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About pickensw

  • Birthday December 28

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Mayan Double Delta Conyne Kite
  • Location
    Kerby, Or
  • Country
    United States
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  1. View Advert Gomberg rainbow transition tails I am looking for some Gomberg transition kite tails in rainbow color. I am looking for two 24 Footers and a 96 footer. Thanks, Will Advertiser pickensw Date 04/22/2022 Price $1,234 Category Accessories Brand Model  
  2. It says they have 2 of them. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Kite-Mega-Power-Sled-81-Kite-PR-12742/391198336038?epid=1412206144&hash=item5b153ce426:g:MY0AAOSwDNdVonFc Will
  3. I'm in! This will look so nice under my Barbara Meyer DDC! Will
  4. I'm in - Just to see if I am picked last again by RNG. Not sure where I left my Karma but it's gone/empty/dead/dryed up/(add your own)!
  5. While doing some research on a Quadrifoil Kite I saw on Craigslist I ran across these videos.
  6. I'm in! - Just to throw a wrench in the works.
  7. mtgrizzly, Thanks for the Karma drawing but like you I just don't have the wind or time and I really need to get out and fly my rev more. I really wish work would die down and the winds pick up!!! Will
  8. I made some Storm Force anchors for my FF16 on 250# and my 12' Mayan DDC on 500# line. I will try and get a pic later if needed. Mine are 12" long with 3 10" spikes on the back side of the tie-down and 2 on the tie-down side. The end spikes make an "X" in the ground. I fly on grass soccer and football fields at a local high school so they are well watered grounds. Winds can reach up to 25-30mph. I always bring them down when the FF gets jumpy. I have had one mishap. I placed them about 25yrds apart and while I was flying my Prism 1.4, the wind picked up and before I could get to them the FF crossed the line of the DDC and it's line got cut. It only took ~10sec(if that long) and then I was chasing it across a bean field. The line was melted no fraying at all on either end! I use to use fingerless gloves with a stretch mess on the back until one time it melted a nice thin line on the back of the glove. Full Leather Gloves NOW! Will
  9. I was finally able to get out the last 2 days, temps have been around the 60's so I got out my Prism 1.4 yesterday. Today I put up my Meyer 12' DDC and played around with the rev for about an hour. It was a great day!!! Will
  10. Way to go! Thanks for the drawing Rob! Will
  11. Thanks Everyone! With out having a kite shop here in Idaho I was just hoping to get in the door and see some new stuff. We are headed to Belvidere on the 29th for my wife's sister birthday and we will have 2 full days there. Not sure what our plans are but if there was a shop in the area(Chicago/Schaumburg/Rockland) I would stop in. We are flying in and out of Madison, WI. Thanks for the advice. PS I really don't mind paying shipping but would really like to talk about kites to someone in person! I have been known to drive 300 miles for free corals. Talk about spendy shipping!
  12. I will be in the Rockford area at the end of the month and was wondering if there is a shop where I can find some Rev items? I am looking to get a new LE. I only have the SLE set for my 1.5. Thanks, Will
  13. I'm In. As the collection is growing I could use some transport storage. Still need to find something to put that Hyper-Kite stack in!
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