Thanks Jay, and everyone.
Tapped into a point of passion for me - reminder for anyone, if you SEE a gap, there is a good chance you're the best qualified one to get involved.
That's been my biggest hurdle as President - not everyone can see what I see, and I just don't have enough hands to get to it all, nor can I illustrate all to someone else.
If you've run into any issue with the AKA, somewhere, no matter how minor, it's probably already been considered and is simply suffering from a lack of self-motivated bodies.
Always share your thoughts, reminders and wake up calls are most welcome, but specific offers of help in your areas of passion are even better.
One of personal my mantras - you don't like it, change, adapt or remove it - recurring complaints with no action chaps my ass.
Anyone with the interest, we have something here (kiting) that is most definitely worth sharing and growing, it's more than a simple pastime... Kiting really does have a unique ability to equalize, bond and engage people from any part of the world, separately or in concert... I've seen it heal, empower and awaken countless people, some just for moments, some for a lifetime... Here, geeks can be gods, shy people can share in human energy and still feel safe, age is no barrier in almost every aspect of kiting, that, that, that is what I wake up for every day, quite literally - to spread that goodness as far as I can while there is still time to affect this world for the better, it's all we've got imho.
At the same time, containing all of that, no matter what we project, it is inherently still the simple act of kiting - something I always fall back on in my worst days.
The AKA went through some tough times as an entity, the collective mood and sense of mission statement went a bit askew, like a family caught in drama but none really desiring the drama, with too many eyes toward a longstanding aristocracy for answers (not implying malintent, only the facts of partial vacuum, natural dynamic when the soil isn't cared for) - what I saw and felt in Seaside filled me with nothing but pride and affirmation in our little window of humanity, what we're doing with all this, the long game, never mind the petty human things along the way.
One person alone, hundreds in formation, old to young or young to old, complex or simple, sporty or smooth, active or static...
Kiting is a beautiful, benign vehicle for something so much more that comes from beyond sticks, fabric and string.
I'm tempted to quote John F Kennedy at the moment... lol
Any guesses?