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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. International Rev sign is the same as "hang loose", looks like a Rev handle.
  2. Congrats Nick!
  3. Welcome to the forums balipoet :)

  4. Welcome to the forums Sarangola Kiteuae :)

  5. 2 spots gone, good start!
  6. March 28-30, at the Sid Snyder Beach Approach in Long Beach WA. Full info and registration form here - http://kitelife.com/enroll/?action=evregister&event_id=5 This is likely to be our only such 2014 NW event before taking off on our cross country tour - hope you can make it!
  7. Welcome to the forums AHendricks :)

  8. I sent you a PM with an offer to help, still open to doing so, all good.
  9. NOTE - DO SAVE an original version, as there is no editing the text once it becomes an outline.
  10. Hey, that's pretty cool... Smoother kite shapes, and I think it's solid! Then, just place the definition on the same AI art board at bottom left. (this would all go on the back) On the front, probably just the JB dragon, which I can take care of. FYI - by "outlines", I mean: Select all the text on the art board Right click and select "create outlines" Or alternatively, open "Type" on the file menu and then "create outlines" This takes font sensitive stuff and turns it into pure art for me, so nothing is lost in translation. Thanks brother!
  11. Ya, would love to do a clinic in the NY/PA area... Stay tuned.
  12. Sorry, prices are firm. Please do let me know asap if you're interested asap, I have one other inquiry on the line.
  13. This kite is going, going, gone!
  14. And she's gone, going to a very loving home! Cancel that, buyer changed to the KiteLife kite... This iQuad kite is still up for grabs!
  15. Ah but wait, the downside is that this is a true "purchase" as opposed to a personal payment friend to friend, so we'd lose a % in fees on my end. And 19.99% APR isn't really a deal.
  16. Actually... I believe we do! One sec, brb.
  17. Just think, it might make the difference in being able to reach anywhere near Tennessee!
  18. How many fliers do you reckon are in your neck of the woods, that would be game for a clinic?
  19. Aye Barton, I'll be working to drop a clinic once every 500 miles or so... Chances are pretty good that there will be something within striking distance.
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