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Everything posted by BillLamm

  1. good site.. I will check it out
  2. I have a kiting buddy who is going to visit family in the L.A. area in mid October.. He is taking one of my quads and a couple of dualies.. where are great places to fly and maybe hook up with some local fliers for a few hours?? Thanks in advance
  3. Chrome seems to be my favorite lately.. FF has become to full of fluff and too slow.. IE would be un-installed if I didn't need it for a dealing with the state government's web sites...
  4. Darn!!! my birthday is April 6th!?! now I know I wont win
  5. Who would notice??? we would all be looking at the kites in the sky?!?!?!
  6. maybe its afraid of bears??
  7. Love it.. great kite.. makes me think though..
  8. mine has a long multi strip ribbon and a whirligig tail (kinda like this one)
  9. I may have to sneak out and push the car up the block but I am planing on it
  10. yeah.. I think this thing needs a good wind... I had mine out today and it didn't want to fly and I didn't want to run but I got plenty of time with my Rev
  11. yes, the tow point is set (currently) at 33" from the nose on a 44" bridal line... the tow point needs to be movable to adjust for different wind conditions... that black ring is the tow point.. looks like its larksheaded already.. I think the factory bridal is set at 44" and two 22" lines but having the ability to adjust the long line right to left on the line between wheels may help with some adjustments (you need to ask around over at Kitebuilder.com for more details than that, see you there
  12. I think I have that kite.. 58" wing span, its a 3 point bridle, the two off the wheels meet the one off the nose at 22 inches from each wheel. the tow point ring on mine is at s 33 inches from the nose. the nose bridle is 44" long from nose to the other two bridle lines.. the tow point ring is larks headed to the line for adjustment... hope that helps
  13. I hope.. gotta big day Sunday and if my homework is not done Friday my wife will not let me go out to play...
  14. Isn't IQuad at MOTS in Milwaukee the day after the drawing??? just bring my kite with you
  15. Way to go Connor... you have shown more Americans the modern sport kite world than any one else in who knows how long... I think you are neck and neck with Ben Franklin when it comes to names most people relate to kiting... I am curious to know what sort of interest in kiting this brings to AKA, Revolution Kites, kite forums and retailers?? is Rev going to need temporary customer support hotline staff?!?!?! I am currently available... will work for kite
  16. a pretty friendly/helpfull group over at http://www.fighterkitecentral.com as well..
  17. I for one commend you for your noble effort. (FWIW)
  18. "... this thread will self destruct in XX posts..." that is sad that you can't get that kite back to its owner?? Maybe they tried flying it and couldn't got peeved and left... I say all that presuming you posted ome lost/found poster near the abandonment site..
  19. that depends... what rods are we flying with.. 2 wraps less bumps, 4 wraps more bumps.. SLE rods priceless breakless
  20. i know how you feel.. its a roller coaster... kite flying can be a very therapeutic escape form the lack of midday TV shows.. and it can also be a $$ sponge bigger wing span will be more rewarding, start simple and save your milk money.
  21. I'm no expert so I am sure better heads can chime in on this... I bought a $30 dual line kite a while back, it flies pretty good and probably with stiffer spars it would fly better... I have yet to master the flat spins and stuff but I think most of the skill is in the hands of the pilot.. it may be a good way to get going and then when a good used kite comes along you will be ready to grow into it... you will be happier with the quality kite but I am like you as far as budget.. too much time to fly means too little money to buy..
  22. I did say something a face book... and posted a link to one of his competition flights... how long do they expect him to perform live?!?! I wold think his competitive experience is proof positive he can perform for a stanard song length?? how many times per day do you typically fly in competitions?
  23. thats part of my tactic I don't know my number.. so less stress for me if the winners are close
  24. You Meany!!!
  25. I'm off the grid for a week so if I don't respond to my big win right away be patient
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