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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Thanks all! Aye, we'll post either here and/or on JB.com - now healing (moving hurts), resetting, finishing closing duties, real tripping starts around May 6.
  2. Welcome to the forums d3cadent :)

    1. d3cadent


      Thx John, great to be here.

  3. Welcome to the forums harveyt :)

  4. Just to round this out, good sources for 2014 WSKC video... https://www.youtube.com/user/prokiteclub/videos https://www.youtube.com/user/cerfvolantberck/videos
  5. Welcome to the forums TheFlyingKidney :)

  6. Welcome to the forums GrahamGoa :)

    1. GrahamGoa


      Thanks John. Hope to get a lot out of it.

  7. Welcome to the forums Schaun Wagner :)

  8. Never found a problem with leaving my dual line leading edges assembled, under tension.
  9. My experience... Berry Blue is NOT good for team flying, I won't cross lines with anyone using them - too many cuts in the past. We tested Skybond on iQuad in hopes of exploring a sponsorship with Shanti but couldn't get past the "boing" or stretch we felt in the line on hard, sudden inputs. Speed line, great stuff, but it has more threads and a less solid coating, so I've found it shows wear faster and picks up more dust, sand, etc. LPG is still my line of choice, far and away.
  10. Welcome to the forums pae-boise :)

  11. Welcome to the forums metajack :)

  12. Oh man, SO, so sorry for the delay on this guys! http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife/11221362 Jason and Cody, what size T-Shirt do you take? Also, please send me your mailing addresses via PM - thanks! (also, nudge me when your subscription renewal goes through and I'll refund it)
  13. Welcome to the forums kiteladen :)

  14. We may linger in the Portland/Vancouver area for a few days to finalize some stuff, but yes, we're out of the apartment on the 25th. Then up to Washington to drop off our turtle with friends and hang out for a couple days, then it's off to San Francisco for the real start of our journey! I'm pleased to report, the clinic there (May 10-11) is already sold out and I have private lessons pre-booked for the three days following.
  15. Welcome to the forums Mick P :)

  16. Welcome to the forums aaronw1198 :)

  17. Welcome to the forums attackmars :)

  18. Welcome to the forums Htbrdd :)

  19. Welcome to the forums erynfaith :)

  20. If anyone is looking for FlyinKen's last post here, it has been moved into it's own topic. http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5947-special-drawing-for-jb-and-tks-trip-5114/
  21. Okie dokie, I've created a special forum area and moved this topic into it. D-day is coming for our 2014 "Let's Smile Together" tour, moving out of the apartment on April 25th! By the way, we are selling our older Macbook, if anyone is in need of a laptop - it's a good deal.
  22. Ha, we're actually going to do a subscriber drawing for a 3-stack of these sometime in the near future. I really love all the basic instruction videos they've got online... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOR3Q4Ym2PYShC55As1knEg/videos This company was around in the very beginning of sport kiting in the 1970s, and has recently made a come back under a 2nd generation of management - I hope it works out for them, stacks of diamond kites with tails have probably roped in more new fliers than anything else ever made. Peter Powell himself was a very colorful fellow, and fairly well embodied the spirit of kiting. And from an old issue of SKQ... Great post Barton (and in the right place), thanks - can't wait to hear from folks about this.
  23. Welcome to the forums teresawalton77 :)

  24. Folies are looking bloody good, I dunno... They have a couple more runs to work out the kinks. Seems to me their only issue at this point is the use of different turn techniques between some of the members. If they can do their homework on synching up individual styles, I think they'll be a serious contender, if not already. I'm especially pleased to see what looks like two women on their squad.
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