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Spence Watson

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Posts posted by Spence Watson

  1. I'm in Seattle now, and I've been out street kiting all day. I found one spot downtown that is amazing! It is a large wood dock sort of thing right next to the water and maybe a block or two away from the Fisherman's restaurant on Alaskan way. It seems to be big enough to hold onto 80 ft lines, and maybe even 120'. It is a very nice spot, and if I lived in Seattle, that is where I would fly.

  2. I've got a couple spare B-Series DVD's. I'd be happy to mail you one.

    Never mind. I've had two people PM me about the spares I have, so I'm all out of DVD's now.

  3. I bought it used, came with 2 frames and handles. No lines, but I have a thousand ft of 150# spectra but I think that weight would be over kill. Left over from my traction kites. Along with a thousand feet of 300#. I just bought a standard 1.5 from the kite shoppe, so I can learn to fly on the cheaper one first. Dan

    90# lines are ideal for revs. 150 is a tad heavy, but usable.

  4. Dan, did you buy the Rev new, from a retailer?

    Generally it comes as a package with 2 frames, handles, lines, weights, carrying bag and weights.

    Also, many retailers will offer lines at a slightly discounted price with the purchase of a new Rev.

    So, how many weights does it come with? :blushing:

  5. I would recommend 70-120 ft lines for starters. Eventually, you will definitely want some 120 ft lines for team flying, and some shorties around 30'-50' are fun as well.

    As for the DVD, You could try giving a call to Revolution (http://www.revkites.com/main/contact). If that doesn't work, let me know. I've got a couple spare B-Series DVD's. I'd be happy to mail you one.

  6. I picked up a Rev at Vanier park on the weekend and it doesn't have the DVD, is there a place where i can download or

    watch it. Thanks Dan

    What rev is it? There are different DVDs depending upon the model.

  7. Thanks every one, going to try a rev. Do they have demo kites at this weekend in Vanier Park? If so maybe I could try and get hooked. Thanks again Dan

    Pretty much every rev you see flying in the sky is a demo kite. The majority of rev fliers will be happy to let you have a go.

  8. Hi Watty, not easier as such, it is that I flew 4 line parafoils and they seem to fly basic to the revs. Not having flown a rev mind you, but it looks similar. Dan

    Ah, I see. In that case, with your experience with quad line foils, I don't think you would have a problem getting the basic controls down. Then comes practice, practice, and more practice to where you are able to do just about anything with it.

  9. Hi everyone, I use to fly traction kites from about 2002-2005 and quit because I was getting hurt being dragged a lot.

    Any way I was wondering would i be able to handle quad easier than dual line. Thanks Dan

    This is a difficult question to answer, and frankly, I don't think there is a right or wrong answer for this. However, I will do the best I can.

    When you say easy to handle, I suppose it is easier to get the basics on a dual line kite rather than a quad because there are only two lines to worry about, so there aren't many combinations and such. I actually flew dual line kites before I got my first rev; now I have fallen completely to the dark side, and no longer own any dual line kites.

    Some people will say that learning to fly a rev is more difficult than a dualie, which I agree with, to an extent. However, I do not think the difficulty of a quad vs a dual should be something to make your decision off of.

  10. hello - never posted here before, but I need some advice.

    I just noticed that there is some damage to the bridle on my B series rev, which I've had and been flying for less than a year. I don't think it has stretched and it seems to fly OK, but I'd appreciate advice on whether I need to replace this sooner rather than later... And is it likely to be something I've done that's caused this (so I can avoid doing it again)? I've got an Exp which I've had for a few years now, and its got no sign of any similar damage.

    I'll try to attach a pic of the damage, but I'm not a great forum user so it may go wrong

    It looks to me like the sleeving has worn off in that spot. It looks like the spectra is still intact. I would just replace that section of the bridal. Just get a length of the same weight bridal line, then tie it to match the damaged one.

  11. DENIED! You DO NOT have permission to stop! As soon as you get another crazy indoor move... I know you'll be back! But I agree... the weather suggests some "Windy" stuff... keep those coming!

    All good things must come to an end right?

  12. My last Windless With Watty video is complete and live. I am all out of ideas for indoor tricks. I do still have some more Windy With Watty on the way.


    Since this is my last Windless With Watty, I have made an extra video with bloopers and such. Enjoy.

  13. Once again, I have a new indoor tutorial available on YouTube.

    I could not really think of a good name for this trick, so I had some friends pitch in, and this is what we came up with.


    Marvelous! BUT.. there were two words in your explanation that worry me... "strain" (to injure, damage, hurt) and "stroke" (and I don't have to define that one!) :w00t: So, for now, for me, No Whip-Lash, though hopefully someday!

    Great filming, music, your detailed explanations, and of course your skillful flying!

    Congrats again! :wub:

    Lol, yes well the meaning for strain is intentional. One should not be trying to reach back so far that it is uncomfortable. The trick can be done without that much effort. And by stroke, I mean sort of like a swimming stroke. Not a medical problem. :censored:

    I suppose the name sounds kind of scary as well..... hmmm ;)

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