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Moon Kushner

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Everything posted by Moon Kushner

  1. You can run, but you can't hide
  2. Come on boss, I was trying to make him think that he was off the hook so we had the upper hand Now he is in trouble for the blonde joke. Watch out Cody geezer. Still working on getting there myself. I should hopefully know by tonight so I can get out of working on Saturday and Sunday. Plus, I need some fun time. Twelve hour days three to four days a week make for a dull girl. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  3. Well in that case...... Who are we after now LLama
  4. Looks as if CodyGuy is not going to be at LC, remeber this posting: So who are we after now Bosley????? Now for a technical question, how do you get all this "quote" stuff to work with all the clickable smiles? Sometimes I am not the brightest crayon in the box
  5. Hi Mark, You are going to get varied answers from most of us Rev fliers, as far as which is the best for ballet. Personally I like the Rev I, I have a variety of Rev 1.5 is my bag, and I always seem to favor the Rev I. It is a bigger kite, so in my opinion is has a little bit more control that the smaller Rev's do. They finally have started to manufacture them again which is awsome. It will make your EXP feel small, and it is definetly not as squirly. As far as the flight goes on your EXP, are you using knots on your handles to give the kite more forward or backwards as needed? I believe that somewhere on this forum John Barresi has put up a photo of how he sets up his handles with the knots, and it makes all the difference in the world to me. I will peek around the forum for it and let you know. If it is not thre anymore I will see if John can repost it after his return. Moon
  6. Now that would be cool!!! I would wear it with pride Sometimes it all works out better that way I think this is what we should be looking for, and we should try to get them before Nationals. HEEHEEHEE
  7. Thanks for the welcome Mousie I am hoping to make it to LC, I got my weekends crossed on my last posting. We shall see, I will be looking for a floor to crash on and a ride if I am going to go. I want a pair of shorts that has Llama's Angels across the tail Beware, this is all very possible Kirstie, sorry to hear about you bf, his loss anyway. You sure have had a crazy few weeks. Alright, off to my homework. It is my last day of class tonight, so I wont have to worry about anything school wise if I can get to L.C. next weekend. Angel Moon signing off.
  8. Penny..... Why didn't you mention something sooner??? How long are you going to be in Lincoln City?? I would sleep on the floor if it gives me a chance to go. Plus I have a new Rev that I an dying to try out, just got it in the mail yesterday and she is a beauty. I am going to be at work until 10pm so I will check on the foum after that. Let me know what is up, you just peaked my interest. I forgot I do have homework and need to be on te internet, so if that is a possibility, let me know. Moon
  9. Look at you Llama man...... Passing the blame, well at least it wasn't me that you were blaming So how was Lincoln City???
  10. I have gotten it all handled for this evening. Hope to see a bunch of familiar faces there.
  11. I guess I am in then Watch out Bosley, her I come Hey the last movie had four Angels, even though one was a fallen angel, but if Bosley was smart he would have had ALOT more. As far as the cirteria goes I've got 2,3,4, and sometime 6. I am a happy monkey, I get to go fly tonight over in Vancouver. Kirstie, you guys should come out and fly with the SWWKA some time. We will be at Frenchman's Bar tonight until it gets dark starting at around 5:00pm. Oh wait, forgot what you said, broken hand......duh! Curious though, how do you break your nickle???? Theme song.......hmmmmmm........
  12. Hey Amy, Are you planning to head out to Frenchman's Bar this evening, and if so what time? It is such a beautiful day that I would not mind getting out there and pulling on some strings later this evening. Moon
  13. Glad to hear that everything is coming together so well. I can feel the excitement from here. I am really fond of Mid Air as well, it has wonderful meaning and presence. The Shiva SUL is so nice to fly in light wind. It was the first kite that I was ever able to keep in the air in very light wind conditions. Nice work on the 360 Scott, we will have to leave the table jumping for John. I will hopefully be able to get out there soon for a Tuesday evening fun fly VERY soon.
  14. Thanks Amy that is really kind of you I want to try to make it to the Tuesday fun flies, but I barely get back into Portland at 5:30 as my day job is in Gresham.
  15. I guess I should try that spell check thing I will "rack" my brain. I'll do my best to think of something soon as these 12 hour days are beginning to take their toll on me
  16. I like it, and the motto for the banner is excellent. I will reack my brain on the idea for a little while and see what I can come up with. I am looking forward to the team and the experiences that will come with it.
  17. I can feel the fuzzy's from here. Plus it is nice to have a place to as a and shoot the . Enough with the pictures, but it gives all of us an outlet to communicate when we can not be at all the festivals and events and for that I am thankful. Come on Penny, you can do it.......even I did
  18. Hey, how do you become part of this club?????? I want to be one of the LLAMAS ANGELS. You know I think of me as the cross between Drew and Luci Lu I am beginning to get that silly cold too and I am doing EVERYTHING in my power to fight it You keep mentioning that homecoming dress of yours, we better get to see pictures When is it anyway? Hope you feel better soon!!! Moon
  19. OMG, you are quite funny yourself Kirstie. If I was not at work I would be laughing a lot louder, don't want them to think that I am any weirder than they already do. I love you too Plane Poo Just because I am an "adult" does not mean that I am ever going to grow up. It is the little things in life that make me happy Much love........ (I know I shouldn't, but I am) Moonie
  20. Penny..... I know the feeling, this is what I do at work too. No wheels for Whidbey, maybe Lincoln if I can find ride, and pretty certain that I should be at Seaside for at least a cople of days. I have two more weeks left in this term, and then I have one more term left and will have my AA in January. Then there is much more school to go Work is just that. I am doing temp work for Boyd Coffee Company and then I work for Sushi Land as a modified bus person in the evenings. Trying to get out of a slump, since being unemployed for a while. Hope to see you soon! Moon
  21. They would keep you from steeping in poo, then all you would have to be worried about is landing in it
  22. A day later and we are still talking about poo. We sure do know how to get off topic. Hey there Mousie, hugs right back at you Watch where you step, it is getting deep in here.
  23. Nice to hear that the ball is rolling. I am really EXCITED about the possibilities. I thought that we could be Theresa's Angels, but that might not work if I am the only girl I look forward to flying with all of you again soon. I had a wonderful time. I am also curious of what kind of tricks Johnny has up his sleeves for next time
  24. You got that one right. I think this forum is a wonderful unwritten episode of South Park. I just wanted to sing the Mr. Hankey song OK, enough about me and poo. I will make certain NEVER to sign another post like that again. Look at all the craziness it brings out. On second thought, it is fun Penny, you are a strange and wonderful woman. And your joke was funny too. Don't think that just because you fly indoors that the poo is going to miss you. To all of my friends who are going to Whidbey I will miss you all. This will be the first time in four years that I am not going to be able to make it. I guess that is what happens when you finally lose your car privlages. Penny please give Marjorie and Allen a big hug for me.
  25. What have I started.... Do you really want to know whats next?? See what happens when I try to be cute Glad that I put a smile on every bodies face. Leave it to a bunch of kite fliers to mke everything about poo. It makes me think of a certain South Park episode. Any guesses?
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