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Moon Kushner

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Everything posted by Moon Kushner

  1. Happy Birthday Old Man!!! Hope that you have a wonderful day! Luv Ya!
  2. Nice! VERY NICE!
  3. Proud and tired papa It is amazing the emotion that runs through you the first time you hear them cry. Once you have carried something around inside you for nine months, it is such a miracle when they finally arrive. It is something that I do not know if I could ever put into words. He is almost three weeks old now and it is amazing how they can turn your life upside down. It is alright though, he is SO worth it. I hear that things do become a little more routine around 6-8 weeks, so that will be nice. Until then I am at the becon call of the king, but Cyrus is worth it.
  4. Once again, thank you all for your kind words. Can not wait to introduce him to his kite family!!!
  5. Here's my little man, the day that he was born. A future AKA member and kite flier.
  6. Thank you all for your kind words. It has been many sleepless nights and one trip to the ER since his birth, but other than that it is wonderful. The many joys of childbirth. He is a darling and a mother and fathers joy!
  7. Please welcome to the world, Cyrus Damian Wiblemo Born November 19, 2006 at 8:35am 6 lbs 6.5 oz and 20.5 inches He arrived 10 days earlier than expected, and is a happy and healthy baby. Very cute too I must add, but don't take my word for it I am a little biased I will post a photo soon.
  8. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Mike will be greatly missed by myself and the kiting community for all he has done for the sport. I am still in shock from reading the email earlier today. Kites to the sky in your honor Mike.
  9. Im just not saying another word, don't want to jinx myself. Moon
  10. Let me wip the drool off my chin!!! Moonie likey. It would be a big brother to my little .85, which I have benn flying like crazy lately. Maybe this will finally be my time, I have been a subscriber w ahile now
  11. Hey T, The drive was long, but the animals were little angels. (No other animals so this one will have to do!) We hit a little bit out weather leaving OR and crossing into CA, so we stopped in Weed, CA on Fri night and waited out the snow. We got to LA Sat night, and then did a crazy day of driving to make it to Austin by Monday morning. My email is the same, so you can use what you have Miss ya too! Moonie
  12. Those be fighting words, Watch out Carl, this one is mine
  13. Moonie likey!
  14. Thanks for the love guys!!! It was a wonderful birthday, here's to my Golden year!!
  15. Thanks Amy, Best to you as well! Congrats on the newest addition to your family She was born on a good day, she shares it with my mom. Moon
  16. HUGS back at you Mousie
  17. I started on the 1.5, but I must say that after flying the Rev I for a while I have found that I am more partial to it. The Rev I is a smooth kite and I find that the bigger kite is not as twitchy as its smaller counterparts. Also the reverse on the Rev I is awsome in my mind. Now if I could only fly like John I dont think that it would matter However....... I am with Monkey. Only 3 lines for John from now on
  18. That is what I am hoping for So friends, if you are on this side of the pond and the weather is nice come on out to Delta Park and joing TKS Mid Air for our last P-Town practice before Nationals. Praying for sun and wind! Moon
  19. I shall be there as well! Can't wait to see you Monkey. Where are you staying? Moonie
  20. Mousie, It is the same weekend as Seaside. Arch, I am going to be flying this Sunday, not too sure who else will be there, but you all should come out if you have the time.
  21. OH so tempting to say something, but I will keep this PG. I always thought it would be great to get a pair that matched the TKS Mid-Air team kites, and fly in that, but I am not too sure that anyone would be looking at the kites anymore. Really, I am a good kid........ :rbowwave:
  22. Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday Crazy Penny ! Happy Birthday to YOU! You are only as old as you feel, and after seeing you fly at WSKIF you are just a spring chicken
  23. Tell the Mum to feel better. I will be waiting patiently to see you...... hey you should come down this weekend, Andrew is in town Anywho, I best stay focused at work. Busy day when you are the only person in.
  24. I am holding your shirt ransom until you come to Portland and fly with us one Sunday at Delta Park. That would have been the plan even if you had set your hurt foot on the beach. Sorry to hear about your foot, what did you do you? So if you ever want to see your shirt alive, you need to bring yourself, and Amy's thongs to Delta.......... Or its the scissors for the shirt ha ha ha
  25. Watch out world here I come!! Going to get the chance to come and see my first WSIKF Thanks to my good teammate Toddy. See all of you guys and gals this evening. Watch out, here comes trouble
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