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Everything posted by Dust

  1. Is there no Baws kite shops in Hawai'i? Id have figured at least one good one somewhere near there. I have to drive a few hours for our clostest kite shop and rev dealer, but its sad to hear about you long wait in getting your rev. Hope it shows up soon bro! Mahalo!
  2. Thats how i found mine. After searching google, i checked every site that claimed to have one, then i called each one. The calls went something like this. Call 1- "Hi! Do you have the rev kite bag in stock?" No Sir, they've been sold out for months now. Call 2- "Hello! Do you happen to have the rev kite bag on hand?" Did you call yesterday? No ma'am. Are you sure?! I had this exact same call yesterday, No we dont have them. Sorry. Call 3 "Howdy! I was looking online and your site said you have a rev kite bag in stock, I was just calling to confirm this." Well we dont have on in stock here, BUT our warehouse might have them, if you want i can give you their number to call. (to which i accepted) call 4 to warehouse " I was told to contact you reguarding a Rev kite bag that you might have in stock. "We cant find it in our store, it must be lost. Well remove it from our system." Thanks for looking! i said. Call 5 "It says here you have a rev kite bag in stock, can i get you to confirm that?" Actually we do not. We havent updated our site in a long time.. call 6 "Looking online it says you might have a rev bag in stock. is that accurate? No, you must have waited a coule moneths too long. We sold out almost as fast as we got em. Good luck! then i got lucky. and on call 7 i got him to put it in his hands. Finally! i found one! asked if they accepted paypal and. . . .they did not! Nooooo! thats all i got! I finally found one, have the money for it, but cant pay for it. After a half day of brainstorming i was able to figure out how to finagle it to work. I then purchased it for around 130 WITH shipping included. Score! I doubt i would have appreciated this bag near as much had i not had such a roller coaster ride to get a confirm that a place had it.
  3. Dust


    That wing is MASSIVE! how do you like it?
  4. Dust


    That story brought a smile to my face Pete. Thanks for sharing! 4 miles! wow @_@ Ive not had any exp with birds and kite, but when i flew RC gliders for areal vids, there was more than once when a mocking bird (B-martin some knw them by) took several swoops and making contact more than once. Never cought it on video, was always pointing the other way, but get too close to their babies, they will defend! haha
  5. NICE! I bet youll sell it quick now. There be folks wanting one of these, but like myself thought they were all gone. Glad to hear there are a few still hanging out looking for homes.
  6. Nailed it. I ordered a symphony 2.2 trainer but i doubt ill go bigger. I was hesitant at first, but for the price, 100 or so buck for a foil strong enough to pull me across grass in gusts, would be more than sufficient to satisfy my desire for a stronger pull, but nothing to pick me up. I too like in the midwest USA (Misouri) and there isnt smooth wind here. Mainly the reason for justifing the expense of getting a zen to put in my bag (along with a Pro B Std, HQ bolero2, GFAK Hurricane 84", and symphony 1.3)
  7. I get the last Rev bag on the internet. I gotta get it filled, and im still designing my Zen. I'd do this kite justice. <3
  8. NICE! from one artist to another, that is excellent design!
  9. Both excellent tips. I had thought about modding the exterior to make it a bit more colorful, but hadnt thought about modding the setup itself. . . Thanks!
  10. After digging around some of the darker parts of the internet and about a dozen calls all over the USA, i was able to find and purchase a Rev Kit bag from a seemingly lesser known kite shop online. Much to my surprise it came today, and i just want to add to the already glowing reviews of this masterpiece accessory of organization and neatness wrapped in rugged function with a shoulder sling to leave your hand open during transport. Mesh bottoms lets the sand out, and the thick padding keeps the heat out. I dont know when or if theyll ever relaese another batch, but if you can find one, if you look hard enough, you may find one too! Dust
  11. Excellent advise Stroke. Wish id read this before my first flight, as my crashes would have been lessened in intensity, but it still showed zero signs of damage, or even signs of impact. Beautiful art in the sky at our command. LOVE it. i have Breathe and Relax tattooed on each wrist. My post-ee notes for when times get tense.
  12. Im usually a tad behind... thats ok though, cause i was able to find a Rev kite bag for sale online that i was able to buy a few days ago. A few phone calls and some scouring of some of the darker recesses of the internet turned up something thought to be un-findable. Maybe next time
  13. This would be an excellent addition to my bag. /fingers crossed Dust
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