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About quaa714

  • Birthday 03/28/1960

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Whichever one I'm flying at the moment!
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Wherever there's a breeze!
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Hmmmm? Let's see.........
  • Gender

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  1. Love ya, bro. Gonna miss you

  2. hey there "doctor flailer" (RC) we miss you up north!,.... Smithsonian Folklife Festival in June, WSIKF in August, Sunfest in Sept, Nat'ls,..... you going to make any of these activities sir? It is so quiet on the line without you, it's barely any fun at all -plm when is smithsonian? Yes to Wsikf, Yes to Sunfest......and I have soooooo much to say! Miss my Pauls!
  3. 15s only unless I'm flying OPK in which case if you have 15s in your bag that you're not using, I'll use em for ya! Less input, more gooder results...... when one flys with a lot of down and drive with ones bottom fingers, only using the tips to do so, the benefits of longer handles make themselves abundantly clear. Subjectivity reigns...........so do slack lines!!!!!!!
  4. On and off the field in 5 minutes.....wrap on your handles....done!
  5. The key to a flat axel which no one has addressed yet is that the trailing edge (bottom point of sail) is what initiates the "flat" sail portion of the move. If that trailing edge doesn't come towards you on the initial move, the sail will never get flat and you will not get the slack into the line to begin the rotation. Probably one of the main reasons an axel fails is lack of the above. If you can get the trailing edge to point at you as the initiating move of the axel, the rest will come by completing the slack line rotation. Kinda makes you look like a flailer at first until you get the motion but as slack line fliers will tell you....there is nothing wrong with flailing....right Paul!?
  6. March yourself into flying smiles and demand to fly a 75% mesh. Tell em comras sent ya. Thats all you'll need to know................. errrrr.....leave out that last part about knowing me and you'll do just fine! Seriously tho.........borrow one of Cath or Elliot's store demo sails and fly the crap out of it.......then decide! Butter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Loosen up on your handles and let them sit more in the fingers than the palms of your hands. Then use your fingertips for your control inputs........and by all means, remember to breathe!
  8. quaa714

    your handle

    I had better not divulge the origins of my handle lest I be described as something/somewhat untowards. That said, if you use a little heads up it shouldn't be too difficult to find the result.......... How's that for cryptic?????!!!!!!!!
  9. A very happy birthday to my friend TK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Tom is correct..............I will have a huge grin on my face............always there!!!!! Look for me wearing a Rev Riders T-shirt. Oh yeah...........thats high praise from Cath. I hope I don't let her down!
  11. I WILL BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Duane, Much like your pictures comparison, no one wants to put a video up of a fly gone wrong but your thinking there is only correct when it comes to individual videos...imho. Group fly dynamics are such that there is usually a wide diversity in the experience level of the pilots. That is always taken into account at the start and as I said in a different post, there isn't a single person that started any differently then you. There are plenty of video examplesand pictures too, over in the rev forum of flys gone awry. They are an interesting study in my opinion because it gives a perspective of where things start to go wrong and lends to ideas on how to improve them overall. As for pictures.....there are plenty of them showing the after effects and work that goes into untangling. Check out the pics from Wildwood last year for example. Also, there is a young gentleman over on the rev forum as we speak, experiencing the same trepidations of flying on line, small group or otherwise. Sharing and talking it out could help. In addition, I fly now with a guy, 62 year old ex marine who's fear of group flying has totally washed away and has been replaced with the grin and laugh of a little kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again I say.......jump on over to the rev forum and express yourself there; you'll find it quite comfortable and beneficial!
  13. Duane, This post is not about names of moves and terminology as John has already covered that and yes, he most certainly is the master of phraseolgy when calling. I've followed behind many and they don't come any better. That said, the key takeaway that John gave you in his post is that these questions could also be more adaquately and thouroughly answered by a wider and more diverse group that has come up learning these moves and the phraseologies over on the Rev forum. The group there, myself included, all started in the same place as you.....a newbie. We don't bite and in fact, we like to "kiss"and "refuel" and "wrap" in mass quantities!!!! There isn't a single one person that I've met along the way that won't immediately stop flying to help someone out and put their kite in that person's hands in an effort to get that person up and flying sooner. Gods honest truth. I can name names of people who you can ask who have had the same trepidations as you and are now part of the bigger fold. For that matter, I could name those people over there that you could absolutely expect a response from with in the first 15 minutes of your asking. You offer tremendous insight into the learning process as you document all your trials, successes and failures along the way. Others there do that as well. I assure you, we've all been there. Get on over to the Rev forum and start asking your questions there; I think you'll be surprised with the responses and the quantity of them that you receive. I for one will surely welcome you with open arms and 15 inch handles, as will others. If nothing else, we serve milk and cookies and aha moments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. As it turns out, I'll be in Florida that weekend but not arriving in Ft Lauderdale til about 1PM on the 17th. Unfortunately that is approx 2 plus hours south of where you guys will be flying in Ft Pierce and thus, I don't think I'll be able to join you given the time constraints I'll have while there. Perhaps if Mr Denny could travel further south and you could pick a location substantially closer (say an hour) to Ft Lauderdale, I might be able to make it. If not, no worries and have an awesome time!!!!!!
  15. Nice job Guru!!!! Mr Denny is "the man"!!!!!!!!!!!
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