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Everything posted by bbailey49

  1. First, John, once again I would like to voice my sincerest thanks for what you do here and the awesomeness we get to take part in. I have a couple of questions on the description: "adjustable handles"...does this mean leaders with multiple knots, never heard it described like that. Second, where do the weights go?
  2. John, I personally see no need for you to apologize. You've got to take care of you and yours. Congrats, Scott. That little kite should be a hoot!
  3. Good evening, John. How are things in the Pacific Northwest?
  4. There are a few folks online right now, more than normal. I wonder how many are waiting to see if the RNG will speak?
  5. 1052...1111...1122
  6. ...and the time ticks down until we find out that I have won this kite. I can't wait.
  7. Don't look now, but it's DRAWING DAY!!! The day we all find out that the vented B2 is coming home to me.
  8. I have no issue whatsoever with you being in the drawing, John. It would be a little different to get in on the drawing to give away something that's already yours, but by all means... I was just asking if it was for real. Go 000
  9. Ask not what the AKA can do for you, but what you can do for the AKA
  10. Paul, you have to say "I'm in"
  11. Wow! What a response so far
  12. Sounds like things went well. I know you will defer, but a lot of the credit goes to you. Congratulations!
  13. Welcome back to the world, JB. I hope the convention wasn't too stressful.
  14. I'm in. I will win with the number 1 eventually
  15. What could possibly be more silly is going gangster on the simple computer program when regular attempts to gain favor fail. Not criticizing, just saying that I am curious as to how the RNG will respond to that. You may be onto something, in which case "Gimme this kite, RNG, you beeeotch" or you may not, in which case "Sorry, RNG, he started it". Either way, the kite will still be mine!
  16. Nick, the solution to that problem for me is simple. I personally am not going to install them on the top. Like you, I don't think I will notice the extra length on the bottom. When I get a batch made (and have outfitted my handles) if anyone is even interested in buying them (which I doubt since there are practically free solutions out there), then they are welcome to getting 2 sets to do the top and the bottom. Was thinking about giving away a set or 2 as a Karma prize maybe along with something else. A set of traditional handles with hog's rings adapted with the inserts in the bottom only would be around $20 cheaper than no snag handles. Plus, the stainless steel tube of the traditional handles is stiffer than the solid aluminum rod the no-snag handles are made from.
  17. Wow! I'm just gonna sit back here and watch the RNG exact it's revenge for that silliness.
  18. I meant the feel for me. I am a thumb on top flyer, but to get my thumb on top of the handle with the insert my hand would be half way off of the cushioning. that wouldn't be comfortable to me for an extended flying period.
  19. I've never snagged, top or bottom, but I suppose that's because I did the other re-mode, a long time ago. Your work looks really good. The only reason I ask about the tops, is purely for aesthetic reasons. I'm sure, there will be lots of people that "simply" want, the top and bottom of their handles, to look alike........... Maybe not ? Just thinking out-loud !!! You're probably right. I was actually worried about the additional length added above the cushioning and whether that would change how it feels to fly.
  20. Thanks, Nick. I'm tweaking some dimensions to see if I can squeeze a couple more sets out of a 36" aluminum rod, to make it a little better economically. Then once I'm no longer worried about being furloughed, I will get a batch made and start testing. I'm hoping to get the break-even at somewhere around $10 a set so that maybe I could sell a few if folks are interested. I wasn't planning on putting them on the top, because I've never snagged on the top loop. I snag all the time on the bottom.
  21. I'm never gonna get to give away my prize! Congratulations, Dragonfish! Just realized the quantum shift in my thoughts towards this concept. At first, I wanted to win the prize and was scared about finding something to give away. Now, I want to win so that I can give something away. hmmm
  22. These are the prototypes. The real ones will have a bit more distance between the end of the handle and the hole. I plan to put a short piece of heat shrink over that area to bridge between the transition from the handle to the insert to prevent snagging. All you do is remove the loop and rubber end and clean up the burrs from the loop and the end of the handle (I use a drill). Then use some JB Weld to secure the insert in place.
  23. I've actually had some pieces made at a local machine shop that will adapt the bottom of a standard handle into a no-snag. So you get the strength of the stainless steel tube with an aluminum insert that is epoxied in place that has the single hole like the no-snag handles. Working on some pictures.
  24. Eli, please give my regards to Fort Jackson. Never served, but we used to fly RC planes at an old range out there when I was at USC. Had a lot of good times. I can't think right off hand of any good open flying spots in Columbia. I'll ponder on it for a bit. As far as flying in Charleston, I can point you to my favorite beach on Sullivan's Island, where I first flew a Rev. I'll PM you the directions to there and any potential spots I think of in Columbia. Sadly I won't be able to be down there to join you, but I hope you can find someone to fly with.
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