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Everything posted by codykiteguy
got this pretty black, yellow and pink one right now but I am finishing off one that is black, teal and yellow, I was thinking it may be more to your liking
WOW I want that kite!! Hey Tater you want to do some modeling for me? I am now inspired to build a kite!
Oh my goodness is it possible that I have won over one of the Angels to my side, do we have an Angel that really knows the good side from the Dark side? I have a question for all you gals and guys to answer at the Single line Kites subject, I have no doubt you will find it on your own, especialy want to hear from the Angels on this one, no need for Planegirl to respond ... she likes to streak so I know how she feels about the subject, that Planegirl she is kinda cute even with all her clothes on and Kushner .... well what can I say ... we met at L.C. and your pictue just does not do you justice
Okay folks this is a question for the guys as well as the gals, I am currently building a mermaid kite, on the kite there is a certain amount of breast that is showing on both sides, most of the breasts are covered with hair, the question is ... how much nipple should be shown? some ... none ... or just enough?
Hmmm, I am thinking that so far no one has suggested adding an autographed photo of the Angels, I know I would get in line for a copy of that
Hey there girls, its me, you know the one you have been hearing from up here in the sky when Llamafeller and John were not around, the one with the sparkling voice that you could not help but liston to. I suggest you pay a visit to the AOK site and take a look at the subject AOK News, however you may want to keep John from going there ... he may self distruct himself!
I just gotta know how is it possible that I knew that was the one Angel that would know where to get fish net and green nail polish? I mean if any one of them the one that wants to dye her hair pink just had to be the one to have that kinda stuff Hey wanna fly my Cody there little girl (looks around to see if now would be a good time to run)
SPLASHHHH! Man you just gotta know when to slow down here on the coast! Okay so that ones all wet (I wont say in more ways than one, I wont I wont I wont) Oh heck! The Rebel Angel is all wet in more ways than one! So Penny, whatcha got next? OOOOHHH! That Rebel Angel would do well in a wet T shirt contest wouldn't she (bet Penny is hitting the juice again and doesn't know what to say) uNDERLEAF, I am a lot like you, the longer I stay hidden under the log the better chance I have for a long life but every once in a while you just gotta come out and take a look at the view, with these 4 girls running around in circles we got a pretty good view, it also helps to live someplace other than where your foe lives, I am staying right here in Florence for the winter thank you!
OH MY GOODNESS! Llamas Angels are getting slow, took a look at the picture and it looks like one of them needs to spend a little less time chasing boys, the other one is hitting the booze pretty hard, OH MY GOODNESS, thinking I don't need to feel threatened by those girls anymore! Lets see in the photo from left to right that is Larry, Mo and Curly right??? Shemp must have still been at the sallon getting her nails done or something
Thank goodness, The Angels have found someone else to chase insted of me, just wait till the old Llamafeller hears about this. Looks like you might want to try and hitch a ride on Janola's bike while the old Llama is pretty fleat of foot that bike looks like it might catch him
For several years now WSIKF has gone unchallenged for the world record number of Codys flown at one time. The time has come for that to change, in 2005 we are going to hold the first Florence Cody Challenge. This will be a Fun Fly for all types of kites, we have a great beach with plenty of anchors for kites as well as a clear area for sport kites. I will give you all a date when it is set.
Sounds like we got a second great way of storing a hot cutter when you aren't using it. My brick has been with me so long that I couldn't part with it but a jar would be a lot easier to find
Kiting Magazine - Rick Brown Article
codykiteguy replied to boomertype's topic in The Web Site (nuts and bolts)
Ahhhh Shucks folks! I'm just building my little kites and my old buddy Ron Gibbian happens to like 'em enough to get me an article. So where is the mention about Steve at in the mag. I would love to read that? -
When you say you use a jar, are you laying the jar on its side? That seems like it would work great, if you put the hot cutter in the jar in a upright position it seems like the handle would get hot, yes? no?
