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P.V. Nguyen

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Everything posted by P.V. Nguyen

  1. Thanks for a great time, John. Your lending Cardin of your xtra helped him a lot, making flying less of a struggle :-). Thank you! We had tons of fun learning with and from all of you.
  2. 'Breath' and 'Give it to the kite'. That's 2 wisdoms from Wayne that I have yet mastered (I'm still too nervous to get on the lines lol). Take one or two steps forward and throw your hands out when you're about to crash.
  3. Wish we had the pleasure to meet him. RIP!
  4. John, Sandsation is going on at the same time and location of our clinic. http://sandsationslongbeach.com/
  5. Noted. Thanks a lot
  6. Dylan loved how JB challenged him with the up and over. Tumbled some, especially in no wind, but he managed 3 of them successfully. Lots to digest in 2 sessions for mom. It was a pleasure to meet with Jeff, Russ, Scott and Theresa! Thanks a lot JB.
  7. My 9-yr-old is definitely in for this one ;-) Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  8. I can't visualize it. Do you have a close-up picture? Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  9. Good idea. Issues with new batches made me putting up all of our kites to check measurements. Bridles on the new were off a bit. Fixed. Might have you take a look at all of them :-) Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  10. Yep, the cap fits nicely to keep the sand out. It's a FV night Red/Orange/Gold/Lime. My son is a lime/green kinda kiddo.
  11. Thanks, kwmf. I tensioned all the bungees a little to get the wrinkles out initially. Vinyl caps were also put over the vertical end caps (as pictured) to reduce impact on unscheduled landing. Those measures might help prevent the slip, I wonder. We will look out for situations like you described. Like you said, when it does happen, then it's time to check the bungees again.
  12. Thanks in advance, Paul LaMasters. What is the spar jump that you mentioned, and how to fix/avoid it? As newbies, we don't know what problems to look out for, or how to prevent it BEFORE things start to go wrong. Any tips/tricks or heads-up from experienced pilots would really be appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  13. Thanks. JoAnn and Michael's all have them. However, 5/8 and 7/8 are the closest to yours that they carry. I will fit them on before Long Beach. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  14. JB, what kind of material is the reinforcement tabs? Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  15. I couldn't agree more.
  16. Wayne, kids did urban with John today. They incorporated some indoor moves and lots of footwork they learned from you. Cardin even pulled the indoor kite out and practiced the throw. And Dylan can catch 6 out of 10 on a 30 foot line. Are you planning to fly somewhere this Tuesday?

    1. Wayne Dowler

      Wayne Dowler

      Might be? All depends on weather and winds! Will call you as the day gets closer!

  17. You're incredible. They worked so hard they'll be sleeping like babies tonight!
  18. First post as a newbie, both in forum and kiting. I apologize if this topic does not belong here. OK, here goes... Last weekend some RC racing cars were trying to jump newbies' quad lines at the beach. (We walked a great distance to be far away from people but still!) Dylan was able to relaunch his kite promptly to avoid them, but poor Cardin ended up in a tangle mess! It got worse when the guy frantically revving his engine to get away despite mom and kids' yelling "Stop...stop...! I was able to secure the kite while Cardin held onto his handles to prevent further damage. However, our 90# 120 ft quad line set got cut at 1/3 of its length. I already made a 40 ft quad set from that end. Can the kids use it to fly urban or it has to be 30 feet? Thanks.
  19. Thank you, Wayne!
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