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Everything posted by Daougie

  1. Yes the colours will fade fairly fast. I am still experimenting with different paints and markers. I haven't found anything great yet. Honestly for me this is a lot of fun. I just hope that it flies and looks OK for awhile. If this experiment works out l'ĺl try another with better materials. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  2. just a little, going to try for a rainbow effect. 55 to go now[emoji4] Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  3. I received a kit for making a 60 section kite train for my birthday. The kit contains a bunch of bamboo, some fittings, 60 blank sails, two weights of string, elastics, and one page of instructions. So i now get to combine two of my favorite hobbies, art and kites. Here is a sample of some completed sails. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  4. Hi W.frew. Did you come up with a solution? Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  5. So what are the differences between the Supersonic and the Shockwave? I've not seen either one flown. By the way I'm in. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  6. Nether can I. Oscar's work is fantastic and let's face it everyone can use a set of straps. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  7. I often do artwork at lunch time. So how do you like this?, A mini kite train. I had a lot of fun with this. Sadly it doesn't fly very well. I didn't expect it to, way to heavy. I'll have to do another with better materials. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  8. So, is it fair to say that the bigger kites are better for learning slack line tricks? Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  9. nope, not there yet but enjoying the journey so far. Thanks for the information. This is definitely on my project list. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  10. so could you please post a picture of the lights and let us know whare you purchased them? Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  11. I didn't think anyone without a military background would know that knot pattern. I'm civilian side Canadian Navy. Ship Repair Unit Pacific . We're more like Errabundi Saepe Simper Certi. (often wrong but always certain) Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  12. Nice knot work Oscar. Ex Navy? By the way I'm in. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  13. They say you should always have a camera with you at all times. (Alright, photographers, camera manufacturers, the cell phone companies and in the old days film companies) I had just finished performing my Sherpa duties getting Kim and her gear all set up at Haystack Rock on Canon Beach when I realized that I needed to return some coffee that I was renting. No trees or bushes and not wearing clothes that I could wade out into the Ocean in I started the long walk back down the beach to the nearest return it depot. Off in the distance I saw this couple trying to fly a kite on their wedding day so I whipped out the cell phone and even though they were far down the beach tried to capture the moment (Kodak?). It turns out he proposed one year ago to the day at the Kite festival in Lincoln City. They got married at cannon Beach to make it easier for family.
  14. Congratulations@paramedic I turn green with envy! Happy flying. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  15. I'll have to get a shirt made with my new Kite name on it for flying with you and John.
  16. Daougie it is then! By the way is the a silent or are you guys spraining your tongues trying to pronounce all those valves?
  17. No, I'm good. I can live with my mistakes. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  18. Thank you. I open the second account as I was having trouble with the first one. Any chance we can change my typo so my name reads Dougie instead of Daougie?
  19. Interesting, mine is a standard 1.5 with stock handles and leaders. I thought it was quicker than Dr.Zenttls B series and a little less stable. I think our comparisons mybe askew as we were both being very tentative flying the others kite. I will be changing the leaders on mine soon. Could anyone tell me what other differences their are between the B series and the 1.5? Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  20. I went for my usual Thursday after work flight. Wind was at the upper limits for my non vented Rev 1.5 but I was still able to work on my basic skills. Wind eventually got a little too strong so I switched to a two line kite. Dr.Zenttl, like myself a quad newcomer showed up as the wind was easing off a bit. I but away the two line kite and set up my Rev and we compared our skill level. We also tried each others kites. The Dr. has a non vented B series..Both kites fly well but have a slightly different fèel. I think my 1.5 is]a little dartyer than the B series. The B series flys smoother and iseasier to fly backwards. To to the evening office we got to see a gorgeous sunset. Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  21. Steve take a look at this kite. http://dynakite.corecommerce.com/Stunt-Foil-Kites/X-Kite-Stunt-Kites/ Well under your price limit at only $29.99. I have one and it's great for beginners. Fly's very well and is very well made. hollow tube Fiberglass frame. The lines and handle it come with are a little sad so I don't use them. This is the kite I let absolute beginners try. It can take big crashes with ease.
  22. Hi Dr.Zenttl I'm at the top of the learning cliff and looking down, just like you. I see from the picture you posted that you fly at Clover Point. I fly there Tuesday and Thursday nights (5:15 to hunger) When do you fly? Sent from my SM-G920W8 using KiteLife mobile app
  23. Thanks for the automated welcome message John. Now I know how you can do so much stuff and fly so well, you have robot clones! I’m just getting back into kites after many years away. I am currently flying mostly old kites that I have, like a Rainbow 6 pack, single rainbow, Vertical visuals Roler with line laundry and I have a delta or two. I am just getting into 4 line kites and have a non vented Rev 1.5. I also have a 2 line XL-80 stunt kite.
  24. I'm in!
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