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Everything posted by indigo_wolf

  1. Unless the elastic is actually sewn to the dacron loop at the end of the LE pocket, you might be better off ditching it and replace it with a a suitable elastic loop. Doubled or larksheaded through the dacron loop and then stretched over the nock. No knots or melting required. A discard bicycle inner tube and razor/X-Acto blade would yield a healthy supply of such elastics. ATB, Sam
  2. Instead of taking up or letting out line with your hands, you can increase and decrease line tension by sweeping your arm (different from the forbidden leg sweep ) . Not quite 11:00 yet, but let's go to the video.... Like idea of a passthrough wand, but think I would be immediately replace the split ring with a solid stainless ring. Prohibitively expensive at marine supply stores.... but lower spec ones are fairly cheap at the big box "hardware" stores. ATB, Sam
  3. Don't know why, but I have yet to see a picture of the 61/49 that does it justice. In person, it is just as much art as kite. Lithe is on a long list of words to describe it. ATB, Sam
  4. And you made me smile every time you landed it on the "Staff" and "Kite Store" tents. Some pretty impressive side slides considering the lack on wind on Sunday. DOH!! That's explains why I couldn't identify it. Should have just asked you what it was, instead of going bald scratching my head. Very pretty SUL. Sam
  5. Have not seen them flying.... But now you have lost me. Are you looking for kites for a particular event? Kids? Red, white & blue? How many kites are you looking for? What kind of price? Have you considered Parafoils? Both Premier & GFAK make patriotic ones... not sure about size or how they would fly on a stick. However, if they get dragged, you don't have to worry about broken spars, and they probably meet you pack down small requirements. Details? Sam
  6. VIP... even for someone that's not overly fond of white sail designs, that sure is purdy. Sam
  7. Inexpensive. (@ $3.99 per) 4-inch wingspan All mylar sail so I expect the color vibrancy to be accurate. If I had to guess, micro-carbon frame. Hard time finding retailers, but they are available directly at: http://www.xkitesshop.com/mini_microlite.html Descriptions on that page are wrong, but detail pages are correct. Flyability=unknown, but at worst that means they make for a pretty desk ornament Let me know if I have left anything out. Sam
  8. Alas no... they are made by a company called XKites. Any creative inclinations would probably lean towards dual-lines at this point. Sam
  9. Crikey, I love the double-tail. prismatic mylar anyone? Sam
  10. Must be the blue.... true? Sam
  11. It does explain your fondness of the Bai. My current object of SLK whimsy is a 3D dragon kite with a 26" wingspan. We should get you some mini-Butterfly kites (4" wingspan) for when you are trying to travel liight Footnote: I say this as a charter member of the Honorable Order of the Kitchen Sink & Aching Back (now there's a coat of arms for you). Sam
  12. Thanks Roy... you know all the time you were posting on Patty's forum, I never understood your "Must fly" sig line. And then I got interested in kites.... Sam
  13. I would almost certainly take a purple. However, it's more likely I would just buy miultiple kites. With regards to the two reds: Although they appear similar side by side, when you take them into a graphics package and put them on seperatre layers, the difference is much more noticable. The difference probably increases under different light conditions and when backlit. It's actually scary how many of the colors I like because of the unique panel layout of the kite. Thankfully you didn't make the choice harder by offering color options for other portions of the sail. Are you likely to take any custom color orders(with an upcharge, if necessary)? Sam
  14. Stephen: Thanks for taking my information. Sam
  15. Watty, Take Penny up on her offer, but before you leave WSIKF, make sure you hook up with Theresa. She'll have a permanent replacement down spar for you. No cost to you. All the best to you & yours, Sam P.S. Stop spending so much money on milk and cookies, you have spars and line to buy
  16. Is there some way to pass along details and get on the waiting list, even if one is unable to attend WSIKF? Have you finalized what colors the Bai will be available in? Regards, Sam
  17. Gone With The Wind Into The Wind KiteConnection KitesInc KitesRUs I have ordered from one or two others, but not enough orders to form an opinion. Cheers, Sam
  18. Entire track is 5:35. Tempo change occurs at around 2:15. Most samples are around 1:00 to 1:30 and hence don't really do justice to the piece. We'll just write it off as the "steely-eyed glare" of someone that's "on the hunt" If you are still looking for something (perhaps a bit faster) then maybe.... "Whatever Way The Wind Blows" Pop Version: Marshall Crenshaw Country Version: Kelly Willis Oh no... the sun is coming up.... grumble grumble. Sam
  19. Which track on the Firestarter ST? If you get a chance listen to the samples on Amazon for the TD Albums Lily on The Beach and Le Parc (multiple listings on Amazon and only one has samples) Both range all over the place on the tempo scale. Would love to see "Twenty Nine Palms" on the first track as an indoor routine. Some of the tracks could lead to broken spars though Other soundtrack selections: Happy Birthday Maggie from Point of No Return ST (Amazon sample is way, way too short... actual track is 5+ minutes and has a fairly wide tempo range. Remembering A Heartbeat from Big Blue ST (Eric Serra) Painfully short and there are other tracks that lend themselves more to routines due to length, but I have always loved the track and thought it was very appropriately titled. Black Rain Suite: Nick & Masa (Track 10) from Black Rain ST some very floaty sections that would lend itself to an indoor or SUL routine. There are some likely candidates from the Blue Thunder ST, but last I heard it was never relased publically only as a publicity item. It took several years before I finally tracked down a copy on eBay. Crikey.... now I'm going to be doing this in my head all day Sam
  20. Without words Tangerine Dream.... often found on soundtracks, but their repertoire is considerably larger. Biggest problem is that stores tend to incorrectly file them into the wrong category With Words Grey Eye Glances - based out of PA. Very full band/instrumentals.... wonderful female lead singer. Sam
  21. Kent: Thanks for the heads up (ooooh..... Kent sells the NPW!!!!) I just ordered a Rev Bag from Lolly (does that make anyone else think of the "Adverbs" song?). Yes, it's kind of strange to buy the bag before the kite, but just a sucker for the Super Duper Spring Sale and I wanted to prep a home for the Rev that would allow me to also tote a couple of dual-lines (blasphemy, I know). If the bag can be carried quiver-style (wish more kite bags did) without overstressing anything, so much the better. Guess I'll find out shortly. I will be holding off on the Rev B purchase for a few weeks as some other kites purchases and some pre-Winter 2008 dinged the wallet a bit More importantly something special is supposed to be happening in 3-4 weeks. I know what I hope it is, but nothing to do but cross my fingers (and toes) and hope for the best All the best, Sam
  22. Sent out a quck email somewhere during the wee hours of this morning. Will see what kind of message comes back in the tea leaves. Apparently some of the sites that carry the B series just haven't gotten around to posting the pictures and online cart entries. Someone's just not cracking that whip hard enough . Sam
  23. Any chance that Steve will be carrying the B's in the coming weeks? Or Sooner? A quick check, showed Rev parts/supplies, but no kites on the GWTW site :confused!: Regards, Sam
  24. Exactly how large does a Rev need to be to make the Atlantic flight? Sam
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