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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. That my friend, is the best thing I could hear. Rub up on the world - tap into the magic, it's universally available, not unique to me!
  2. Ya, I never get liquid in the center space (clean loading)... Only during use, just occasionally. Upon further reflection, I'm thinking this combination of gear just doesn't like being under 60% full.
  3. Ah... I'm cleaning the coil housing, the center tube of the tank, as well as the divot where it screws into the battery housing.
  4. Cut up paper towel, tiny napkins sort of... Basically, it sometimes starts to gurgle and spit up the drip tip. Not all the time, but eventually. Yes - keeping it over 50% full, playing with the air flow (suction), etc.
  5. I made the switch during my visit to Destin (thanks Jason), vaping works well for me - discreet, clean, doesn't stink and no more "chunky cough" (rare as it was). Started on 12mg, switching to 8mg, 4mg is next, looking to work my down to zero. PG isn't properly researched though so I've gone with 100% Organic VG base, found a superb supplier - http://www.virginvapor.com/collections/organic-e-liquid The "Absolute Virgin" line is impressive in terms of ingredient quality, tasted good to me, but I'm no "pro". Looking forward to trying this one - Turkish Coffee On a Kamry 103, Protank 2, have to do a basic cleaning 2-3 times a day, but it works well.
  6. Welcome to the forums MGower :)

  7. Update... Bob. P - 340 (renewal) TimKite - 823 (renewal) Grandpa - 272 (renewal) LANlord - 1167 Reved - 1168 RAGINCAJUN - 1169 Garth - 1170 Total active members as of today: 368 Thanks all, ever onward!
  8. Thanks for the heads up, I had typos in the file URLs - should work now? http://kitelife.com/...-weight-length/ Alas, there isn't really a place to search fliers by the sort of kite they fly, but a good start might be the Rev forum, just post a new "Calgary Fliers?" post or similar.
  9. Compulsories reference here for those not already familiar... http://reeddesign.co.uk/kites/iskcb/#MT Great individual compulsories there for practice too, Fly With Intent!
  10. Already a natural working relationship - the mag is in great hands, already enjoying Allen's verve and fresh outlook. For the record, I've probably know Allen for 20+ years on the field and forums but likely hadn't exchanged more than a few brief conversations during that time - still, some folks you know. Thank you sir! Phew! lol!
  11. Welcome to the forums dmars :)

  12. I hear you, still trying to see what the problem may be... In the meantime, just thought I'd mention... I'm a HUGE fan of http://www.lastpass.com, such an awesome service.
  13. I'm in, totally LOVE the finish on those two beautiful wood stakes in the last photo.
  14. Wifi sync via iTunes is pretty good, worked well for me just recently - iMac to iPad.
  15. FYI, we started the subscription program in 2003 and the price has never been raised since day one, even though the scope of KiteLife's operation has grown exponentially since then... Food for thought. Thanks for being here on the forum, subscriber or not - it's all about the kite life!
  16. Welcome to the forums mrosas :)

  17. As Rob stated, I always synced via iTunes... Will be curious to hear what others are doing.
  18. Welcome to the forums Serge Dion :)

  19. Welcome to the forums taitabdellah :)

  20. Approved. Karma Drawing 1/16/14 Custom Kite Stakes
  21. Weird on this end too... I'm getting logged out any time I log in using a different browser (with a log in)... Example, log in via iPad, I'm good, UNTIL I log in using my laptop and go back to iPad, when it shows me logged out... Logged in via Chrome, can close Chrome, reopen, all good, until I log in using another browser, then it starts all over again. Aaaargh... Honestly, I'm at a loss, not even sure where to start. :/
  22. Welcome to the forums thebynum :)

  23. One of my favorite tracks ever - feel it in my bones.
  24. We're all doing what we do, just love flying and sharing it... To each their venue, hats off and many successes in yours whatever it may be. Sheesh - mushy, mushy - go fly already.
  25. The MKVs are the only ones that seem to be acting quirky for me on mobile, although they do register a file size for me on the download page. I can download the file on my Mac, so the file is there and working - just likely not formatted for some mobile platforms. Three options are available (including tablet), and I'll try to stick to MOV or MP4 format for HD in the future. Thanks for the thanks, happy to create and edit, but kudos are due to the videographers as well... TK Barresi, Spence Watson, Jason Wheeler and Scott Benz have all spent time behind the camera for me. SHOUT OUT TO MA HOMIES FROM DA DARK SIIIIDE To be honest, there isn't much... I freestyle every tutorial with no plan, and generally don't do more than 2-3 takes on any given one, reviewing each take on the field and adjusting on the fly unless I know in my bones that I got what I wanted. Still, I am saving whatever I think is usable and I'll try to compile something just for the subscribers, maybe a special download sometime. lol On the other hand, it may be a good incentive for folks to attend my clinics - only place to see the bloopers is live!
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