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Everything posted by codykiteguy

  1. Got a better idea there Trilbygirly! Stick with your Cody, you can drink beer, smoke cigars or do what ever with one hand (dont get the wrong ideas there guys) and fly your kite with the other Hey folks dont blame me for showing up here, the Trilbygirly said I should come and take a look, but after hearing about the possibilities in Cody kite flying I expect to see a lot of quad fliers headed for the single line side of the field??????
  2. Man isn't that the truth! I mean how much can it cost to get me from Oregon to WSIKF? ..... oh wait you were talking about Geert .... well yes he has some pretty nice Codys too. Darn Penny, you gotta warn me before you do things like that
  3. codykiteguy


    Just so ya know! I had a long chat with Penny and she is sticking with her original hair color, hubby has a tight grip on the bottle of hair coloring and promised me he would not let go
  4. And there he is folks the king of the one liners, doesnt have much to say but what he does say he says with so much feeling, ya just gotta love the old Llamafeller
  5. Somehow I think she just had another one of her blonde moments
  6. HUHHH? did I just have a blonde moment or was that her?
  7. Really? Like cheer leader types with short skirts and everything?
  8. Ah man! I was kind of enjoying it!
  9. Okay John, you have most likely dreading this one .... it is me! Man I wish I had some words to jab him in the ribs with right now. I sure missed the site while it was down and it is great to have it back, thanks for all the hard work both at WSIKF and here on the site. And speaking of WSIKF just between you and me "ya done good man, a little slow in the beginning but you got the camera working just right in the end (I think John knows what I am talking about)" you might want to email me an address where things can be sent via Mr. UPS
  10. I was going to say something but I think Windofchange pretty well covered it all for me
  11. We all must pardon the poor Trilbygirly, she is a bit blonde
  12. Okay so now you gotta tell us what is your business? How does Country Fair affect you
  13. I think tomorrow I am going to get a scanner from a friend, if it works with my computer I should be able send drawings to John to post and then follow it up with text info once I see the drawings on the site. Where am I going to be going here on the site to do this? Let me confirm that I have a scanner and it works with my computer before anything more happens
  14. so there Underleaf, when ya going to convince John to throw up a photo of that kite you are looking to sell?
  15. Okay, I can do this BUT it would all be in written text, I don't understand how to put in drawings on the site. I was taught how to build a Cody by the BEST in Europe and what I would show is how you can build an authentic, close as possible to how S.F. Cody done it War Kite in what ever size you choose using the info I provide
  16. Hey Penny! What I really think they are trying to tell you is you need to spring for the web site, you could put that tater costume on there and just knock em dead with a pole asking "What is this?" GO FOR IT PENNY, we are all behind you, it is much safer there than in front of you, you never know when that egg might hatch and who knows what comes out! DO IT! Who knows when we might do another festival here in Florence next year and might want to know where we can find a good tater sack
  17. ah man you embarase me. I do what I can, I will bend over backwards to build you a kite that is different from anyone elses Cody, I hate to be bored with the kite I am building. The guy that wanted the black Cody with teal stripes ended up with a kite with teal lightening bolts in the wings as well, you can almost see them if you look close. Thanks for your comments, like I say I just do what I can
  18. Does that work with Grey hound as well?? The passengers can be a little kinky there
  19. I am not sure just how this would work here but I have been known to teach a class or two on how to build a Cody in the true taditional style. If there is an interest let me know
  20. hey Penny how is it going getting that web site up and running? From what I saw at Lincoln City you can do nothing but gain from having a site, do it! I would either be talking to John or the Llamafeller about taking care of it for you (they do pretty darn good work, GEEEEEZ, PLEASE GOD DON'T LET THEM SEE THIS)
  21. Sorry there Trilbygirly, I just checked the camera that photo was the only one you took of somebody wearing my hat flying your kites Hey John how do I change that sign to say "With the blonde"???
  22. Trilbygirly, you want to see your evidence, I am sending you your evidence then you tell me what you got.
  23. HUH? ME FLYING A KITE WITH MORE THAN ONE LINE?? NEVER HAPPEN! Let me see any pictures you got ... any evidence .... my nick name is Mr. Single Line. However I did have a great day as well, the "Little Lady Blue" is true female, like any stuborn lady she sets in the sky with the attitude "I am not moving for no one", in this case that is a good thing By the way does that frame of yours still need to be looked over? I am here and at your service any time, just in case your feeling left out I took a long hard look at your frame as well there Penny, not bad at all, but then you went Tater on us and I couldn't find any frame at all I still gotta get Conner on that Cowdy, tell him the Cowdy and I are waiting, next time we will give him a little Udder Control
  24. Hey that show no fear thing works pretty good, took the Trilbygirly down to the beach today and we had a ball. We put 3 Codys in the sky and then headed off to fly stunters. Penny, this Trilbygirly is just way too much fun
  25. WHAT IS A CODY??!! OUCH, that hurt!
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