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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. LAJStudios - 1185
  2. Bahahahahaha... I totally laughed out loud!Would I really do that to you?
  3. Nah, "suite" is the pro term for a full set.
  4. Sure would! Heck, I'll probably end up adding a few of my own too.
  5. Let it be known... Just TWO spots left open!
  6. NICE - be sure and post photos of your new suite.
  7. No doubt everyone here has already seen it, just posting for posterity. http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/683-rev-tutorial-inverted-hover/
  8. The best version is HERE ---> http://johnbarresi.com/kite-media/2005-sea-devil/ I hear you about the HD, alas, all on dead hard drives to be brought to a specialist at some unknown future date.
  9. Ha! Old Faithful is actually in our travel plans.
  10. I was an "old school" (no fancy slack line tricks) flier until 2004, but when I started, Mr Greenway's tutorials were a huge help for me. http://vimeo.com/album/1622897
  11. Just read my email , Thanks JB, I should have read that first, Member number would still be awesome. Happy Saturday everyone #1060 good buddy.
  12. Cool, I think I'll be using KiteMap a fair bit during my upcoming travels!
  13. Yes sir, exactly. End of Sid Snyder.
  14. As my friend Dennis Smith says... "If you can't fly good, LOOK GOOD."
  15. 7 spots gone FYI, just 5 left...
  16. Awesome sauce, going to be so much fun!
  17. #75, expired. #289, expired. #144, expired. #1106, we've got a winner! Yes indeed, this bad boy is going home with Konfuzion! Congratulations to Drew, and thanks to all for playing - looking for our next prize now.
  18. Alright, thanks for your patience y'all - let's give away a kite!
  19. Is it on the list? http://www.kitemap.org
  20. Welcome to the forums chonkyfire9 :)

  21. Welcome to the forums flen42 :)

  22. Alas, I actually won't be able to do the drawing until Monday morning... We are out of town for a kite clinic, and I mistakenly left my laptop at home. Our subscriber database can only be opened using software on my laptop or desktop computers. Sorry for the suspended suspense, will make good in a couple of days, just keep piling on the grief until then.
  23. I agree by the way, that WOULD be great.
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