Thats how i found mine. After searching google, i checked every site that claimed to have one, then i called each one. The calls went something like this.
Call 1- "Hi! Do you have the rev kite bag in stock?" No Sir, they've been sold out for months now.
Call 2- "Hello! Do you happen to have the rev kite bag on hand?" Did you call yesterday? No ma'am. Are you sure?! I had this exact same call yesterday, No we dont have them. Sorry.
Call 3 "Howdy! I was looking online and your site said you have a rev kite bag in stock, I was just calling to confirm this." Well we dont have on in stock here, BUT our warehouse might have them, if you want i can give you their number to call. (to which i accepted)
call 4 to warehouse " I was told to contact you reguarding a Rev kite bag that you might have in stock. "We cant find it in our store, it must be lost. Well remove it from our system." Thanks for looking! i said.
Call 5 "It says here you have a rev kite bag in stock, can i get you to confirm that?" Actually we do not. We havent updated our site in a long time..
call 6 "Looking online it says you might have a rev bag in stock. is that accurate? No, you must have waited a coule moneths too long. We sold out almost as fast as we got em. Good luck!
then i got lucky. and on call 7 i got him to put it in his hands. Finally! i found one! asked if they accepted paypal and. . . .they did not!
Nooooo! thats all i got! I finally found one, have the money for it, but cant pay for it. After a half day of brainstorming i was able to figure out how to finagle it to work. I then purchased it for around 130 WITH shipping included.
I doubt i would have appreciated this bag near as much had i not had such a roller coaster ride to get a confirm that a place had it.