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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Yes, in just a short time yesterday, I was already discovering some of the things that you mentioned. Moving forward, when the wind was stronger, backing up in the lulls, heading for the edge of the wind window in very strong gusts, running back when the sail starts to fold up and collapse.. It definetly isn't boring.... One of the best tips I can offer for light and variable wind... Cycle your energy. Rotate your time between "on" (exertion, backing up, etc) and "off" (glide, gain ground, relax). This helps with both the physical and psychological aspects of challenging wind. And occasionally, when you feel the tension building up, just land, take a deep breath and let go, as if you just arrived and are ready for your first launch of the day. I often refer to this during lessons as a "reset" or "cleaning the table".
  2. Link to the AI file I'm working with... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/72461903/whump.ai
  3. Ugh, my lack of artistic skill is really showing itself... Ideas?
  4. Cody, yes please... The definition in AI format would be great, convert text to outlines for me too?
  5. The forearm tats are exclusive, sorry. Okay, working on the compiled design now - stand by.
  6. No sahara, those are the dunes at Kitty Hawk, right Nick? My regular lines: 30'x50# 90'x50# 120'x50# 60'x90# 90'x90# 120'x90# 120'x150# (not used since the Xtra Vent was made available)
  7. I haven't weighed them, but Diamond spars feels quite a bit lighter than black Race rods... Diamonds are my go-to choice for 0-3 mph now. However, they are also much more fragile - have actually blown out a vertical just "whumping" in 3 mph, and have found they bend oddly (leading edge) in anything over 4 mph or so.
  8. Had some wet air last night, quick change of shorts and a healthy dose of cilantro fixed the problem.
  9. Wow, the love is overwhelming. KiteLife mirrors my deep love for kiting, and the joy I know it can offer to folks out there in a tough world. The magazine, out of print mags (SKQ / KiteLines) and general forum participation are all free of charge for good reason, kite info and support first. For those who "get" what we're about and/or want access to the prizes and video tutorials, can't thank you enough - spread the love!
  10. Welcome to the forums EPIC18 :)

  11. Repost from Facebook! Okay, total reset after quite a bit of back and forth over a Rev Team Clinic on the 22nd-23rd, it's off... Taking different tact now: Because of the discrepancy in skill levels and more so, the sorting required to get everyone in a good position... I'm encouraging folks interested in working with a dedicated 6-person environment for a weekend to gather up a total of 5 pilots (including themselves with me as the 6th) and propose a weekend / NW location they'd like to schedule (privately to me via PM or email). This will help folks "choose each other", balance out the skill levels and focus areas, as well as lessening the back-and-forth organization on my end... It will also help group folks who specifically like working with one another.
  12. We do ship prizes to overseas winners too, no extra charge.
  13. Sweet, deal is done! Congrats to both Cody and Jason, both winners in this contest! I have an amalgamation in mind, best I can describe it here... On the front, simple "Got Whump?", possibly with a partially transparent whumped Rev shape, definition smaller on the lower left side (right half of abdomen). On the back, JB dragon logo and URL. Will tweak with a finished design when I have a minute. Thanks all for playing!
  14. Boomer, is that you saying "I'm in"?
  15. My standard rigs these days... STD - diamond, black race or 3 wrap (no mixing) MID - black race or 3 wrap VTD - 3 wrap XTRA - 3 wrap That's it, 3 frames total.
  16. I could be wrong, but seems to me most of the used large show kites are sold by word of mouth inside the show kite community, or at festivals. Be curious to hear if you find anything more accessible!
  17. FYI, official close of this contest will be tomorrow at noon, PST... All additional submissions are welcome, so far the win looks like it may go to an amalgamated version between Wheeler's "Got Whump" and Cody's definition text, coupled with the JB dragon and URL. If indeed the win is split, I'll double the prize(s)... One shirt and renewal for both winners.
  18. Cody, can you repost the definition as copy/paste functional text here?
  19. I'm liking this definition, although we'll probably get away from the clear Rev shape itself because "whump" is sort of universal and branded to a style of flying, not just one particular kite. Use the JB dragon logo instead maybe?
  20. Nice try, but you've got to finish in the air.
  21. Show 'em how it's done. Magnificent seven ride!
  22. Sorry, just got around to approving this... Our other Karma drawing moderator seems to be AWOL, and I just returned from 2 weeks in Abu Dhabi. I added a drawing date and conditions, I hope they're suitable for ninja.
  23. Sorry to miss it this year, have fun y'all!
  24. Reference from the archives... http://kitelife.com/general-topics/buy-sell-trade-used-kites/
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