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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Glad you and the kites are alright!
  2. Better yet, post the pics here for posterity.
  3. Welcome to the forums kelly :)

  4. FYI, those forum posts are automatically generated by the magazine using the author's info. Checked the tech we have, and there is no settin for excerpt - I have suggested it to the developer though, an he has added some of my ideas in the past. Cross your fingers.
  5. Welcome to the forums lari :)

  6. Aha, got it now... That'd be the technical side, my ballpark. Basically add at least the first 150 words or whatever of the article, if not an actual brief crafted summary. On the explore / to do list (gotta balance other priorities), tap on this again if I take too long. Solid suggestion - thanks for your patience brother.
  7. Me too! Me too! Stand by... I'm at the developer's mercy.
  8. Merci mon ami! I won't be able to attend TI this year, but I've been a couple times in the past and it's always an awesome event. Looking forward to hearing and seeing the resulting media and reports, wish I could be there. If this is within striking range of anyone, it's a worthy trip and a great way to thaw out!
  9. FYI, you should all know that Roobarb is John Lutter, currently my 2nd VP and Regional Director 4 (one of the largest regions - covering Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico) for the American Kitefliers Association... Good man, please properly chastise him for not including that information in his signature. <grin>
  10. Thanks Terry, can't say it enough - I love to fly.
  11. Not to step on Allen's toes here, but I just want to clarify the request... Sounds like we're talking about a concise summary of the article content, but I'm not sure where in the site you'd like to see this appear - could you provide a link or description of the placement you're envisioning? May be some technical or template issues that limit the ability, but I'd like to explore this further to be sure I understand and see what we can do with it. Thanks a million for sharing your thoughts Howard, precious few take the time to provide constructive feedback.
  12. We can guess, but I'm going to await a response from the developer, who should actually know this for sure.
  13. Hrm, just realized I never weighed in on this one... Having been a Rev flier since 1990, I've never stored my spars in a sleeve or anything, just grouped together in one of the slots of my kite bag. Over time, spars might take little dings or minor chips in the ends of the rods, but I am SO indifferent with my equipment sometimes, and I've never had any problems from it... Again, that's just me (not really process-oriented) and if you have the discipline to sleeve everything up, then I'm sure your equipment will last longer than mine.
  14. Ya ya, same software - we use the SSO module (described above), Rev does not as they have no need to provide author access to their front end website.
  15. Mr Fair Dinkum?
  16. Yep, that's true. Titles change based on # of posts, although you can change the title yourself after you hit the 500 post mark.
  17. Welcome to the forums Biglittlettees :)

  18. Thanks Marshall, you rock sir!
  19. Ya, www or no www doesn't really matter as long as the system tracking logins knows which to favor. We use an SSO (single sign on) plugin to link the forum and main website, I suspect the issue is there somewhere and I've asked the developer to take a look. Will let you know soon as I do.
  20. Click the link, starts at $5 a month and up.
  21. Just FYI, if anyone would like to, we also have a monthly sponsorship available... http://kitelife.com/individual-sponsorship/ Skip a burger a month, help us do what we do and stay healthier at the same time!
  22. Almost there!
  23. Hi all, just following up on this based on information I received from Nick... I went and brought up both the main site and the forum a little while ago, here's what I found: www.kitelife.comkitelife.com/forum So the main site was using "www" and the forum was not, which can sometimes cause issues with logins. The application of "www" is now resolved, so it now appears on neither (actually removes the www if entered). My next suggestion for anyone having login issues is to check your KiteLife bookmarks, and make sure that there is NO www in the URL, make sure that every KiteLife URL starts simply with "kitelife.com" (http:// is irrelevant)... Then dump your cookies and try logging in again. The login might act oddly when you first do this, but I'm hoping everything will lock in once that's done. Let me know? Thanks for not giving up!
  24. FYI - the goal is not "how much does it take to accomplish", but rather how little.
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