Ayiana, I am glad to hear you like the ideas. Also keep in mind that if you are cutting any curved edges stay away from the rotory cutter because it will try and run up onto the pattern piece. Have fun and let me know if you need any more ideas, feel free to send me an e-mail just make sure to put something about kites in the subject box so I don't delete your message before reading it.
You know somehow, sometimes I think I would be better off if I didn't say a word Setting here seeing Angels run across the beach at Lincoln City, they are just like watching big beach balls as they bounce from place to place running around ... oh well, time to wake up and get back to work
Oh my! How did I ever get myself in this mess in the first place? I am really a pretty nice guy that just likes to watch Angels bounce across the beach and day dream of other days while flying my Codys. I do like watching Angels bounce .... (some how I don't think I helped myself out at all) Gotta find Taz as soon as I get to the beach, I know she still loves me
Okay first of all, you are supposed to use a name that I can spell without having to go back an look so that I make sure I spell it right .... Aiyanaleigh ... WOW! Did I get that right? Next, I get the idea that you are a lot like myself, you want everything hot cut so that nothing can fray. The Codys I build are all hot cut and then the edges are all covered with strips that are also hot cut. People will tell you that by doing all this you are waisting your time, hot cut edges that are then covered with fabric? What is the point to all that work? I don't know why I do it but I know that there are kites of mine that have been flying for better than 14 years and they are still going strong. One of the wood burning tools you mentioned is made by Weller and that is the one I use, forget about all the attachments they give you, after using the tool for several hours you wont be able to remove the one you are using anyhow. Use the chisel point attachment, after you put it on the handle take a heavy file and shape it like a kife blade but at about a 30 degree angle leading edge to trailing edge, not only does this give you a good cutting edge along the kife edge but by turning the blade you have a pencil point that you can use for hot tacking. Also throw away the little wire stand that they give you for storing the hot cutter when you are not using it, insted go out and find yourself one of those red bricks with the 3 holes in it, stand the brick on end and put your hot cutter in the top or middle hole, this will keep the tool from getting knocked off onto your material Give it a try, I think you will like it, talk to you again soon Liegh
Mousiepoo Takes a look at a banner, looks back over at the computer, yep Mousiepoo would fit on there just fine .... got it!
Hmmm, it works for them big birds I wonder if it would work for me, as soon as I get to the beach I will dig a hole and bury my head in it, what I can't see cant hurt me, right?
Lets see, if I can find some way to make my Cody's look like deltas maybe that would throw these Angels off my track. Or if I just hang out with Taz all weekend, Taz likes me, I know she does!
Silly little Angelgirlys, ya tell them something and they believe what they hear, now I am free to set on the beach at Lincoln City fly my kites and watch the people go by Silly silly little Angels, most of them must be blonde
Oh darn, I just found out I can't go to Lincoln City, something about Cody kites being more appreachiated at the North Jetty beach in Florence, I get free room and board for the weekend and everything. Picture me on the beach being hugged and kissed on by little red haired girlys in pink T-shirts with black lettering
Cooties??? Hey little girl isn't it past your bed time? So much for her getting my autograph (make a mental note, no autographs for Planegirly). Hey Llama, you need to take care of this Angel for me, she is telling me bad things about my Cody's As for that Rebel you have in your flock, well now .... let me take care of that one for you, I promise to get her back in line I know I am much wiser than to have said a thing like that, why oh why did I say that?
Wow, this Llama's Angels group sounds like a lot of fun! I am seeing lots of talk about tube tops, tail, shorts and as I recall at one time there was some talk about me being at the bottom of a pile. After having my back hurt a few weeks ago I don't think I should do any running in the sand at L.C., be gentle girls! Anyone wanna fly my Cody? Hey, bring your current issue of Kiting mag. to Lincoln City and I will autograph it for you, should make the value of that issue sky rocket just like my kites