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Everything posted by codykiteguy

  1. Advertising rates, web posting rates? I am a simple kinda fella (no remarks there Llama feller), web posting is where I go through you to set up my web site? I think I understand advertizing rates being seperate, I think! Penny come help me. Wanna buy a kite in exchange for help, Llamaguy has a pretty blue one I will sell you CHEAP!
  2. Thanks a lot Llama feller, I just heard from UPS that your new kite is being sent back to me, be nice!! John, if I understand this right I want to open my file on A:\ then come here and post the pictue?? After reading a little of your history in kiting, did you happen to be at the AKA convention in Jacksonville, Fl.? If so I think we have met with Ron Gibbion.
  3. Okay, I have photos on my disc in A:\ drive now how do I move the pictures from there to here?
  4. Thanks for the information John. I did not know that Pay Pal just acts as a middle man for moving funds, I thought as maybe some other people do that "I don't want another credit card and those fees". If I am just moving money through them by way of my card that makes things just fine. Can you tell me what are your advertizing fees and what do you need? Where do I send pictures and all that good stuff? As yet I am not set up with a web site, I'm waiting on my son-in-law who knows what he is doing unlike me, I just push the keys on my key board and shove my mouse around and hope for the best
  5. John: I just went to "Subscribe", do I understand this right, to get started I have to sign up with Pay Pal, I can not run it through my Visa bank card? I understand simplifying things by going through just Pay Pal but am I correct??
  6. Okay let me see if I have this straight, I am old, I am set in my ways and I can't go more than two rounds in a fight .... sounds like I have lost all my friends and supporters here, guess it is time for me to move on Carl I AM IMPRESSED! Sounds like they are saying that you can fly at least six codys at the same time, Penny come give me a hand and we will hook him up to six 8 footers and see just how good he is with a camera from say around 200 feet, I am liking this idea, maybe Carl could even hold his new cody (the seventh kite) with his teeth, I WANNA SEE THIS!!
  7. You lost me (an easy thing to do), who is Gillard? What about Govig, is Val compleatly out of kiting and Kite Lines?
  8. GEEEEZ! Let me see if I can handle this all in one setting .... Progcarft: you have to understand that I only know one kind of kite, is there anything other than a cody? Your codys in the pictures don't have any boxes .... what is up with that? Hello Penny, what do you mean you aren't coming back to Oregon this year, where else can anyone fly kites? Carl, the first time I see you flying one of my codys with two lines I may have to revoke your privalages , I may just have a Cowdy with your name on it and he is mean.
  9. Hello Penny (I have learned my lesson, you had to be there) no I did not make Worden this year but it is in my plans soon. Sure hope you are wrong about Dan Prentice ... if it is true is that why the American Kite mag went down? I know that Mel Govig passed away and that Kite Lines ended shortly after, what is Val doing? I am going to have to subscribe to Kite Life just to stay in good standing on this site with all this talk about other mags.
  10. I hope I don't step on any Kite Life toes here but I have been away from active kite flying for a few years, can anyone tell me what happened to Kite Lines and American Kite mags. Is Dan Prentice and Val Govig still around?
  11. Hey Progcraft those are some GREAT pictures!! Just wanted to know though, I don't see any boxes on those kites, where did the boxes go??? Hello Penny, how are you doing? come visit us sometime at www.oregonkiteclub.com site sometime, we are pretty peaceful creatures with moss between our toes, just ask Mr. Gomberg, the head moss grower
  12. :rolleyes:Penny you are still there, have you been lerking with Progcraft? I have taught my share or classes on building a cody but doing it here sounds like a real challenge, I am not sure I would know where to start .... first buy lots of fabric and a metric ruler ... Let me know what size kite we are talking about, 4 foot or bigger.
  13. Somehow I was afraid there was someone out there lerking, just a feeling! I am expecting a full report from Penny when she gets back about all the single line stuff she made and what she is going to do with it. Hey Progcraft have you ever built a cody? maybe we could start our own Ft. Worden right here and she will miss out on all the good stuff while she is gone.
  14. HUH, what did they just say?
  15. Just to avoid any problems "HELLO PENNY", it sounded like she is off to Ft. Worden but just in case.... So what ever happened to ripit and Progcraft? You guys didn't just disappear did you, one of you may be the next great cody kite builder.
  16. hmmmmmmmmm, I am guessing that we are looking at mm measurements. I know that when building very small kites you sometimes have to distort the actual design of the kite, I am afraid I am too much of a purest to allow that to happen in my cody kite building. However if you can go there then you probably now have some good information.
  17. WOW, she is some tuff lady!! Let me take just a moment to say A GREAT BIG HELLO to my new and bestest friend PENNY! (you know with that attatude you have you and I could raise some _ _ _ _ around here. By the way I have seen a cody fly or two and at one time I knew a little bit about Cody's history although with the passing of time some of that history has been proven wrong (nothing to do with the kites just the man himself). Once again "HELLO, TO MY NEW FRIEND Penny, no hard feelings I hope.
  18. Just how small do you consider small? I build cody kites and for me small is 4 foot, smaller than that gets too unstable for fabric kites. Have you looked in David Pelham's book "Kites"?
  19. I managed to get into Llamaguys pocket for a few bucks for a 4' cody that I built and auctioned off at the A.O.K. site.
  20. I just came over from the A.O.K. site, do they always keep things this quiet in here? I need to get back and finish off an auction on a cody kite but I will be back soon!
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