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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Down to 3 open spaces for the Rev Clinic! Still 9 spaces open for Sportkite Clinic (dual)! Oh man, getting excited!
  2. I keep coming back to this topic just so I can look at the photo in the lead post. Can't wait, this is going to be crazy fun AND educational.
  3. Update as of now: 8 slots gone for the Rev Clinic, 4 left open. 2 slots gone for the Sportkite Clinic, 10 left open. I have a feeling the last 4 Rev spots are going to go quick.
  4. Wow, was this ever a whirlwind of a happening... In roughly 48 hours, this went from me wondering about taking a couple weeks somewhere warmer to film a whole new batch of tutorials to doing exactly that, PLUS clinics on two different weekends! Dec 07-08, 2013: Emerald Coast Rev Clinic (ECRC) Dec 14-15, 2013: Emerald Coast Sportkite Clinic (ECSC) The Emerald Coast Kite Flyers Club has been very forthcoming with local assistance during my filming sessions, so we're making both these clinics a STEAL at just $35 individual registration for two full days of instruction and fun at Noriega Point in beautiful Destin, FL. Can we say water flying?? Sick of the cold already like me? Flee south!
  5. As I understand it, the AKA coverage is effective only in the US and Canada. Aye, I'm usually covered by the event.
  6. Update on this video's YouTube exposure, as of today... Congrats Matt and Spence.
  7. For me, the B2 is like a speed bag I bring out sometimes just to play and warp things a bit... The 1.5 PRO drives, rather than skates across the wind... My favorite, hands down. Gospel brother, pure gospel.
  8. I'll think about it, for a few seconds. lol However, if I ever make it out your way, I'll bring some then and we can go through it together.
  9. Right on, right on... I have no doubt being a papa is challenging, but suiting you well. Congrats mate, nuttin' but time ahead... See you somewhere, and you're always welcome here.
  10. To be totally honest, I don't even know anymore... Used to have 83, about 2 years ago, but we've let a lot of them go to raise funds. I do know we have 4 of the multi-kite Rev bags, and still can't fit it all in there. One of these days I'll have to re-inventory just for giggles.
  11. Welcome to the forums Braddlee :)

  12. Classy video and NICE flying! I like how you fly.
  13. He lives!!! We miss you JoneZ.
  14. SO tempted to get in on this, since the my first kite (called the Cheetah by Sky Toys) was basically a copy of the Sky Dart (circa '89-'91 by Action Kites)... But, it's still NOT a Cheetah so my sentimentality will have to wait - still, this will add some real classic value to someone's kite bag.
  15. Okie dokie, latest updates... Tim P - 798 (renewed) BrianS - 1153 Benderdog - 1154 Stephen Phillips - 1155 Shad - 1157 Really, thank you guys so much for your patience - good luck to all!
  16. Holy smokes - 22 entries, so awesome! Helluva prize from Joanna, lots of action, lots of fun to watch... Well done all, congrats Hasek, I know you'll be hooking more new fliers with it in no time. <grin> Great in-turn drawing you've got, classic kites!
  17. Welcome to the forums Ghostbuster :)

  18. Welcome to the forums Stephen Kent :)

  19. Don't forget folks, we've got the "JB for a 3-day Weekend" raffle going on too... http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5644-jb-for-a-weekend/ (must be logged into the forum to view) The only thing better than winning a brand new $380 kite package, is having a slave on hand to make it work right!
  20. Welcome to the forums Pamela Dorer Finn :)

  21. Welcome to the forums fworley :)

  22. Welcome to the forums Mowdya :)

  23. Welcome to the forums Stephen Phillips :)

  24. Zen Play, still epic... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=1366927137387 30' is tough on a Zen, takes bigger arm movements, lots of cupping / whumping to get the turn radius you need on such short lines.
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