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Spence Watson

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Posts posted by Spence Watson

  1. Watty, the one thing I found severely lacking was an explanation of what exactly a bicycle rotation is.

    i.e. pulling the upper most edge of the kite towards you as it rotates over the top.

    Instead, it sounded like you explained pulling (loading) the lower part of the kite to get it up and over the top, but didn't spend enough time breaking down the fluid transition between the four basic hovers (right, upright, left, invert, repeat, repeat).

    I won't be adding it to my tutorial playlist unless that info is included, as I feel it's the most crucial aspect.

    Just my 2 cents.

    Still love ya!

    Yes, see this is part of the reason that I don't like getting into things like this. It's too complicated to really explain thoroughly, even in video. I don't expect people to know how to do a bicycle rotation, but it is at least something to give someone a place to start.

  2. Here's another video that I just finished editing today. I wanted it to be finished at the same time as the axel video, but I ran out of time and was unable to edit it on the same day.

    This is another one of those bonus tutorials. This one was a request from Baloo.

    This really isn't much, but I think it is enough to get one started. Things like this need a little guidance, and tons of practice.

    Split screen would have been nice to put in this, unfortunately, using just one camera, it can be tough to get longer maneuvers with varying speeds to sync up.

    Bicycle Spins:

  3. New video!




    You neglected to add a disclaimer stating that if anyone in my age range has the notion to try the Sweep maneuver, they should seek their doctors advice prior to attempting it, and have rescue aide personnel on site if they are foolish enough try it! :) ...(and someone to Sweep-up the kite and body parts!)

    Look again. YouTube video annotations for the win!

  4. Is what Watty is showing what you call falling leaf or something similar.

    I think a falling leaf is when you flic and leave it there and it floats or flutters for a while as it comes down in a horizontal position then flac later to the original hover.

    Yes, a falling leaf consists of the flic, then when leaving a lot of slack in the lines, you let the kite free-fall for a bit, then finish the manouver with a flack. I may end up doing a seperate tutorial on this. I have to play with it more to make sure I got it down first ;D

  5. Nice work Watty, I've gotta debate the method on that flic flac however...

    A proper flic flac is started with a hard hit on the bottom lines, and AGAIN on the same (bottom) lines to recover.

    This is contrary to the instructions you provided, which state that you basically hit hard reverse, then the forward lines.

    Just figured I'd offer my 2 cents. ;)

    Like any thing, there are many different methods. My logic behind pulling on the top lines at the end is that the other end of the top lines is farther away from you than the other end of the bottom lines. So, it's a little easier to pull on those top lines. Do you see what I mean by this? Plus, when the kite is in the "Flic" position, I guess we can call it, the top lines are being lied over the trailing edge, so when the top lines are pulled, not only is it pulling the leading edge up, but it is pulling the trailing edge back down.

  6. I recently found a new field in town to fly in, and thought it to be a great place to start filming my outdoor tutorials. ;) As in the Windless With Watty thread, I will make a new post, and edit the first post every time I come out with a new video. I do not want to include any technique oriented things in these tutorials because that is something that is very complicated, and difficult to explain even through video.

    Flic Flack:


    Falling Leaf:

    Toss and Catch:

    *BONUS* This is not part of my Windy With Watty videos but is a tutorial, so I might as well post it here. This is not something that I would normally make a tutorial of, but someone was having trouble with it and contacted me, so I made this video.

    1/4 Turn Clock Work

    Bicycle Spins:

    • Thanks 1
  7. Hi RescueRev,

    I'm not quite sure what i is you are having trouble with, but I have a couple of guesses...

    1) When flying the kite streight up or down, you do a 360degree spin then continue in the same direction.

    If this is right, then what may help is to slowly move backwards while doing the spin, and keep equal tension on all four lines. Make the spin using more wrist movements rather than arm movements.

    2) When flying around in a 360, you do a 360 degree spin, then continue your original 360.

    If this is right, what may help is to stop the kite completely before doing the spin. Keep the kite in a side hover for a moment until you have equal tension on all lines, then perform the spin as described in the previous guess, and continue on your merry way.

