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Everything posted by quaa714

  1. Very nice vid Watty. Really enjoyed it. Thx for posting it.
  2. Oooh, sweet. I'd love a brandy new dualie! C'mon JB pull my number.....whatever it is!!!!
  3. Help me out Ant, how do I rationalize to my wife that we should take a 3 hour ride to the beach to fly kites when there is a closer beach under an hour away. Be creative please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Grenerally speaking and it should come as no surprise given my avatar that it's a safe bet I've got Good Ole Grateful Dead on the Ipod but anything jam related is good by me!
  5. Beautiful sails! Great colors.
  6. Great pics! Beautiful sail too. Very understated.
  7. WOW! Amazing! Noticed how slack the lines are coming back to you. Very cool. On my way to fly right now. 90 degrees, HHH! 12 WSW. A scorcher to be sure. Later.
  8. Congrats on getting the site back up John. A herculean task to be sure. Looks Amazing. NOW GO OUT AND FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Sending PM now. Would love to help out.
  10. I know there are new kites for sale at the festival but is there an area at Wildwood where people can bring their old rarely used kites and trade/sell/swap them? I have a few dual line kites that sit in my bag and are rarely if ever flown anymore for a number of reasons but mostly because REVS rock!!!
  11. I'm in Northern NJ. Essex county to be exact. About 40 minutes from Liberty State Park.
  12. Over the winter I've been tossing around the idea of buying a new Rev. A Bseries to be exact. $$$ being the issue and a wife who doesn't understand owning what would then be 3 Revs and asst dual liners, has made me reconsider. To that end, I recently bougt a full set of race rods so on lighter days I can get the lightness and flexibility they offer over the stiffer ultra light rods and wide SLE. I also removed the harness and "magic sticks" I'd put on previously. Now the kite has so much flex and is a ton lighter. So my questions are these: Clearly I'll be carrying my 1.5 rods and SLE with me for stronger winds, but what else can I do to make the kite more efficient? I currently have 4 different line sets 50 x 50, 90 x 50, 90 x 90 & 90 x 120. I mention this because where I live in NJ the areas available close by to fly means I fly most often on my 90# 50 footers. I hope to get out to fields that lend to flying longer lengths. With the lighter more flexible kite what length seems most appropriate? Any other tips tricks advice is greatly appreciated.
  13. I've been flying for a bunch of years now, mostly up in the Newport RI area. many yrs ago when I got my first EXP I noticed people (art, beth, steve sue, etc.) flying their quads on short lines and "magic sticks". Natch I had to have them right away. When i got my first 1.5 SLE I did the same. What a great way to fly. Somewhat heavy though. Kind of limited what type of wind to fly in. Now after 4 plus yrs with them on the 1.5 I actually took the harness off to see how much difference the weight loss made without the sticks and harness. Of course the most enjoyable part of having the sticks was dropping the handles anywhere and not having to stake the kite.
  14. When did you first fly a sport kite? Had to be back around '84 or so. What kite was it? Team Hawaiian How did it happen? Was hanging with a college buddy in Greenwich Ct. His brother and a couple of friends were wowing everyone with their "mad" skills with these cool rainbow colored kites. I didnt know anything about kiting at the time but was hooked instantly. One quick fly was all it took. Walked away from the park with two kites. A team Hawaiian and a Hawaiian UL. Both given to me by Bill Edison. After your first flight, what was your first kite purchase? Was so long ago I don't remember. I was spending alot of time up in Newport RI where I became fast and lasting friends with Sue M and Steve S. who have sold me numerous kites over the years and have given me invaluable tips and intro'd me to many in the kiting community.
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