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Everything posted by RaginCajun

  1. That's what it's all about. Putting in time, finding stuff out and seeing what works for you.
  2. We are having a Club Fly at the Ft Walton Beach Boardwalk, the location of the fest, the 13th of April. Just showing our support for Kitty Hawk Kites and hopefully they'll get a few kite sales out of the deal. Everyone is invited to come join in the fun. The day before, Saturday, we are having a kiting demo downtown Pensacola in support of the Arthritis Foundation's Annual Arthritis Walk. The more the merrier I say. If anyone is interested in more details, you can contact me @ welovekites@aol.com
  3. Just putting this out there because I believe it was mentioned in this thread: KittyHawk Kites Ft Walton Beach fest is cancelled. Their Destin Beach fest at Noriego Point is on and scheduled for October 18-19.
  4. For my dualie set up I have left and right marked on my various straps and linesets. Usually the sleeving is a different color. For my 5 sets of Rev handles I do not. It truly makes no difference. What I do have marked on all my sets of Rev lines is top and bottom.
  5. I always get the left and right verticals mixed up
  6. Most DEFINITELY Barton! I would really enjoy that! What's the chances of you coming to Ft Walton next month for KHK'S fest?
  7. Stupid phone. Doubling my posts and won't let me delete.
  8. Mine is the winning design...
  9. Oh HELL YEAH!!! You're going to have a blast!!!Absolutely LOVE to show you the ropes. Holla when it gets closer to the date, I'll let you know where we're staying. 850-293-4996
  10. RaginCajun

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    I agree Pete. I've been smoke free since November 13th, 2011 and I owe it all to vaping.
  11. I really love my 1.8 around 20-22mph. Pulls like a beast and is lightning fast . I highly discourage flying in those winds until you are VERY good at controlling the kite. It can be very dangerous at those speeds especially if you hit someone with it. And those are the winds that WILL blow cells. I've seen it happen numerous times in small and large foils. Fortunately I've never blown a cell, but it can happen and then its pretty much game over for the kite. I have seen blown cells repaired, but it takes an experienced person to do it.
  12. RaginCajun

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    Smoking and vaping should both be done responsibly. I never smoked around nonsmokers and people that would be affected by it. The same with vaping. I have seen the arrogant vapors that I'm sure you all have seen. At the end of the day, it's all about respect. Respecting your fellow man and not being offensive with your vices.
  13. RaginCajun

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    Here's one more and I'm done.. Lol http://m.ibtimes.com/e-cigarette-secondhand-smoke-study-finds-nicotine-few-toxins-1507608
  14. RaginCajun

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    Here's another http://m.nydailynews.com/1.1565760
  15. RaginCajun

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    Check this out -http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2135271/
  16. RaginCajun

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    Germs in vape? There's germs in exhaled breath. I'm a considerate vaper,never in someone's face or personal space. I agree cigarette smoking should not be indoors. Vaping is exponentially safer for the vaper and bystanders. There are NO harmful chemicals in exhaled vape, just a lot of misinformation circulating around.
  17. RaginCajun

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    after 3 days of vapormy wheezing went away and after 1 week my smokers cough was completely gone. Doctors even recommend vaping.
  18. RaginCajun

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    in no way possible is vaping worse than smoking.
  19. RaginCajun

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    My newest device, go it today. K100 with a kick and a Kanger Protank II. And my new favorite flavor blend- coffee, caramel mocha, and french vanilla ice cream. Mmmmm
  20. That's awesome news Capt Bob!!! I was going to let you get your feet wet on your dualie before I suggested a Rev. I LOVE all my Revs, EXP, B's, B2's,even a few Pro 's. It's nice to have a variety of kites in the bag to choose from. And when there's no wind, or bad weather, you can fly indoors as well. Talk to Wayne about indoors Rev flying if you have a question, as I haven't moved my Rev flying indoors yet. Just read the forums as they are a wealth of information about anything kites you can think of. Welcome to the Dark side.. We have cookies.
  21. I have a Rush IV 300 Pro that came with 300# lines but everything else they sell smaller comes with 150# or less.
  22. All the ones I have gotten from Kitty Hawk Kites have came with 150# lines. I wish they came stock with 300#.
  23. Go for the 300#,nit that much weight difference.
  24. And yes, definitely upgrade the line set if you plan on flying in higher winds. Winds above say 15 or so will pop 150# easy. Especially when turning while in the powerzone, the part of the wind window directly in front of you.
  25. You have more freedom of movement using straps as opposed to the bar. With the bar, you're limited to the length of the bar for inputs. Some find it easier flying on a bar. I prefer straps but have both.
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