    If none of these are what you need help with, then I think I need a bit more explaining to catch on... :innocent:

    Hi Watty,

    #2 best describes what I am trying to do. I was wondering if my lines are too short and if it would work better with a 90# line set. I have been told that the 90# lines when wrapped side one each other better then a 50# line set. I don't know if this is true or not. By your response it looks to me that a 360 spin is possible as discribed in the #2 response above. I tried today for about 30 minutes and could not control the kite after the 360 spin. I will try again tomorrow and pay close attention to keeping equal line tension on all four lines. What do you think about changing to a 90# line set?


    I've actually never used a 90 lb set indoors... ;) At the time when I got my indoor line sets, I just went with whatever sounded more fitting for indoors, and I bought some bulk 50lb Shanti Speed, and made all the indoor line sets I have today.

    After the spin, when does the kite do? Does it sort of lose it's power and sort of float out of the sky? This may happen if you try to make the spin to go too quick. As with going backwards, some air will get behind the sail and cause all of your control to go away. This is why keeping tension on all lines is helpful. When starting out, do a nice slow and controlled spin, then eventually you can build up more and more speed while keeping tension on the lines. When doing a fast spin, you may have to sort of jog backwards to keep your tension on the lines.

  8. Hi RescueRev,

    I'm not quite sure what i is you are having trouble with, but I have a couple of guesses...

    1) When flying the kite streight up or down, you do a 360degree spin then continue in the same direction.

    If this is right, then what may help is to slowly move backwards while doing the spin, and keep equal tension on all four lines. Make the spin using more wrist movements rather than arm movements.

    2) When flying around in a 360, you do a 360 degree spin, then continue your original 360.

    If this is right, what may help is to stop the kite completely before doing the spin. Keep the kite in a side hover for a moment until you have equal tension on all lines, then perform the spin as described in the previous guess, and continue on your merry way.

    If none of these are what you need help with, then I think I need a bit more explaining to catch on... :innocent:

  9. There is a good chance that I will be there along with my mom. We still have some details to work out, but if all goes well, I'll be there ready to have some fun!


    Did you know there's an Indoor Comp!!! How cool is that!!!

    FYI....did you give your mom and dad my cell phone number? Or even the TKS number? 866-ROKKAKU will ring thru on my cell at Long Beach.

    Also, if they need you, and can't get thru to us on the beach......we're staying at worldMark:

    WorldMark Long Beach

    420 Sid Snyder Drive SW

    Long Beach, WA 98631

    Ph: 360-642-2101

    Fax: 360-642-2269


    See you Thursday at PDX!! ;)


    Yea, I saw that! That was really the selling point for me.

    I actually just gave your cell number along with John's to my mom. I'm really excited XD

  10. Hi Watty,

    I put a reply to JB's post that should cover how today went. Also you were wright on about leading the kite it worked great. Thank you for the help. I won't be flying the indoor tomorrow. My friend Ron is coming down from Portland and we are going to Newport to fly on the beach so I won't fly the indoor again until Monday. I will give everyone an update next week. Thanks again for the advice.


    Always glad to help. ;D

  11. JB also suggested to let out my top lines to the last knot on the top leaders so I will be trying that also. I have been using the inner most knot to the handles. Thank you for the help.


    Yes, when I set up my indoor revs, I have the break lines pulled back one more knot than I do outdoors (I use the same handles for every kite I own.)

  12. As for a reverse 360, I tend to lead the kite around with my hands about 1-2 ft apart. The tricky thing about reverse indoors is that the kite will overcontroll quite easily. If you notice any air getting behind the sail, let off the break on that side a bit.

    For forward 360's, Keep your hands from 2"- 2ft apart and lead that kite around. When I say lead the kite, make sure you are telling the kite where to go. If you move your hands just a little ahead of the kite it tends to work well, just be careful not to get too ahead of it.

  13. Per Wen's request, the next video is now available on YouTube

    Windless With Watty - Fade

    SWeet!! it looks great Spence. I tried w/ two handles and didnt' get far. After seeing this, I'll have to try again. I was working w/ the single handle last night and I guess it was the fade. I'd to an overhead, pancake out keep a fade and pull it to me swoosh. it's as fast as the guilotene.

    Looking forward to the next one.

    BB Penny ~who's looking forward to your videos on guilotene, jumping and more.

    My next three videos that I have planned do involve a lot of ducking and jumping. :clap;

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