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Spence Watson

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Posts posted by Spence Watson

  1. John,

    I think what you are asking is how to toss the kite back after the fade. Is that right?

    If so, After the fade, you are holding the kite by the LE with the Rev Logo and the lines away from you. Then you just sort of do like an under-hand toss with it, so that the kite is floating out with the lines and rev logo on the bottom, then the kite will end up inverted.

    Does that make sense?

  2. Penny, very nice rev !

    I tried to paint a kite once with the floral paint but for outdoor, it's not the best.

    I exchanged a couple of email with John Pollock on his method.

    Last night, I talked to another kiteflyer who has been painting kites for more than ten years. He gave me lots of good tips. I have some ripstop in the washing machine... I will try that before touching my rev.


    Thanks. I will defenitively check out this forum.


    That would have been perfect for me but I will be in Gaspe, Quebec flying kites for their 475 anniversary.

    475 anniversary!!! Wow! What is it the anniversary of? 475 years seems like quite a long time!

  3. One thing that seems to make a big difference in performing an axel smoothly is to first pull the opposite hand, then do the main movement that causes that axel.


    Let's say that you want to pull on the right hand to do a clockwise axel. When coming in from an inverted slide, begin the axel by giving a small tug on the left hand. This will loosen the kite up a bit. Then give a big pull on the right hand to begin the spin.

    Also remember to keep as little wind in the sail as possible when performing the axel. Your lines should be loose, but not too loose. You still need to be able to back up in time to recover from the axel.

    Here in a week or two I will be putting out another Windless With Watty video on axels. Even though the video will be indoors, the techniques can be incorporated outdoors.

  4. Two questions Spence,

    1) Can you fly a routine in the chair, not just 360's and overheads, and make it look good already? I'm going to check it out today.

    2) What is Paul's signature move?

    Go for the weights Spence. You can share what you learn with us. :) I can't wait to see it.


    This is the Longbeach Windless 2008 Hot Tricks with Lam and I.

    At 1:28 is the sweep launch. and at :25 is the jump rope.

    There's so many things not on the hot tricks video that I didn't do. Javelin throw, can can.. etc, but check out Lam's flying! Wonder if he has a name for the reverse float at 1:56

    He follows with a pull catch.. and I like that he pulled it to his shoulder.. I teach people to pull to thier waist so it will float to thier waist. Just so it doesn't poke their eyes out. :D ~Where you pull is where it goes.

    I think I'll pull mine up a notch.

    The nice thing about learning kiteflying and tricking is that's it's brand new to us, no matter how many people have done it before us. Each kiteflier is a pioneer.

    Maybe I can do a move that someone else can not do. They have to work on it and discover what it takes. Or we can go test fly it and tell them what to do, or show them. But it will still go back to each flyer discovering what it takes that they are not adding to the equation.

    If you can, video tape those practices so you can study it and see what you are doing right and what you are doing wrong. It's a great tool.

    Each kiteflier loves the feeling of discovery.. and still appreciates any help we can give them. Keep the tutorials coming Spence. :P

    Kitefliers are ________________. One word.. what would you put there?

    BB Penny ~who better get ready for the WKA/PCKA Indoor Fun Fly and Christmas party.

    Here is a video with Paul's signature move. It is at 6:45 in this video


  5. Well, the sitting in chairs I can already do. However, I prefer a swivel stool. So then I can still do an entire 360 while sitting very easily.

    As for flic flacs, This coming Wednesday I have some things that I'm going to work on. I think I may have to throw some weights in my kites to make it possible. What I want to do is a normal flic-flak, then I also want to do Paul DeBackert's signature move with an indoor rev.

  6. Well, I don't want to call the second one the jump rope, because it is only part of the jump rope, and not the whole thing.

    As for the videos, does your computer have speakers?Is the sound turned up on the speakers? Is the volume turned up on the computer? Is the volume turned up on YouTube? Is the computer on mute? Are your speakers plugged in? Are you able to hear other things from your computer?

    I know some of the questions seem really stupid, but it happens. I'm able to hear things just fine.

  7. While we are talking about names, here's one for you Penny. This is a trick that I have seen you do in a video, so I have gone to practice it, and I used it several times at Camas. I plan on making a tutorial video for it, and I'm not sure what to call it. I'm planning oncalling it a swep (because it sweeps along the floor or something....)

    The trick is seen in this video at 4:10


  8. For guilitine, I actually have two moves with that name that I will do in one video. So far I've only made up two names: The sweep and the inverse-up-over.

    The sweep is where the kite is behind you, and you jump and pull the kite underneath you, then it goes up and flies.

    The inverse-up-over is pretty much just one round of that jump rope thing that I've seen you do, Penny.

    If you can think of a more suitable name for these, please let me know.

  9. Well, the reason I call it a pancake is because in my mind, a flic-flak involves the kite becoming completely inverted, while a pancake involves the kite simply going flat (parallel to the floor). Plus, I have heard other people call it this.

    Most things I don't really know the name to, so if I don't know the name, I just make it up. Like the pancake catch and axel catch, I just made up the names. I know, I know I'm pretty clever and original XD

  10. Well, these videos are for anyone willing to learn. If I don't do my best to make the learning as efficient as possible, then I feel like I am leaving a job half done.

    I have seen so much generosity in the few years that I have been involved in the kiting community, and I feel that I must do my part.

  11. Thank you John. When I find time, I will go through and make some editing changes to the videos. I should be able to do it tomorrow, but I'm not sure.

    Do you think the music could just be turned down, or should it be completely deleted except for during the titles? My main reason for including the music is because there was a bit of white noise in the audio that could be easily heard without the music.

  12. I don't think I will end up taking the time to redo this video with longer lines. The information given should be enough for a person to figure it out regardless of line length. Maybe when I run out of ideas for videos, I may go back and redo some.

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