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Michael Marmaras

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Everything posted by Michael Marmaras

  1. Wow that is awesome. Wish we had surprise festivals here. I make my own quad handles out of tube aluminum. How is the sewing çoming along?
  2. Get what your point is. A time and place for everything. I don't actually compete to cut an opponents kite down usually. Glass impregnated string is quite dangerous. I fly solo so it's no imposition on other flyers as I usually fly on a very short line 20 yards. It's great fun with the miniature fighters as they are much faster and reactive. Around here the big fighter kite festival is in January. Real hard core fighters. Trees full of destroyed kites. Awsome fun.
  3. Sounds like you have plenty to do besides traveling. I don't do much anymore either. It was perfect steady winds all day and an awesome turn out. Glad me and Chuck don't have to be in charge of putting that event on any more. The new event planners do a great job thanks to alot of dedicated volunteers. Maybe we will meet up somewhere. Keep the dust off the kites.
  4. Good winds are here with cool weather so get sewing.
  5. Why are so many people scared to get out of their comfort zone and dig into the other side. Life is not a rehearsal and no do overs.
  6. Oh I was talking about my 7 inch fighter kites. Think they might have a video of them at the recent Chattanooga Festival. Fly High
  7. Hey Riff, always was amazed how good a kite can fly with such little surface sail area as those ribbon quads. I beat you for less area and faster speed with close to the manuverabily well you totally got me whipped on precision and manuverabily both , for sure. We both have the same fun though. Tell John B I'm impressed with his ability to keep this niece site up and running so long. Great work ethic and thinking out side the box.
  8. Grew up in Northern Virginia Farfax Springfield area. Good memories with extremely normal people. Hard to find today. Home made paper fighters are my all time favorite kites. Free and fun afternoon. I'm with you, if the winds are whipping I'm flying something. Enjoy my beat to hell micron on 40 mph +

  9. The fastest smallest kite 7 inches across going probably 40 mph stopping on a dime spinning and acting like a crazy ufo is something every one should partake in. Sure it takes a bit of skill development to get line tension controlled but then it's sooo much fun. Make your own for free. Standard fighter kites like from India and Asia are nothing but fun and engaging battles with a new friend.
  10. Orlando I think is where Disney is. Wow have known some smart student that worked there starting out and have progressed very quickly. Largest single site employer in the world. The job opportunities are available in every area of expertise and they pay very well at management jobs. Don't do what I did and graduate college at 40. Most employers want someone young, eager, and full of fresh ideas and insight to make you boss look good first and their job EASIER and you score a great future. Be assertive ever if you aren't. Act the part, look the part, pretend to be the part, and BINGO you will get where you want to go. Jordan Peterson is a teaching Psychology Professor and is on you tube with awsome life lesson that are the real truth about human psychology. Have fun is really the most important part of a great life. Took me 60 years to figure that no bainer out.
  11. Haven't heard from you in a while. Guess you received your parts and icarex. Just dive into it. It won't look great but will probably fly just fine. Let me know about your progress or questions. We are both novice sewers so just fudge it like I do. Good luck!
  12. Been a while.  Made a fulcrum sort of. All sown but have not framed yet. Sky Burner has the spar information on 3 wind ranges. Thinking about the ultra light frame. I am unfamiliar flying quads, just tried once and couldn't get it down. I'm just a mediocre stunt flier. Micron is my favorite in crazy strong winds. Have a Baby Tana, Stormy Pete, and 2  8 ft home made ones. Hypnotist and Mirage or similar sort of. Both pretty sensitive and light wind frames so lots of fun. Both multiple bridle arrangements. Turbo to normal with many lenght adjustable points. Will frame up Fulcrum next and start to learn flying quads. What's up with you lately? Just had Chattanooga Festival and couldn't have been more fun. Mostly flew my 7 inch tiny fighter kites.

  13. Have flown one before and it was smaller and a pleasure to fly as it was the best behaving kite n the sky. Rock solid. Laundry up please?
  14. My fly fiend owned a kite shop and just closed and has lots of inventory to sell. Buy on line at River City Kites. Or kites and fun things. Better yet make your own handles out of metal rods , plastic, wood, etc. Never really thought about a 4 line Rok. Did fly dual line ones. Makes sense. Buying line by the foot is cheapest
  15. No applique for me. I don't care how a kite looks as long as it flies good. Made a Rok out of clear plastic so you basically couldn't see it high up. Next project is to frame up my Quad sudo-Fulcrom. Can't deside if ultralight frame or next one up. Probably ultra as l like flying in very light winds. Kite sail is at friends house . It is my most colorful kite with 4 colors with a black boarder around each color like stained glass look. Will send you a video of it in flight.
  16. Good luck. Fly high I do?
  17. That's a good size for lifting other stuff up to fly. Rokkaku are as stable as they come when sail tension and bridle are adjustable. That size should fly in 10 mph wind if spars are light. Carbon best then fiberglass, way cheaper or dried bamboo, free and my go to. Wood dowels great too but heavy and need more wind. Have fun. Michael
  18. Had our annual kite festival and it was the best since I have been attending for 30 years. Zero humidity and 15 mph steady wind all day. Hated to leave because the lighted kites are awesome at night but park closes at dusk. Packed the entire huge park. Had the smallest kite there that actually flies great I suspect. Keep me updated on progress of you stunt kite. Michael marmarasmichael@gmail.com
  19. Bamboo is great if you can find some. I have an entire back yard of 40 ft. Monster Bamboozled! At garden centers you can find fiberglass rod for staking plants. Even wood dowel work if they are hard wood.
  20. Have made a few Rokuka kites. One was 8 ft. And needed to be anchored to a truck hitch. Bamboo frame. Too dangerous to fly around anything. Had one crash and probably would have killed someone. Get the thinnest light weight tarp you can find. Like Big Lots. Frame with what you can find. Have fun. Make bridle adjustable too.
  21. That yard would be perfect for a Rokoka Kite. Easy enough to make and are the most rock steady fliers around. Bridle is a little tricky but real important. You Tube is you friend? Great videos of the entire build. Made a 8 foot tall one out of bamboo and a garden tarp and it went traight up and traight down. That would have killed someone as it was anchored to a car bumper. Be careful always! Not like me.
  22. Wow we are in the 1% of people without a cell phone. By choice for me too. Just home land line for our business.
  23. Hey sourenU, Chattanooga is enjoying our annual Fun Kite Festival this Saturday. If you do social media get the word out. 60% rain but means 40% sun. At Montague Park ie. Sculpture Field. I'll be there for sure. Wind should be good with a front coming through. I've flown plenty of times in crazy storms. Good times? Michael
  24. Just saw the picture and yes that's a Fulcom.
  25. Yes the icarex is nice but expensive. Glad your repurposing your kites. Make the cross spar as thin and flexible for a responsive fighter. That design is just like a Rev and easy to sew. The fulcrum is way different as it has pentagon shapes and thin rectangle in-between. Alot more rods and a pain to make. Look up the videos of them flying. The stop on a dime. Quite a flyer. Enjoy sewing and don't worry about it looking great because it won't. Keep me informed. Michael
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