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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Hi Bruce, point Lady Luck at #1176.
  2. Welcome to the forums greens131 :)

  3. Bit of drizzle overnight, but not too bad and it seems to have stopped now. And yes, finding this tent to be a little tight - especially in length, I'm 6 foot 3 and am getting my feet / pillow a little wet on the wall condensation. Time to roust my cutie for packing and the drive into SF, and a whole new forum topic.
  4. TK is feeling industrious this evening. Shower is HOT, sun is setting.
  5. Ya, may invest in an upgrade on our shocks at least... The back is sitting fairly low, and I'm having to be aware of grinding the back cargo box spine on steeper driveways. Maybe a 3 day stopover somewhere after we finish the Bay Area run... Any tips? 1996 Subaru Legacy Outback AWD
  6. Keen to share some of the items that prove useful to us on this trip... First off, really can't say enough about these cargo boxes! <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00152VYLQ/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B00152VYLQ&linkCode=as2&tag=kitelifemagaz-20">Thule 665C Transporter Combi Hitch-Mount Cargo Box</a><img src="http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=kitelifemagaz-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00152VYLQ" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" /> <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009NN6VYO/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B009NN6VYO&linkCode=as2&tag=kitelifemagaz-20">Thule 636B Sonic Cargo Box XXL - Black</a><img src="http://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=kitelifemagaz-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B009NN6VYO" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
  7. Just realized this is day 3 of 6-ish months to come. lol
  8. Two more video teasers from earlier today... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10152456151297164&id=208202007163 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10152456162857164&id=208202007163
  9. From a member of our forum: Thanks Harvey, great stuff!
  10. Welcome to the forums DesmoDan :)

  11. Welcome to the forums MrOz :)

  12. Yep, I couldn't resist a good fly after all. lol Pro mid-vent, 3-wrap, 35'x90#, got about 35 minutes of footage for later editing. And... What TK did with some of her time: Back to camp now, time to chillax.
  13. Short teaser vid from an earlier little beach... https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10152455747087164&id=208202007163 Hoping you don't need a FB account to see that, should be visible to all since it's on my public fan page. Please click LIKE there if you are a FB user.
  14. Beach at Lakeside Marina. Windy as hell on this beach, probably 14-22 mph... Still early in the trip, not THAT keen to fly right now - eyes open, exploring a bit today.
  15. One more night here, then off to the Bay Area tomorrow for the Rev clinic in SF this weekend and 7 days of private lessons immediately following.
  16. Yep, it's a lake... Too bad it's so darned cold, no swimming this time. :/
  17. Our route thus far. Off to look at the lake by daylight, catch you all later!
  18. South Lake Tahoe, NV. http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5984-south-lake-tahoe-nv/
  19. Hi all, time for our first travel update... Left Portland on Tuesday (5/6/14), stopped overnight with friends Brett and Dianne Morris overnight, then met with our old iQuad teammate JD Fabich in the morning and were inspired to veer east for Lake Tahoe on our way down to San Francisco. Some images from the drive down... We finally landed in South Lake Tahoe around 8pm and set up a quick camp at "Campground by the Lake" for a fast grill meal. Now I'm awake and TK is snoozing... I'm sure she'll be on a bit later to add more story and images, as will I... We should be here one more night, then off to the Bay Area on May 9th. Love y'all, follow your hearts!
  20. Welcome to the forums TenOClock :)

  21. Welcome to the forums alerion20 :)

  22. Welcome to the forums ofted42 :)

  23. With roughly 15,000 miles ahead of us between now and Oct/Nov, we're carefully budgeting for expenses and any unexpected repairs along the way... If you'd like to help add to that pool, you can easily do so via the PayPal link below using either a PayPal account or any debit/credit card. Donate Here Thanks in advance for all types of support, we'll do our very best to keep the reports, photos and more coming so folks can enjoy this trip vicariously. Hope to see you on the road along the way!
  24. Welcome to the forums Iain Chalmers :)

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