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Everything posted by quaa714

  1. I know you're being funny and believe me, I'm all about fun and sarcarsm, etc. especially the sarcasm, but seriously, over on the REV forum, at the end of each post on the left, there is a button that takes you to the top of the page where you can than navigate back to the "view new posts" button. Over here, the "back to top" button is all the way at the bottom left. I just find it easier to have it after each post rather than scroll back up to the top or down to the bottom to find it or continuously hit the back button until you get back to the new topics page. Stupid, lazy crap that's all.
  2. Where's the "top of page" button???
  3. Keeps them coming back for more!!!!!:) As you know Iam old school dualie. Original Hawaiians, Crystal Power kite, etc.....None of the stand offs, yo yo stoppers here!!!:lol:
  4. Get it out there JB!!!! By all means give people the opportunity to see what we do, what we love and what we're so passionate about. Soon after, they'll realize and see the importance of supporting the subscription theme to keep the site up and running. Besides, so much is already available at no cost on facebook, youtube, etc.
  5. What the heck's a dual line kite? Flame on!!!!!
  6. 3 letter for ya Ken...............................RNG Random Number Generator........plays no favorites and doesn't understand reverse psychology...
  7. Congrats BAWS~~~!!!!!!! Another inductee into the dark side. Cath and Eliott are great people.
  8. Liking the PRO Classic here! Vote cast.
  9. AWESOME NEWS my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tick Tock, Tick Tock!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Available/open for girls to share too? Let me know... NO BRATS ALLOWED............................unless her name is JYNX!!!!!!!!!!!! Re you going to WISKF???????? Fror real???????????
  11. Much as I would love to hang with you guys on Saturdday, I'll be up in Newport for the weekend. Have an awesome time. Watch the tram car please~!~!
  12. Coming out as part of small Jersey Crew contingent for my first (but not likely last ) WISKF!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited!!!!!!!!! I'll be there Thursday to Monday!!!!! With Newport, RI followed on by NJSKC next week that leaves only a few short weeks until WISKF.....bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. :confused!: Anywhere in these areas that give lessens? There are 2 great stores you can contact. In OC, MD check out The Kite Loft on 5th and the boardwalk, ask for Jay. In OBX, NC check out Flying Smiles Kites and ask for Cathy.
  14. Jeez Dean....that's crazy!!!!!!!!!! That is/was a brandy new kite for you if I remember correctly. Hope you and Bazz and Rev were able to work something out to get it repaired.
  15. Wow!!!!! Crappy day to be sure! Ernie, wherever you are, I hope you heal up fine!!!! I must however take issue with your "blame" comment. It's very easy to place the blame on rap music,reality TV, the media, etc. as you suggest, but kids are products of their environment and you need look/blame no further than their own homes and parents. Period, end of story.
  16. Nicely done....Love the cut edit at the end with the walk out! Hhahaha!
  17. GOTCHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Couldn't resist! Never pass on an opportunity to have a good laugh at Antman's expense. I love that guy!
  19. No worries on the lines Dodd. I'll have a set for you to use. It's the least I can do. My son still talks about the dualie lessons you gave him in Newport a few yrs back.
  20. Think I'm gonna take a pass on WW this year. Too far to drive, no real buzz about the event, those Jersey people are rude, the Rev guys ruin it for everyone and then of course there's that guy, Anthony, claims the beach is his, etc etc. I could go on and on with reasons not to go but safe to say the above sentiments are a good indicator of how I feel. ARE YOU FN KIDDING????????????? OF COURSE I'M GOING TO WW. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Not sure how close they live to Nashville but Mel and Scott live in Tennessee. Don't know if they come on kitelife but you can post on the rev forum to reach them.
  22. Yea well move over and make some room cause I'm coming to play in your sandbox!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so psyched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. WALT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jealous yes....but oh so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. All good here but I just tossed your cookies!
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