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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Alright, so I can get my A gear into a single Prism Roll Up. Note the change in topic name above. LOL
  2. Rob, what did it put in for you for browser choice? I can fix it. Once I have one to deduct, I'll add 1 into Opera for you. What kind of "advanced browsing functions"? I'm curious, haven't used Opera much in the past... I do remember that sizing and format on pages seemed identical or comparable to FireFox... None of that IE pixelation.
  3. Hehehehehe... Revolution and trick flying hazing may be on the horizon. Seriously though, gonna be a heckuva time!
  4. We'll give ya a test drive at St. Augustine in January.
  5. We'll try to ramp up our focus on reviews... Much of it comes down to getting people to do them for us, but we do have our sights set on more reviews.
  6. I'm curious to know which web browsers most of you use, since Kitelife is optimized for FireFox... This browser is quickly gaining popularity, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. As a dedicated FireFox user since it came out, I find that it doesn't pixelate (break up) images as much, is more stable, loads faster and is more versatile all around. I also like the ability to open multiple web pages in tabs, instead of opening a whole new browser for every site.
  7. Sweet... Now, you do know... The kite in the "bugs" video is a Rev I, yeah? That routine has done well for me over the last decade. 1994 AKA National Champion 2004 AKA National Champion Last time I went to a demo festival without that music, they almost tried to send me home!
  8. As of right now... Sea Devil UL (2x) Sea Devil Light (2x) Sea Devil STD (3x) Lam Hoac VIP (x1) Revolution I (x10) Revolution II (x2) Aerostuff Fury .85 (x1) Quantum Pro - Fractal (x1) AirFX (x1) **extinct** Tracer (x2) **extinct** Stinger 1000 (x1) **extinct** Hyperkite 12-stack (x1) **extinct** Mirage 3-pack (x2) CA Wasp (x2) Shiva SUL (x1) Shiva STD (x1) Shiva VENT (x1) 4' Flexifoil (x2) Dream Ticket (x1) Techno Pro (x1) Cherry Bomb (x2) Jordan Pro (x1) **extinct** Bay Area Sundowners custom Level One (x1) **extinct** Goodwinds Bugz 6-stack (x1) **extinct** 4.5M Fury power foil **extinct** = No longer made. That's all I can remember right now, but there are probably 1/2 dozen more in my collection.
  9. For most of the video you see on Kitelife, I used a Sony Digital 8 camera, model DCR-TRV530. Not the best by any means, but enough. I just plug the camera into my TDK IndiCapture unit, and it processes the video in MPG format for me.
  10. Ah, simple fix... All should be a-ok now.
  11. You could in theory, and I've actually flown my quad precision with my ballet music playing in my ear phones... But, I didn't fly my ballet routine to it. http://www.kitelife.com/videos/demo/wsikf2004_jb-bugs.htm I don't use music during my precision as a rule... And certainly, music is not a part of the precision category.
  12. Since a surprisingly small number of our regular visitors are official Kitelife Subscribers, we're curious to learn a bit more about what we can do to improve or streamline our offerings... I'm personally interested in making Kitelife the very best kite site on the world wide web, offering literally something for everyone. I know the questions above are fairly limiting, but please make the best of it and be sure to either post additional comments here or email me directly... Critique is always welcome. FYI - I have no access to the poll details (name, etc), so please answer frankly. Existing subscribers can still fill out the survey, as we're still curious about what you find to be of use. Thanks to all, just for being here!
  13. Right on David, we'll be glad to have you on board. When you're ready, go ahead and use this link... http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?act=paysubs&CODE=index It's the same link as Forum > "My Controls" > "Become a Kitelife Subscriber!" This way it will automatically upgrade your status on the forum, and provide you with the 100MB of photo storage as well.
  14. From a beginner's standpoint, using 8-10 compulsories that have not been selected for the three mandatory maneuvers at that event might be a good place to start... Choose a variety that show different skills, i.e. circles, corners, shapes, landings, stalls, etc. Each maneuver you select for your freestyle should "flow" into the next, so that when you finish one it's not far to go for the beginning of the next one... If you do end up having to cross the sky to enter the next one, fill that space with something (stair steps, loops) to do while your kite is on it's way over there. After awhile, you should be able to modify existing compulsories into variants of your own, thus lending distinctiveness and creativity to your score... You could even adapt some before hand, if you feel up to it. Demonstration of as many skills as possible... Within that, difficulty, variety, creativity, program, complexity. I would recommend you check out these resources as well: Rules Book - http://aka.kite.org/data/download/pdf/Spor...KCR_current.pdf Judge's Book - http://aka.kite.org/data/download/pdf/Spor...KJB_current.pdf Compulsories - http://aka.kite.org/data/download/pdf/Spor...KCB_current.pdf (or http://aka.kite.org/iskrb_compfigs_v2.html for online viewing) Field Directing - http://aka.kite.org/data/download/pdf/Spor...eldDirector.pdf While you may not be judging right off, it certainly pays to absorb what it is that they are looking for... And reading their handbook will definitely help. As for the field director's handbook, they are your liason on the field... So it's important to know what they can do for you, and what their job is. Another great resource for animated compulsories: http://www.reeddesign.co.uk/iskcb/index.html I'd say to review some of these items, and come back with further questions.
  15. That's a mighty broad question, I must say... Not sure where to start myself. Do you have a couple of "burning" questions that might help kick this off?
  16. Forum upgrade donations: $50 - Mike Jones/Jones Airfoils $50 - Deb Lenzen $10 - David Hathaway
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