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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Welcome to the forums laqp993 :)

  2. Welcome to the forums Aviatorbobo :)

  3. Welcome to the forums windwarrior :)

  4. Welcome to the forums jawa.sparky :)

  5. Also, try flying a large octagon in reverse, essentially cutting the circle into eight "faces" or lines.... This may help organize the learning process, gradually rounding out each corner of the octagon.
  6. Not a worry, take your time, this should all be enjoyable - thanks for offering to help. No need to cover every aspect, just enough to guide folks down the middle of the road, so to speak.
  7. Welcome to the forums John Bell :)

  8. Fine to just post it here btw, and I'll carry it over to the new topic in a specific part of the forum.
  9. I'm a Mac guy myself, but I imagine the interaction with Dropbox itself is pretty much the same across... Generic (within Dropbox) would be best, folks can figure the rest by themselves, or solicit help in the new topic. Thanks mate!
  10. By the way, would you be willing to type up a little "how to use mobile tutorials with Dropbox" FAQ that I could post here on the forum?
  11. Just to clarify for others, you're referring to the Dropbox app for mobile devices, yes? Dropbox is awesome, I agree.
  12. I generally hold the straps with my ring, middle and index finger, sometimes wrapping the straps around my hand once to reach closer to the end of the line when I want a different sort of connection with the kite.
  13. Please do let me know if it works alright for you!
  14. Aye, sorry - just asked Google... https://www.google.com/search?q=import+mkv+to+itunes&client=safari&hl=en&biw=320&bih=460&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=ZSZlU9GwLNPooAS5oIKACA&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAA MKV is not compatible with iTunes, only the other two formats.
  15. Also, try grabbing some video of your attempt - upload to YouTube, post the link here (body and kite both), and we can diagnose that way.
  16. Hi Harvey, try this... Open iTunes. Open the video folder you downloaded into. Drag the video files into iTunes. Or, click "file" in iTunes and look for import or similar, then find and select the files that way. Let us know how it goes?
  17. Welcome to the forums Aerial_Filming :)

  18. Welcome to the forums LUCONTV :)

  19. Hi all, sorry for the delay! pickensw - 1191 d3cadent - 1192 harveyt - 1193 (current subscriber count is 361) Best of luck to all, and thanks for the support!
  20. I frickin' LOVE messing with dogs, dual or quad... Proud to say I've never once been caught, pays to know your kite really well.
  21. Welcome to the forums tizdaz :)

  22. Welcome to the forums matlocc :)

  23. Welcome to the forums michaelrhuber :)

  24. Think Ferrari vs Andretti... Engineers design, pro(ish) fliers find out what it's capable of and how it works in the hands. Both the Rev DVD and the book are nearly the same age... Rev flying took an enormous evolutionary leap 2005-2006, as more "on field" (skilled daily fliers) information was developed, defined and distributed, continuing since then. But, whatever gets you flying!
  25. More dual line tuts are on my radar, just a matter of kites, time, weather and staff - sorry for the delay.
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