com/kitelifemagazine/posts/716286588482059 https://www.facebook.com/groups/KiteHistory/permalink/827145264044033/ No new friendships required, those are public access for anyone on FB.
  22. I'll concede to the superior knowledge of others for parts suggestions, but I think you've got a nice piece of kite history there. http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/3893-kite-maker-ansel-toney/ http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1985-04-19/features/8501230256_1_delta-kite-kite-man-em http://www.winchesternewsgazette.com/articles/2013/04/30/news/doc51803a6a0eb48216723603.txt FYI, the kite type itself appears to be a Double Conyne.
  23. In the case of a kite like the Seven, there aren't likely to be any KL sponsors who carry it... Feel free to post the URL, I'll delete / adjust the post myself if there is any other issue.
  24. Welcome to the forums nycko, please send me a PM if you have any questions. :)

  25. Great topic here, thanks for that.
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