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Everything posted by codykiteguy

  1. SHHHH, man cant you guys keep it down a little, John could be a light sleeper! Llamafeller, you remember telling me you would do anything if I could get more interest going on the AOK site? So far this could cost you 2 slices of pizza for Tater and if we can get enough booze into her right away she will forget about it all togather! Tater dont you go all innocent on me now, you remember the last time you got the worm in a bottle of taquilla, opppps ... maybe she doesnt Now if you would quietly follow Llamafeller and myself to the AOK site, Llamafeller has the bottle and I have the shot glasses ... come on little girl we are both really nice guys ... you can trust us ....
  2. I am going to try and do this as quietly as I can so I dont wake John up! Over at the AOK site we still have some conversation going on so you are all welcome to come on over and talk with us while John takes his snooze, oh and by the way Llamafeller told me that anyone that shows up in the next few days gets a free couple of slices of pizza and a beer, all except Penny, we all know she is hooked on the big T so she will get 2 free shots. SHHHHHH, dont wake John up, I am sure he needs his sleep, leave him alone, we can tell him about the party later.
  3. Penny, I never got my autographed picture of the Angels, I wouldnt mind but they seem to be such a special group of ladies
  4. Some how I get the feeling Wen is not as cute as he looks to be! Is it at all possible we have a he-angel in kitty clothes? Somehow I am suddenly feeling a little like Custer and the Indians are gaining in number. And to think I was thinking Wen could be one of the next great Cody kite fliers
  5. Hey there Wen fella, I love the magic of watching one of the kites that I have built go up into the sky and set there like it is supposed to, I am thinking that is a mixture of ego, stage and beach magic, am I right? Sorry about the mix up on he or she stuff there are not enough guys that are willing to admit they like cats rather than dogs here in the US
  6. Thankyou Tatter!
  7. codykiteguy


    HUH? I thought Doug Henning was a Pro. Wrestler in the '80s and then there was that other Henning that played football for Green Bay. DOESN'T ANYONE ELSE HERE LIKE MAGIC JOHNSON?
  8. Bet you guys think it is easy for me to come up with this stuff, huh? I didn't used to be like this but then after a few years of building Codys it just comes naturally now, look at that poor little frog trying to keep up with all this stuff I am dishing out
  9. codykiteguy


    Bet the trip to Hawii and the stay there was a lot better than getting back home and finding the mess I made in the AOKmobile, but man what a wild party that night .... WAIT A MINUTE! Wen wants to know how we all feel about Magic Johnson here, she is running a poll and you guys are supposed to talk about Magic Johnson, why we are talking about Magic Johnson is beyound me, maybe Wen is blonde, I don't know, but back to the subject, you are now back in charge Wen!
  10. had to be me Rick, why would it be you Rick, me Rick is nearly always right while you Rick .......... OOOOH I feel dizzy ......... TTTAAATTTTTERRRR!
  11. Hmmm, nope that doesn't work! I have been using the same line since high school, I only have one line and I am not a "she", course that line that I have been using since high school has only worked twice and your AOK president was the last one to fall for it ..... think I have said too much already, think I will stop now
  12. codykiteguy


    Wen let me introduce myself, oh no what the heck wen is most likely better off not knowing who I am .... doesn't know who Magic Johnson is?? What is this world coming to? Wondering if wen has ever heard the name Tabor before or Hawiian Kites? Oh my goodness .... doesn't know Magic Johnson ...
  13. OUCH!! Taaattttteeer get back here, I think something just poked me in the eye and I need help getting out of here. I always thought Angels of any kind are supposed to be sweet and kind, this Archangel is in need of a little help in the sweet and kind area, and then edible undies before she reaches the age 30 or 35? Where is this girlys parents, I am thinking we need to have a talk about their daughter. TTTAAAAATTTERRR?
  14. Tater get back here! As someone over ... well lets say old enough to be Planegirlys Dad or Grandpa, I am not dealing with this by myself! By the way I have always wanted to know "Just what is Victoria's Secret"? I have been married twice, had a couple of really really good girl friends and the name "Victoria's Secret" keeps coming up, at this point you would think I knew most of the secrets!
  15. You guys have caught me on one of those rare nights when I am fairly serious, I was recently asked at a festival why I refered to the kite I was flying as "She", this took me back a little and I really did not have an answer. I think most of my kites I refer to as "She" because they are beautiful, easy on the eye, and they are gentle in the sky doing just what I like to see them do. When I am flying a kite that is not responding the way I would like I refer to it as "It", no gender at all just a kite that is not doing what I want it to. So I guess in my mind either the kite is a lady or nothing but trouble (would that be a young male around Johns age?(just out there causing trouble?) Just have trouble controling my humor
  16. One of the best kites I can think of for showing aerodynamics in a kite is the Cody (no John, not because the Codys are my speciality), the Codys got their beginnings as man lifters and developed into the first airplane to fly in England. The Cody kites have wing lines to adjust the angle of attack of the wing to the wind as well as the dihedral of the wings. Try doing a computer search on Samuel F. Cody and you should get loads of information about the man and his kites as well as airplanes, one of the best bits of information you will find is by Jean Roberts with the Cody Society. The kites themselves are a bit of a trip to build but I believe there is a Cody coming out of China (John may know the name of the company) that is fairly inexpensive to buy. Just so you know the Cody is a double box kite with wings and a real pleasure to fly If you have any questions about the Codys please feel free to ask here or e-mail me directly at the address below, I love talkin' Codys with anyone!
  17. I'm not touching that .... I'm not going there .... hmmmm .... there must be a way to respond without sounding like a pervert .... enough said about Johns undies ... there that works, pink huh John? No that is more than enough information for me, Planegirly your turn!
  18. codykiteguy


    I must confess that even though Magic Johnson never played on any of the basketball teams I liked I always thought that Magic was a great basketball player, what does he have to do with kite flying?
  19. wait a minute weren't you the one that said real men wear pink there Planegirly?? and who said John wears boxers .... hmm I dont think that is a subject we want to get into (oh I don't believe I said that) that is not a subject we need to discuss (there that is better)
  20. Hmmm I think uNDERLEAF was looking at the mermaid a few times before his post, he mentioned something about up lifting a couple of times, she doesn't appear to be sagging too much to me
  21. Oh ya gotta hate that, wearin' those has gotta make it hard to go to the gym for a work out and shower afterwards! I can just hear Planegirly saying that it is okay now
  22. Man I didn't see a thing! Even I can't pull that lie off, now that is a kite, how about it Tater are ya ready to start flying soft kites now? Hey where is the Trilbygirly at when I need her!?!
  23. I got a pair of red socks mixed in with my underwear the last time I did laundry .... hmmm, I'll be back later there must be some reason why I mentioned that Oh yea now I remember it had something to do with real men and pink, John Sunday is laundry day send your stuff on down and I can set you up with some of the stuff real men wear
  24. Okay Penny I got the picture printed now where do I send it so that I can get it autographed by all the Angels WOW, I just cant wait (she isn't going to hurt me for that is she?)
  25. Somebody stop me quick! Please someone stop me! Damn no one stopped me .... Okay Planegirly go ahead and tell me what you think I don't know why but I just want to hear it, I just know I am going to be sorry for asking
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