Hi all,
With everything I'm taking on in the coming year, it's become painfully apparent that I need help with the magazine side of things... Fully evidenced by the fact I haven't added a new article in several weeks.
Additionally, this will help clear my head to focus more on WRITING more articles and "how to" stuff of my own for the archives.
It's not a complicated job, generally takes about 5-10 minutes to add an article (with photos) and we do about 2-3 a month on average - takes NO technical knowledge, if you can use gmail, you can do this.
My typical requirements when fielding submissions:
- 500 words or more
- 6 photos minimum
- photos watermarked with photographer
- use captions for photo file names
(this should all be done or amended by the authors you'd be working with)
Sadly, I'm not in a position to pay anyone for this job... But, it is a low-work and high-passion role that I'd love to teach someone, and it's a chance for YOU to help celebrate outstanding efforts in the community by soliciting or uploading good media from others.
We use the Wordpress platform, and you can save any new article as a "draft" for me to review and offer suggestions before it goes live to our readers.
Additionally, it would also be 100% acceptable (and encouraged) for you to build a small network of assistant editors / field reporters.
You'd get full credit on the website, I'd be happy to maintain a free Kitelife subscription for the term of your participation, and I will definitely be able to send a surprise goodie every now and then after particularly strong efforts.
If you see a chance for you to make an impact here, please let me know via PM or ask any questions below - thanks so much!