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Everything posted by codykiteguy

  1. Hey Dennis come on in here you need in on this action too, once Mrs Llamafeller hears about this Llama feller is going to be shedding chicks like crazy, if I get lucky maybe I can catch Taz, I knew she had been hidding out somewhere!
  2. Okay, Stop, Hold On, Wait just a minute!!! Llamafeller is getting chicks and I am not, does Llamafellers wife know about this? Because I am not afraid to tell her! I still have to ask the question one mere time (I just can't believe it) Llamafeller IS GETTING ALL THE CHICKS? I'm sorry but I am just having a hard time understanding this, Penny Help Me!!!!
  3. Sounds like an idea to me, a chance to put faces with names. Set around the camp fire eatin' llama burgers and sippin' beer
  4. HUH? Did I just get royaly ignored???? Getting back to that BBQ idea for Saturday night at WSIKF or Lincoln City for that mater why don't we open it up to anyone from the Kitelife Forum that way we can get John to supply the beer and all we have to do is come up with the burgers. There has to be a camp site someplace up there where 6 people can stand around and drink John's beer and talk all night And yes Penny I know about you and Llamafeller and passing around Mr. T (in a bottle) all night long
  5. Ahhh, come on lets start him out on a heavier than sin Cowdy and see how he does
  6. Somebody said we can't have a Saturday night BBQ??? Maybe we could get Llamafeller to come by as well, I have been trying to find a way to roast him
  7. Oh I am going to be there, nothing is going to stop that. I'm afraid it is a little bit short notice to get a Cowdy built for you unless you want to try using one of my stock Cowdys built with 3/4 oz fabric and dowel rods. I'll have to see what I can do about finding that cow bell for you. Are you going to be at Long Beach as well, for WSIKF?
  8. Since the Codys are lifter kites maybe she could attach the camera to the Cody and fly the Rev. with ...... nope that would still require a third hand. I checked my fabric source and all they have for 1/2 ounce fabric is white which they say is almost transparent, any suggestions where I could get some black and white 1/2 ounce fabric? I still like the idea of the bell that way everyone would know where Penny is at Did I understand right, Penny is going to be at Lincoln City on the 26th and 27th? If so I will see you there.
  9. Guess I didn't completely explain what I have in mind. I build what I call the Cowdy, it is a small 4 foot Cody, white with black spots and a cows tail. Now if we take the Cowdy and build it out of light weight fabric and spars you could fly it indoors, however I think the bell would add to much weight to the kite so we would put it around your neck instead. Got the idea? Oh and by the way, Rick Brown likes to keep his feet firmly on the ground
  10. This may not be good, now you guys have me thinking! (Yah, I know Llamafeller, you can smell the smoke) 1/2 oz fabric with wisper rods on a 4 foot Cowdy and we can hang Bessys bell around Pennys neck while she flys the kite indoors? I want a copy of the picture. I have to check with my fabric supplier and see what he has, I am sure Goodwinds has the rod. Penny I am soooo glad I am not you
  11. Cute Llamafeller, really cute! John I suggest that you go to WSIKF by way of Amity, while you are there stop in at Carls place and hi-jack one of those llamas he has and one of his pack goats to carry kites, you should get there in a week or so, tell Llamafeller I said it is okay. Hay Llamafeller I just thought of a neat addition to your new kite, a little sign that says "I'm here with stupid" and an arrow pointing down the flying line.
  12. Where the heck are you located John? Somehow I had the impression that you are one of those California Kids or are you flying into Portland and looking for a ride? I might suggest if you don't get any results here try going to the AOK site and ask, most of us AOK people live in Oregon and go to WSIKF by way of Portland. Most of the kite flyers on the AOK site don't bit, careful around Llamafeller, he spits a little, but the rest of us are pretty much okay.
  13. Sorry, I've been kind of busy over at the AOK site auctioning off another Cody and then a move from Eugene to Florence Oregon (in a week I get to move again, still in Florence). Now lets see, I am going to try and build a Cody, I still have to be able to put at least 10 rods into it so that it will hold its shape and you will fly it indoors? how fast are you able to run and for how long?
  14. While miniture kites are not my thing (anything under 4 feet is too small for me and my Codys) you might want to contact the Chicago Skyliners to see if they can put you in touch with Charlie Sotich. As far as I know he is the "Main Man" when it comes to postage stamp sized kites
  15. Hey Penny hows about I provide you with a Cody that you can use for indoor flying? Talk about a work out, that should keep anyone in shape trying to keep all those rods in the air
  16. Okay, this is your chance to help a kite club out. AOK is going to have the AKA Convention in Seaside this year. I have frozen what I will take from the bid at $100., the bidding is now up to $250. which is still cheap on a $350. kite. Come on over and pay us a visit at www.oregonkiteclub.com enter the forum and scroll down to auction and enter your bid
  17. Yes, I have a question. What was the question? Or in other words "HUH?" Man, I a guy is away from this forum for a little while and it just goes crazy
  18. While that kite is gone to the Llama feller you might want to go back and take another look, the new bid is on an 8 foot Extended Wing with Upper Deck, it just got started and will last till 5/25/04 at mid night, Take a look at www.oregonkiteclub.com and go to auctions.
  19. codykiteguy


    So I guess you don't want to hear about bridling a Cody, they aren't very turbo and they tend to stay in one spot in the sky????
  21. I have been searching around for where I am going to do this and this is what I came up with, sorry to intrude. I have my new web site up and running thanks to the Llama feller, I got your bill in the mail (kitelife), I have signed up for Pay Pal and in another day or so I should be able to confirm the account and send you money, where am I going to click on to pay my bill ? How do I get my site added to your list of links ? If anyone needs to look at Llama fellers work try going to www.rickbrowncodys.com for an old llama farmer he doesn't do to bad (don't tell him I said that, he is having trouble with swollen head as it is)
  22. Okay I just tried to get a photo out of my MGI Photo Suite and it didn't work for me. How about if I cheat and e-mail you the picture? When I get someone here that can help me I will give it a try again.
  23. Jacksonville, as I recall was also the land of sink holes in the kite flying field. If I am remembering correctly you, Ron and I spent about an hour or so in the little cafe in the hotel lobby discussing kite competitions, actually I spent a lot of time in that hotel lobby that week, every time I stepped outside I broke out in a sweat and went back inside to cool off. Sweet memories
  24. John: You have kites to sell, kites to trade etc.... What if I have a kite I am willing to put up for bid?
  25. Penny it may be the blind leading the blind but there is also safety in numbers, and I am not sure I feel safe out here alone. You guys all have me turning red in the face with this talk about my Codys, they are pretty nice but ..... I do still want to try hanging Llama feller out to dry though, it does sound like some kind of fun, if we use a Cody as the lifter and a Rev as the spin dry kite what do you think will happen, would we have a Llama feller that walks side ways
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