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esinger last won the day on November 11 2022

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1 Follower

About esinger

  • Birthday 10/10/1963

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Single, dual and quad lines kites
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Greensboro, NC
  • Country
    United States
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Kitelife Regular

Kitelife Regular (4/7)



  1. Welcome back. unfortunately kiting has declined since the 90's. Manufacturers aren't as numerous, especially in the US. Definitely check out Lam Hoac's kites. He enjoys conversation and is very helpful. I also like my LumoKites by Antonis Loumiotis A lot of top flyers are making and flying kites based on open source plans http://www.kareloh.com/kite-plans I've been told that Krijn Hemminga can make a lot of the open source sails and you just add the hardware. Check out Virtual Freestyle for some great trick performances and to see what kites top flyers are competing with http://vf.kiteclique.com/
  2. This Vega UL is a really good deal from a respected maker
  3. The Silver Fox 2.2 is an excellent kite for the money. It's available at the Kite Shoppe
  4. Thank you so much for the history of these kites. When I received them, there definitely was a mental question about why two sets of the exact same kites. Now I know. That's a great picture! Thank you for sharing. Eric
  5. Thanks Barry. Did you ever stack them while you owned them? I found that I enjoyed it more than flying a single Synergy Deca. They become more stable and even more floaty. Thank you again for selling me these kites. My next attempt will probably be a 3 stack of Minergys Eric
  6. Stacked my two Synergy Deca Zero Winds. I really liked their floaty behavior.
  7. I'll be there with James in the early afternoon on Saturday.
  8. I'm in!! Great Karma!
  9. Here's the same Minergy Deca Zero Wind stack being flown indoors. Much more difficult.
  10. I put two of the Minergy Deca Zero Wind kites in a stack and flew them outside. Hope to try fly the stack indoors next.
  11. Thanks again Barry. I just received everything I believe I need to repair the others. So hopefully I'll have quite a few more to fly soon
  12. I decided to take the Minergy Zero Wind outside. Here is a short video of me flying the little kite Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using KiteLife mobile app
  13. Here's a short video from my second time flying the Minergy Deca Zero Wind. Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using KiteLife mobile app
  14. Nice videos from Cirque du Soleil. I'll have to put together a video once I get some more time on the lines. Haven't seen anything smaller than Zero Wind Great Decas in these videos, so I could add to the community some with those kites. This is the most impressive video I've found so far. Plus I enjoy his dual line style too.
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