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Spence Watson

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Posts posted by Spence Watson

  1. If you happen to be at Camas indoor in November, I could give you a set. I have an extra set.

    or you could try the kite shoppe (www.thekiteshoppe.com). That's where I got my extra pair. I got them right when they came out. But I'm not sure if she still has some to sell... but you could try.

  2. I just have fun. Listen to music, try different things. I like to try and do what I've seen others do either in person or in videos. Try using different lengths lines. Mix it up a bit.

    I think that the best way to learn is through variety. Try everything. Indoors, short lines, long lines, heavy wind, light wind, trick stuff, precision stuff, even in rain (as long as there is no thunder or lightening).

  3. Yea.. when I go to the forum it says

    Bad Request

    Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Apache/1.3.37 Server at www.kitelife.com Port 80

    I'm sure John will have it all fixed soon enough. He always does.

  4. I'm not sure if my regristration went through or not. Guess I'll find out sooner or later.

    You're all set Spence.

    Registration received.

    (The wife is one of the scorekeepers, so she's on the registrations distribution list)

    Put in a good name for me :D

  5. WSIKF is so near!!!!!

    I'm out camping right now, but I will be returning home this sunday, then I will be moving into Spokane Valley, and then I will be going to WSIKF. I've got a busy couple of weeks ahead of me. I already picked out 4 demo songs, 1 indor balle son, and I'm deciding between 3 outdoor ballet songs. I canno wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8D

  6. I doubt it is mandatory. I remember last year I went to the tent to register at the beginning of the week for events 3 days later, and they said that registration doesn't open until the day before the event. They even laughed at me as if I was crazy for thinking I could register early.

    But It will be good to be able to register far in advance. I think it will make things go much smoother.

  7. I have no idea what a rip stick is, but I hope you guys find it.

    I've lost some things on the field before too. I've lost some 1.5 handles, and a kite stake that I bought 3 days earlier! :)

    Wen, if you need some handles at WSIKF you can use my extra 1.5 handles.

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