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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. *falls on sword* Didn't forget, totally caught up in some personal stuff here - endless, endless apologies. Right-o, I won't delay a minute longer! Random draw from 1-1152, this much awaited B2 Vented is going home with... 487 (expired) Okay - got a live one on the second try, winner winner chicken dinner! 1027 Congratulations to Mr Scott Benz (aka mystaynedskin)! Stay tuned, more sanity and prizes forthcoming. Thanks all!
  2. Glad you asked.
  3. Ya, reference to this is in Sail Loading. http://kitelife.com/forum/files/file/702-rev-tutorial-sail-loading/ As explained earlier in this thread, thrusting the hands forward "depowers" the sail to kill drive quicker.
  4. Hi guys, just found our remote download folder totally emptied somehow... All iPod files have been restored, starting on HD now. Sorry for the inconvenience, thanks very much for letting us know!
  5. You guys never let me me have any fun in these drawings. *pout*
  6. Aye, perhaps. All iPod files restored, moving on to the other HD ones now.
  7. Welcome to the forums Ray Miller :)

  8. Thanks Jay, and everyone. == Tapped into a point of passion for me - reminder for anyone, if you SEE a gap, there is a good chance you're the best qualified one to get involved. That's been my biggest hurdle as President - not everyone can see what I see, and I just don't have enough hands to get to it all, nor can I illustrate all to someone else. If you've run into any issue with the AKA, somewhere, no matter how minor, it's probably already been considered and is simply suffering from a lack of self-motivated bodies. Always share your thoughts, reminders and wake up calls are most welcome, but specific offers of help in your areas of passion are even better. One of personal my mantras - you don't like it, change, adapt or remove it - recurring complaints with no action chaps my ass. Anyone with the interest, we have something here (kiting) that is most definitely worth sharing and growing, it's more than a simple pastime... Kiting really does have a unique ability to equalize, bond and engage people from any part of the world, separately or in concert... I've seen it heal, empower and awaken countless people, some just for moments, some for a lifetime... Here, geeks can be gods, shy people can share in human energy and still feel safe, age is no barrier in almost every aspect of kiting, that, that, that is what I wake up for every day, quite literally - to spread that goodness as far as I can while there is still time to affect this world for the better, it's all we've got imho. At the same time, containing all of that, no matter what we project, it is inherently still the simple act of kiting - something I always fall back on in my worst days. The AKA went through some tough times as an entity, the collective mood and sense of mission statement went a bit askew, like a family caught in drama but none really desiring the drama, with too many eyes toward a longstanding aristocracy for answers (not implying malintent, only the facts of partial vacuum, natural dynamic when the soil isn't cared for) - what I saw and felt in Seaside filled me with nothing but pride and affirmation in our little window of humanity, what we're doing with all this, the long game, never mind the petty human things along the way. One person alone, hundreds in formation, old to young or young to old, complex or simple, sporty or smooth, active or static... Kiting is a beautiful, benign vehicle for something so much more that comes from beyond sticks, fabric and string. I'm tempted to quote John F Kennedy at the moment... lol Any guesses? /ramble
  9. Strange, it would seem our ENTIRE directory of tutorials was wiped out somehow. :/ Light wind HD file is restored, fixing the others now... Stay tuned, thanks!
  10. I'm looking into this now, bear with me - thanks!
  11. Come on 0-0-0!! (cheeky grin)
  12. All I do is set a positive, encouraging tone, and I remember that everyone has a gift - when I do that right, people make better use of the ever-existent space and fuel for their own greatness - defer nothing, it's a shared asset. Thanks all, partially caught up now!
  13. Aye, I'm guessing it just had to do with the orientation (toward or away)... When I ran mine on iPhone more than a few times (all facing into the wind), direction seemed to be accurate. Looked for info about this on the manufacturer's website?
  14. Wow, the most popular karma drawing to date - nice one Joanna!
  15. Sorry for the delay, here are the latest numbers... nmicheli - 37 (renew) Nick Russell - 1147 renodc2 - 1148 dmcneill - 1149 NylonSky - 1150 bmasella - 1151 ninja - 1152 Thanks for your patience and ongoing support!
  16. Welcome to the forums Anivdel :)

  17. For fear of hijacking another thread, I've made a quick post about it in the "News from the Webmaster" area of the forum.
  18. Hi all, I finished my first AKA Convention as President last Sunday night, a successful venture with roughly 170 kitefliers in attendance... We had generally good flying weather, and a ton of successful competitions with some of the finest sport kite pilots and kite makers around. 4 more championships on the wall now (Masters Multiline Ballet and Precision, Open Pairs Multiline Ballet and a precision) for a grand total of 24 accumulated since 1992. Fumbled my way through a previously political environment, just by being myself and reaching out to the fliers in attendance, as equal participants in the event and future of the association... Worked wonderfully, my faith in humanity is secure. At the moment, I'm playing catch up on email, social media and forums, working to cover the bills and dealing with some personal (non-health related) issues that are keeping me very busy right now. I'm grateful for all of your support and patience, will work to bring everyone up to working speed as fast as I can. Thanks so much!
  19. Welcome to the forums esinger :)

    1. esinger


      Hi John,

      Thanks for the welcome. I was made aware of this forum last weekend by a gentleman that came up to me while I was flying my Rev 1.5 at Myrtle Beach last week. He was on vacation from Florida, he was short older guy that goes to Myrtle every October. He was ecstatic to see someone flying a Rev there. I let him fly my Rev 1.5, but decided the winds were way too strong for it, so I changed to my Rev 2 and we both flew it for about 30 minutes. I wish I recalled his na...

  20. Welcome to the forums koolaidwayde :)

  21. Welcome to the forums ninja :)

  22. Welcome to the forums bmasella :)

    1. bmasella


      Thanks John... missed watching you fly in Lincoln City this time...

  23. Welcome to the forums mosz24 :)

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